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Distance spectrum calculation of convolutional encoded CPM Lazic, D.; Kandus, G.; Javornik, T. 1994. In: Proceedings. COST 229 WGs 3+5+6, Workshop on Intelligent Terminals and Source and Channel Coding, Budapest, Hungary 1993. S. 161-170
Optimierung von Bauteilen mit CAOSS und VECFEM/S Sauter, J.; Müller, O.; Allinger, P.; Brandel, B. 1994. Softwareentwicklung für Supercomputer : Tagungsband; 3. und 4. März 1994, Universität Karlsruhe. Hrsg.: A. Schreiner, 57–89, Univ. Karlsruhe Rechenzentrum
Towards acceptable key Escrow systems Beth, T.; Knobloch, H.-J.; Otten, M.; Simmons, G.; Wichmann, P. 1994. Karlsruhe 1994. (Report. E.I.S.S., Universität Karlsruhe. 1994,6.) und In: Proceedings. 2nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Fairfax, VA 1994. S. 51-58
Conference Key Distribution Protocols in Distributed Systems Beth, T.; Klein, B.; Otten, M. 1994. In: Proceedings. 4th IMA Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Cirencester, England 1993. Codes and ciphers. Ed.: P.G. Farrell. The Inst. of Math. and its Appl. 1994. S. 225-243
Valuation of trust in open networks Beth, T.; Klein, B.; Borcherding, M. 1994. In: Computer security. ESORICS 94. Ed.: D. Gollmann. Berlin 1994. S. 3-18. (Lecture notes in computer science. 875.)
Construction of algebraic wavelet coefficients Beth, T.; Klappenecker, A.; Nückel, A. 1994. In: Proceedings. ISITA ’94, Sydney, Australia 1994. The Inst. of Eng., Australia. 1994. S. 341-344
Modern concepts for computer-aided design in diffractive optics Beth, T.; Aagedal, H.; Teiwes, S.; Schwarzer, H. 1994. In: Proceedings. International Optical Design Conference, Rochester, USA 1994. Ed.: G.W. Forbes. Vol. 22. Opt. Soc. of Amer. 1994. S. 257-260
Protocol failure Beth, T. (Ed.) 1994. New York, NY 1994. (Journal of cryptology. Special issue. 7,2.)
Architekturen für algebraische Wavelets Beth, T. 1994. In: Proceedings. Diskussionssitzung der beiden ITG-Fachgruppen Integrierte Schaltungen für die Signalverarbeitung, Algorithmen für die Signalverarbeitung, TU Hamburg-Harburg 1994
Designs, codes and puzzles Beth, T. 1994. In: Tagungsbericht Designs and Codes, Oberwolfach 1994. Oberwolfach : Math. Forschungsinst. 1994. S. 3-4
Microscopic simulation of traffic flow Reiter, U. 1994. In: 1. Mathmod Vienna. Proceedings of the IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling 1994. Vol. 5. S. 791-794
Durability aspects of high-strength concrete Guse, U.; Hilsdorf, H. K. 1994. In: Proceedings. ACI International Conference "High Performance Concrete", Singapore 1994. Suppl. pap. S. 233-254
Nonlinear relations for creep Rottler, S.; Hilsdorf, H. K. 1994. In: Proceedings of workshop: Development of EN 1992 in relation to new research results and the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990, Czech Tech. Univ., Prague 1994. S. 163
Design rules for FRC Lin, Y.-Z.; Hilsdorf, H. K. 1994. In: Failure mechanics of fibre-reinforced concrete and pre-damaged structures. Task 2: Constitutive relations and design rules for cementitious composites. Subtask 2.4. Task report BRITE-EURAM project no. BE-3275. 1994. (51 S.)
Verification experiments on FRC structural elements: static loading Lin, Y.-Z.; Hilsdorf, H. K. 1994. In: Failure mechanics of fibre-reinforced concrete and pre-damaged structures. Task report no. 5: Experimental database of medium-sized fibre-reinforced and pre-damaged concrete elements. BRITE-EURAM project no. BE-3275. 1994. S. 227-255
Verification for fibre-reinforced concrete structures load carrying capacity of FRC pipes Lin, Y.-Z.; Hilsdorf, H. K. 1994. In: Failure mechanics of fibre-reinforced concrete and pre-damaged structures. Task 7: Verification of predictive methods and design rules with aid of experimental ... Brite-EuRam programme, project no BE-3275, contract no BREU-0070. 1994. S. 61-66