Robust Multi-Agent Systems: The Transactional Conversation Approach Nimis, J.; Lockemann, P. C. 2004. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Safety and Security in Multiagent Systems (SaSeMAS2004), New York City, NY, USA, July 2004, 73–84, New York City (NY)
Measuring 4-local n-qubit observables could probalistically solve PSPACE Wocjan, P.; Janzing, D.; Decker, T.; Beth, T. 2004. Proceedings of the Winter International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies (WISICT Ž04), Cancun, Mexiko, 05.08.2004. Hrsg.: M. Aleksy, 228–229, Computer Science Press
On Quantum MDS Codes Rötteler, M.; Grassl, M.; Beth, T. 2004. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2004, ISIT 2004, Chicago, 27.06.2004, 355
Bit String Commitment Reductions with a Non-Zero Rate Nascimento, A.; Müller-Quade, J.; Imai, H. 2004. Topics in cryptology - CT-RSA 2004. The cryptographers’ track at the RSA Conference 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 23 - 27, 2004; proceedings. Hrsg.: T. Okamoto, 179–193, Springer-Verlag
Hidden Markov Models for the Analysis and Classification of Ultrasound Data Moldenhauer, J.; Beth, T.; Mende, U. 2004. CARS 2004 - computer assisted radiology and surgery. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition, Chicago, USA, June 23 - 26, 2004. Hrsg.: H. U. Lemke, 231–236, Elsevier
One-Trial Electromagnetic Attack on Modular Exponentiation Lazic, D. E.; Beth, T.; Geiselmann, W.; Wichmann, P. 2004. Conference record. 5th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC). Jan. 14 - 16, 2004, Erlangen. Hrsg.: W. Koch, 111–116, VDE Verlag
On Modelling IND-CCA Security in Cryptographic Protocols Hofheinz, D.; Müller-Quade, J.; Steinwandt, R. 2004. Proceedings of the Central European Conference on Cryptology, WARTACRYPT 04, Warschau, 01.07.2004, 47–49, Warschau
Universally Composable Commitments Using Random Oracles Hofheinz, D.; Müller-Quade, J. 2004. Theory of cryptography. 1st Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2004, Cambridge, MA, USA, February 19 - 21, 2004; proceedings. Hrsg.: M. Naor, 58–76, Springer-Verlag
Baloon Based Vertebra Separation in CT Images Hahn, M.; Beth, T. 2004. Proceedings. 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. CBMS 2004, 24 - 25 June 2004, Bethesda, Maryland, 310–315, IEEE Computer Society
New Good Linear Codes by Special Puncturings Grassl, M.; White, G. 2004. Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 200, ISIT 2004, Chicago, 27.06.2004, 454, Chicago
On SIC-POVMs and MUBs in Dimension 6 Grassl, M. 2004. Proceedings Erato Conference on Quantum Information Science, EQIS 2004, Tokyo, 01.09.2004, 60–61, Tokyo
On Provably Secure Encryption Schemes Based on Non-Abelian Groups Gonzáles Vasco, M. I.; Martìnez, C.; Steinwandt, R.; Villar, J. 2004. Proceedings of the 8th Spanish Conference on Cryptology and Information Security, RESCI 04, Madrid, 15.09.2004, 101–111, Madrid
Yet Anoter Sieving Device Geiselmann, W.; Steinwandt, R. 2004. Topics in cryptology - CT-RSA 2004. The cryptographers’ track at the RSA Conference 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 23 - 27, 2004; proceedings. Hrsg.: T. Okamoto, 278–291, Springer-Verlag
Analysis of Drill Sound in Spine Surgery Boesnach, I.; Hahn, M.; Moldenhauer, J.; Beth, T.; Spetzger, U. 2004. Perspective in image-guided surgery. Proceedings of the Scientific Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization; RheinAhrCampus Remagen, Germany, 11 - 12 March. Hrsg.: T. M. Buzug, 77–84, World Scientific Publishing
An Algebra for Composing on Enterprise Privacy Policies Backes, M.; Dürmuth, M.; Steinwandt, R. 2004. Computer security - ESORICS 2004. 9th European Symposium on Research Computer Security, Sophia Antipolis, France, September 13 - 15, 2004; proceedings. Hrsg.: P. Samarati, 33–52, Springer-Verlag
Engineering Incentive Schemes for Ad Hoc Networks - A Case Study for the Lanes Overlay Obreiter, P.; König-Ries, B.; Papadopoulos, G. 2004. Current trends in database technology - EDBT 2004 Workshops. EDBT 2004 Workshops PhD, DataX, PIM, P2P&DB, and ClustWeb, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, March 14 - 18, 2004; revised selected papers. Hrsg.: W. Lindner, 44–53, Springer-Verlag
Sharing ISO 19115 Metadata in NOKIS - Experiences, Features, Perspectives Kazakos, W.; Valikov, A.; Lehfeldt, R.; Heidmann, C. 2004. Sh@ring. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, October 21-23, 2004, CERN, Geneva (Switzerland). Hrsg.: GI - Gesellschaft für Informatik, 458–468, Editions du Tricorne
Algorithms for the Placement of Diagrams on Maps Kreveld, M. van; Schramm, É.; Wolff, A. 2004. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium ACM GIS (GIS ’04), 12.-13.11.04, Washington, D.C., USA, 222–231, Washington
Optimal Spanners for Axis-Aligned Rectangles Asano, T.; Berg, M. de; Cheong, O.; Everett, H.; Haverkort, H.; Katoh, N.; Wolff, A. 2004. Proceedings of the 20th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EWCG’04), Sevilla, Spain, 24.-26.03.2004, 97–100, Sevilla
Flexibility through Multiagent Systems: Advancement or Disappointment? Lockemann, P. C.; Nimis, J. 2004. SOFSEM 2004: Theory and practice of computer science. 30th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, ín, Czech Republic, January 24-30, 2004; proceedings. Hrsg.: P. Van Emde Boas, 41–56, Springer-Verlag
A Cluster-based Security Architecture for Ad Hoc Networks Bechler, M.; Hof, H.-J.; Kraft, D.; Pählke, F.; Wolf, L. 2004. IEEE INFOCOM 2004. The Conference on Computer Communications, twenty-third annual joint conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, 7 - 11 March -2004, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, PR China; proceedings. Hrsg.: Victor O. K. Li, 12, IEEE Operations Center
Distributed Access Control for Consumer Operated Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Kraft, D.; Schäfer, G. 2004. Consumer networking: closing the digital divide. 2004 1st IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2004); proceedings, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 5 - 8 January 2004, 6, IEEE Operations Center
Aktiver Endeffektor für ein MKG-Chirurgierobotersystem Peters, H.; Kübler, C.; Knoop, H.; Korb, W.; Raczkowsky, J.; Hassfeld, S.; Wörn, H. 2004. Beiträge zur 38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE - BMT 2004. Teil 1, 92–93, Schiele & Schön GmbH
Supporting Secure Deployment of Portal Components Gaedke, M.; Meinecke, J.; Nussbaumer, M. 2004. Web engineering. 4th International Conference, ICWE 2004, Munich, Germany, July 26 - 30, 2004; proceedings. Hrsg.: N. Koch, 516–520, Springer-Verlag
Anwendungsspezifische Basisdienste Gaedke, M.; Juling, W.; Nussbaumer, M. 2004. Die Notebook-Universität Karlsruhe (TH) NUKATH. Hrsg.: J. Deussen, 79–91, Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe
Stabilizing the BGP control plane Lichtwald, G.; Zitterbart, M. 2004. Proceedings of the 2nd Inter-Domain Routing Workshop (IDRWS 2004), Amsterdam, Mai 2004, 145–157, Amsterdam