Thermal, operational and economic aspects of repository design alternatives Closs, K. D.; Papp, R.; Bechthold, W.; Engelmann, H. J.; Hartje, B. 1989. Slate, S.C. [Hrsg.] High Level Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management : Proc.of the 1989 Joint Internat.Waste Management Conf., Kyoto, J, October 22-28, 1989 New York, N.Y. : ASME, 1989 Vol. 2, 513–17
NET remote handling control system with CAD-support Leinemann, K.; Kuehnapfel, U.; Schlechtendahl, E. G. 1989. Proc.of the 3rd ANS Topical Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems, Charleston, S.C., March 13-16, 1989 CONF-890304 (1989) Paper 5.2
Investigations of the binding of ²³⁹Pu to liver cell membranes Planas-Bohne, F.; Kampmann, G.; Olinger, H. 1989. Benedict, U. [Hrsg.] Transuranium Elements Today and Tomorrow : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Karlsruhe, October 26-27, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989 S.275-83 The Science of the Total Environment, 83(1989) S.263-71
Effects of continuous exposure to ²³⁹Pu-α rays on Co631 cells Rau, W.; Olinger, H.; Planas-Bohne, F.; Taylor, D. M. 1989. Benedict, U. [Hrsg.] Transuranium Elements Today and Tomorrow : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Karlsruhe, October 26-27, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989 S.265-74 The Science of the Total Environment, 83(1989) S.253-62
The biodistribution and toxicity of plutonium, americium and neptunium Taylor, D. M. 1989. Benedict, U. [Hrsg.] Transuranium Elements Today and Tomorrow : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Karlsruhe, October 26-27, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989 S.232-40 The Science of the Total Environment, 83(1989) S.217-25
Error components of analytical plutonium concentration measurements Leitner, E.; Weh, R.; Stojanik, B.; Beedgen, R.; Peter, N.; Avenhaus, R. 1989. Proc.of the 11th Annual Symp.of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), Luxembourg, L, May 29 - June 1, 1989 Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1989. - ESARDA-22 EUR-12193-EN, 221–24
The new PROSA version, an advanced computer program for near-real-time accountancy Bicking, U.; Golly, W.; Seifert, R. 1989. Proc.of the 11th Annual Symp.of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), Luxembourg, L, May 29 - June 1, 1989 Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1989. - ESARDA-22 EUR-12193-EN, 101–04
Establishing of a detailed measurement model for NRTA procedures Bicking, U.; Golly, W.; Seifert, R. 1989. Proc.of the 11th Annual Symp.of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), Luxembourg, L, May 29 - June 1, 1989 Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1989. - ESARDA-22 EUR-12193-EN, 315–18
Contribution to the evaluation of measurement data in practical safeguards Beyrich, W.; Golly, W.; Bievre, P. de 1989. Proc.of the 11th Annual Symp.of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), Luxembourg, L, May 29 - June 1, 1989 Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1989. - ESARDA-22 EUR-12193-EN, 341–44
The industrial application of flue gas treatment by radiation Jordan, S.; Paur, H. R.; Schikarski, W. 1989. Brasser, L.J. [Hrsg.] Man and his Ecosystem : Proc.of the 8th World Clean Air Congress and Exhibition, Den Haag, NL, September 11-15, 1989 Vol. 4 Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 1989, 201–06
In-situ solidification technique for waste disposal in underground caverns Kraemer, R.; Kroebel, R. 1989. Post, R. G. [Hrsg.] Waste Management : ’89 ; Waste Processing, Transportation, Storage and Disposal, Technical Programs and Public Education ; Proc.of the Symp., Tucson, Ariz., February 26 - March 2, 1989 Tucson, Ariz. : Arizona Board of Regents 1989 Vol. 2, 89–93
Preliminary results of the systems analysis dual-purpose repository Papp, R.; Closs, K. D.; Bechthold, W.; Engelmann, H. J.; Hartje, B. 1989. Post, R. G. [Hrsg.] Waste Management : ’89 ; Waste Processing, Transportation, Storage and Disposal, Technical Programs and Public Education ; Proc.of the Symp., Tucson, Ariz., February 26 - March 2, 1989 Tucson, Ariz. : Arizona Board of Regents 1989 Vol. 1, 55–61
Technologietransfer auf dem Gebiet der Supraleitung Komarek, P. 1989. Technologietransfer durch Kooperation: 10 Jahre TT-Programm des Kernforschungszentrums Karlsruhe : Tagungsbericht vom Symp., Karlsruhe, 9.-10.Mai 1989 Koeln : Verl. TUEV Rheinland, 1989 (Technologie-Transfer ; Bd. 15), 67–84
Electronic structure studies of undoped and doped polyisothianaphthene Pellegrin, E.; Nuecker, N.; Fink, J.; Wallnoefer, W.; Kuzmany, H. 1989. Kuzmany, H. [Hrsg.] Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymers III, Basic Models and Applications : Proc.of an Internat.Winter School, Kirchberg, A, March 11-18, 1989 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1989 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences ; Vol.91), 359–66
YBaCuO thin films: epitaxial growth, properties and the influence of ion irradiation Meyer, O.; Geerk, J.; Li, Q.; Linker, G.; Xi, X. X. 1989. Wu, P.T. [Hrsg.] Superconductivity and Applications : Proc.of the Taiwan Internat.Symp., Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 17-19, 1989 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1989 (Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity ; Vol. 19), 273–89
On the structure of lithium-doped trans-polyacetylene Leitner, O.; Leising, G.; Kahlert, H.; Fink, J.; Fritzsche, H. 1989. Kuzmany, H. [Hrsg.] Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymers III, Basic Models and Applications : Proc.of an Internat.Winter School, Kirchberg, A, March 11-18, 1989 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1989 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences ; Vol.91), 42–46
Electronic structure studies of high-Tsub(c)-Superconductors Fink, J.; Nuecker, N.; Romberg, H.; Alexander, M.; Nakai, S.; Manzke, R.; Buslaps, T.; Claessen, R. 1989. Kuzmany, H. [Hrsg.] Electronic Properties of Conjugated Polymers III, Basic Models and Applications : Proc.of an Internat.Winter School, Kirchberg, A, March 11-18, 1989 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1989 (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences ; Vol.91) 3rd European Conf.on Low Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors, Dubrovnik, YU, September 18-22, 1989, 406–17
Mikrostrukturierung nach dem LIGA-Verfahren Schmidt, D.; Bley, P.; Ehrfeld, W.; Goetz, F.; Mohr, J.; Muenchmeyer, D. 1989. AMA-Seminar Mikromechanik, Heidelberg, 14.-15.Maerz 1989 Tagungsband Wunsdorf : ACS, 1989, 63
Strahlungstransportrechnungen in Klimamodellen Fischer, H.; Grassl, H. 1989. Physikalische Grundlagen neuer Klimamodelle : Ein Werkstattgespraech veranstaltet von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Grossforschungseinrichtungen, Bonn, 9.-10.Februar 1989 Bonn : AGF, 1989 (AGF-Dokumentation ; 6), 13–14
Analytical evaluation of CORA experiments using an extended SCDAP version Hering, W. 1989. Yilmaz, S.B. [Hrsg.] Heat Transfer and Fuel Behavior in Nuclear Reactor Accidents : 26th ASME/AIChE/ANS National Heat Transfer Conf., Philadelphia, Pa., August 6-9, 1989 New York, N.Y. : AIChE, 1989. - (AIChE Symposium Series : Vol. 85 ; 269), 141
Results of the CORA experiments on severe fuel damage with and without absorber material Hagen, S.; Hofmann, P.; Schanz, G.; Sepold, L. 1989. Yilmaz, S.B. [Hrsg.] Heat Transfer and Fuel Behavior in Nuclear Reactor Accidents : 26th ASME/AIChE/ANS National Heat Transfer Conf., Philadelphia, Pa., August 6-9, 1989 New York, N.Y. : AIChE, 1989. - (AIChE Symposium Series : Vol. 85 ; 269), 135–46
Multicriterion plate optimization Koski, J.; Lawo, M.; Silvennoinen, R. 1989. Rozvany, G.I.N. [Hrsg.] Structural Optimization : Proc.of the IUTAM Symp., Melbourne, AUS, February 9-13, 1988 Dordrecht [u.a.] : Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1988, 159–67
Transport and intragrain shielding currents in YBa₂Cu₃O₇ single crystals Kuepfer, H.; Keller, C.; Wolf, T.; Apfelstedt, I.; Meier-Hirmer, R.; Wiech, U.; Fluekiger, R. 1989. Nakajima, S. [Hrsg.] The Science of Superconductivity and New Materials : Proc.of the Tokai University Internat.Workshop, Tokyo, J, November 14-16, 1988 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1989 (Progress in High Temperature Superconductivity ; Vol. 18), 172–82
Lifetime predictions for ceramic windows in fusion reactors Fett, T.; Munz, D. 1989. Van Ingen, A.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Symp.on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, NL, September 19-23, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland [u.a.], 1989 Vol. 2, 899–904
Libra - a light ion beam fusion reactor conceptual design Moses, G. A.; Kulcinski, G. L.; Bruggink, D.; Engelstad, R.; Lovell, E.; MacFarlane, J.; Musicki, Z.; Peterson, R.; Sawan, M.; Sviatoslavsky, I.; Wittenberg, L.; Kessler, G.; Moellendorff, U. von; Stein, E.; Smith, I.; Corcoran, P.; Nishimoto, H.; Fockler, J.; Cook, D.; Olson, R. 1989. Bauer, W. [Hrsg.] Beams ’88: 7th Internat.Conf.on High Power Particle Beams, Karlsruhe, July 4-7, 1988 Proc. Vol. I S.113-26 Karlsruhe: KfK 1988 Caruso, A. [Hrsg.] Inertial Confinement Fusion : Proc.of the Course and Workshop held at Villa Monastero, Varenna, I, September 6-16, 1988 EUR-11930-EN (June 1989) S.507-21
Investigations at the Karlsruhe light-ion beam facility KALIF Bauer, W.; Bluhm, H.; Goel, B.; Hoppe, P.; Karow, H. U.; Munz, C. D.; Rusch, D.; Schimassek, W. 1989. Caruso, A. [Hrsg.] Inertial Confinement Fusion : Proc.of the Course and Workshop held at Villa Monastero, Varenna, I, September 6-16, 1988 EUR-11930-EN (June 1989), 473–91
Development and active demonstration of acid digestion of plutonium-bearing waste Wieczorek, H.; Oser, B. 1989. Spectrum’86 : Proc.of the American Nuclear Society Internat.Topical Meeting on Waste Management and Decontamination and Decommissioning, Niagara Falls, N.Y., September 14-18, 1986 CONF-860905 Vol. 1 S.475-85 Nuclear Technology, 83(1988) S.49-55
Watt spectrum fit to ²⁵²Cf prompt fission neutron data Froehner, F. H. 1989. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1987 to March 31, 1988 NEANDC(E)-292 U Vol. 5(June 1988) S.11 INDC(Ger)-32/LN + Special Nuclear Theory for Fast Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation : Proc.of and Advisory Group Meeting, Beijing, Tj, October 12-16, 1987 IAEA-TECDOC-483(1988) S.161-64
Recent studies of the Cu d-d excitation model Weber, W.; Shelankov, A. L.; Zotos, X. 1989. Kamimura, H. [Hrsg.] Mechanisms of High Temperature Superconductivity Proc.of the 2nd NEC Symp., Hakone, J, October 23-27, 1988 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer 1989. -, 89
The use of geometric models in robotic applications Schlechtendahl, E. G. 1989. Strasser, W. [Hrsg.] Theory and Practice of Geometric Modelling : Proc.of a Workshop, Blaubeuren, October 6-10, 1988 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 1989, 403–17
CAD-model based remote handling control system for NET and JET Leinemann, K.; Kuehnapfel, U.; Ludwig, A. 1989. Van Ingen, A.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Symp.on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, NL, September 19-23, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland [u.a.], 1989 Vol. 2, 1381–85
Analysis and interpretation of the Mol 7C/5 in-pile local blockage experiment Bungeroth, U.; Schleisiek, K. 1989. Kottowski, H.M. [Hrsg.] Liquid Metal Boiling Working Group : Proc.of the Internat.Meeting, Winfrith, GB, September 27-29, 1988 Ispra : Directorate General for Science, Research and Development, 1989, 195
Power flow to the ASDEX divertor plates Wuerz, H.; Bein, B. K.; Neuhauser, J.; Zasche, D. 1989. Van Ingen, A.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Symp.on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, NL, September 19-23, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland [u.a.], 1989 Vol. 1, 867–73
Ion beam driven inertial confinement fusion reactor concept Kessler, G.; Kulcinski, G. L.; Moses, G. A. 1989. Velarde, G. [Hrsg.] Laser Interaction with Matter : Proc.of the 19th European Conf., Madrid, E, October 3-7, 1988 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1989, 235–39
Test module in NET for a self-cooled liquid metal blanket concept Malang, S.; Arheidt, K.; Fischer, U. 1989. Van Ingen, A.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Symp.on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, NL, September 19-23, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland [u.a.], 1989 Vol. 2, 1223–28
Chromatographic decontamination of nitric acid intermediate level waste Faubel, W.; Menzler, P. M.; Sameh, A. A. 1989. Management of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Wastes : Proc.of an Internat.Symp., Stockholm, S, May 16-20, 1988 Wien : IAEA, 1989 Vol. 2 IAEA-SM-303/13, 33–40
Experiments on heat transfer and sodium aerosols in the cover gas for future breeder reactors Minges, J.; Schuetz, W. 1989. 4th Conf.on Liquid Metal Engineering and Technology, Avignon, F, October 17-21, 1988 Mueller, U. [Hrsg.] NURETH-4 : Proc.of the 4th Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Karlsruhe, October 10-13, 1989 Vol. 2 Karlsruhe : Braun, 1989, 955–60
Turbulent heat transfer in an internally heated fluid layer Groetzbach, G. 1989. Iwasa, Y. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Symp.on Refined Flow Modelling and Turbulence Measurement, Tokyo, J, July 26 - 28, 1988 Tokyo : Internat.Assoc.for Hydraulic Research 1988 S.199-206 Tokyo : Universal Academy Pr., 1989 S.267-75
Neutron sources: present practice and future potential Cierjacks, S.; Smith, A. B. 1989. Igasari, S. [Hrsg.] Nuclear Data for Science and Technology Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Mito, J, May 30 - June 3, 1988 Tokyo : JAERI, 1988, 325–35
Cu d-d orbital transitions in high-Tsub(c) superconductors Geserich, H. P.; Scheiber, G.; Geerk, J.; Li, H. C.; Weber, W.; Romberg, H.; Nuecker, N.; Fink, J.; Gegenheimer, B. 1989. Weber, H.W. [Hrsg.] High-Tsub(c) Superconductors : Proc.of an Internat.Discussion Meeting, Mauterndorf, A, February 7-11, 1988 New York [u.a.] : Plenum Pr. - 1988, 195–200
Entwicklungen des Kernforschungszentrums Karlsruhe fuer die WAW Baumgaertel, G. 1989. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik ’88, Travemuende, 17.-19.Mai 1988 - Fachsitzung ’Entwicklung fuer die Wiederaufarbeitungsanlag Wackersdorf und aktueller Planungsstand’ Bonn : INFORUM GmbH, 1988. -, 5–29
Further use of the Euratom LCT coil Hofmann, A.; Komarek, P.; Maurer, W.; Ries, G.; Rzezonka, B.; Salzburger, H.; Schnapper, C.; Ulbricht, A.; Zahn, G. 1989. Van Ingen, A.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Symp.on Fusion Technology, Utrecht, NL, September 19-23, 1988 Amsterdam : North-Holland [u.a.], 1989 Vol. 2, 1596–1602
Structural relaxation in metallic glass Suck, J. B. 1989. Richter, D. [Hrsg.] Dynamics of Disordered Materials : Proc.of the ILL Workshop, Grenoble, F, September 26-28, 1988 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer 1989 (Springer Proceedings in Physics; 37), 182–85
Liquid surfaces and the effect of premelting Blanckenhagen, P. von; Schommers, W. 1989. Davidovic, M. [Hrsg.] Static and Dynamic Properties of Liquids : Proc.of the Internat.Symp., Dubrovnik, YU, June 27 - July 2, 1988 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer 1989 (Springer Proceedings in Physics; 40), 58
Velocity meter for local measurement in liquid metals Casal, V.; Arnold, G.; Kirchner, R.; Kussmaul, H.; Miller, H.; Hame, W. 1989. Shah, R.K. [Hrsg.] Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics : Proc.of the 1st World Conf., Dubrovnik, YU, September 4-9, 1988 New York [u.a.] : Elsevier, 1989 4th Conf.on Liquid Metal Engineering and Technology, Avignon, F, October 17-21, 1988, 286–93
Investigations of inherent decay heat removal performances in LMFBRs Hoffmann, H.; Marten, K.; Weinberg, D.; Ieda, Y.; Frey, H. H. 1989. Proc.of the Internat.Meeting on the Safety of Next Generation Power Reactors, Seattle, Wash., May 1-5, 1988 La Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Society 1988, 830–37
A framework of a diagnostic expert system for real time application Eggert, H.; Scherer, K. P.; Kelbassa, H. W.; Stiller, P.; Duepmeier, C. 1989. Zalewski, J. [Hrsg.] Hardware and Software for Real-Time Process Control : Proc.of the IFIP/IFAC Working Conf., Warszawa, PL, May 30 - June 1, 1988 Amsterdam : North Holland, 1989, 343–50
Mechanisms of High-Tsub(c) superconductivity Weber, W. 1989. Weber, H.W. [Hrsg.] High-Tsub(c) Superconductors : Proc.of an Internat.Discussion Meeting, Mauterndorf, A, February 7-11, 1988 New York [u.a.] : Plenum Pr. - 1988, 153–62
Towards more automation for remote maintenance Benner, J.; Fischer, C.; Leinemann, K.; Stratmanns, E.; Till, W. 1989. Robotics and Remote Maintenance Concepts for Fusion Machines : Proc.of a Technical Committee Meeting, Karlsruhe, February 22-24, 1988 IAEA-TECDOC-495(1989), 249–60