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Lattice Disorder and Outdiffusion in Ion Implanted InSb and CdTe Langguth, G.; Lang, E.; Meyer, O. 1971. Ruge, I., Graul, I. [Hrsg.]: Ion Implantation in Semiconductors. Proc.of the 2. Internat. Conf., Garmisch-Partenkirchen, May 24-28, 1971. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1971., 228–34
The SATURN Codes and Material Data Evaluation Kummerer, K.; Depisch, F.; Elbel, H.; Kaempf, H. 1971. Farmakes, R.[Hrsg.]: Proc.of the Conf.on Fast Reactor Fuel Element Technology, New Orleans, La., April 13-15, 1971. Hinsdale, Ill.: American Nuclear Soc.1971., 211–25
Local Boiling in Rod Bundles. A Theoretical Model Gast, K. 1971. Heat Transfer in Liquid Metals. 1971 Internat. Seminar, Trogir, September 6-11, 1971 Progress in Heat and Mass Transfer, 7(1973), 407–15
Irradiation Effects in Superconducting Synchrotron Magnets Brechna, H.; Maurer, W. 1971. Blewett, M.H. [Hrsg.]; Proceedings of the 8. Internat. Conference on High-Energy Accelerators, Cern 1971. Geneva, 20-24 September 1971. Geneva: European Org. for Nuclear Research 1971. KFK-1468 (September 71), 224–30
Measurements on Superconducting Helices for the First Section of the Superconducting Proton Accelerator at Karlsruhe Citron, A.; Fricke, J. L.; Klein, H.; Kuntze, M.; Piosczyk, B.; Schulze, D.; Strube, H.; Vetter, J. E.; Jones, C. M.; Merz, N.; Schempp, A.; Siart, O. 1971. Blewett, M.H. [Hrsg.]: Proceedings of the 8. Internat. Conference on High-Energy Accelerators. CERN 1971. Geneva, 20-24 September, 1971. Geneva: European Org. for Nuclear Research 1971., 278–81
RF-Losses of Superconducting Niobium -Cavities Coated with Nb₂O₅ Kneisel, P.; Stoltz, O.; Halbritter, J.; Diepers, H.; Martens, H.; Sun, R. K. 1971. Blewett, M.H. [Hrsg.]: Proceedings of the 8. Internat. Conference on High-Energy Accelerators. CERN 1971. Geneva, 20-24 September, 1971. Geneva: European Org. for Nuclear Research 1971., 275–77
Nondestructive Nuclear Material Assay Hille, F.; Linder, W.; Schneider, V. W.; Stoll, W.; Baumung, K.; Boehnel, K.; Klunker, J.; Kuechle, M.; Matussek, P.; Michaelis, W.; Weitkamp, C.; Woda, H.; Eberle, R.; Krappel, W.; Stegemann, D.; Zeller, W.; Krinninger, H.; Mausbeck, H.; Ruppert, E. 1971. 4. United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Additional Paper. AED-Conf-71-100-57
Irradiation Behaviour of Fast Reactor Fuel Pins and Their Components Boehm, H.; Karsten, G.; Kummerer, K.; Brucklacher, D.; Closs, K. D.; Dienst, W.; Ehrlich, K.; Freund, D.; Garzarolli, F.; Geithoff, D.; Kaempf, H.; Scheibe, W.; Uhde, W.; Vollath, D.; Wassilew, C. 1971. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Proc.of the 4.Internat. Conf.on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Vol.10. New York: United Nations, Vienna: IAEA 1972. A/Conf.49/P/392, 21–38
Die Bestimmung der Sauerstoffkonzentration in Natriumkreislaeufen Borgstedt, H. U.; Drechsler, G.; Frees, G.; Schneider, H.; Wittig, G. 1971. Reaktortagung, Bonn, 30. Maerz - 2. April 1971, Deutsches Atomforum e.V. Kerntechnische Ges. im Dt. Atomforum, Tagungsbericht. Leopoldshafen 1971: ZAED., 379–82
Work on High Performance Ceramic and Cermet Fuel in Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Dienst, W.; Dippel, T.; Goetzmann, O.; Hofmann, P.; Holleck, H.; Kleykamp, H.; Siebmanns, W.; Thuemmler, F.; Weimar, P. 1971. 4. United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Additional Paper, AED-Conf-1971-100-028
The Base Programme of the DeBeNeLux Fast Breeder Project Engelmann, P.; Haefele, W. 1971. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Proc.of the 4.Internat.Conf.on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Vol.5 New York: United Nations, Vienna: IAEA 1972. A/CONF.49/P/366, 63–86
Moeglichkeiten zur Messung der akkumulierten Strahlungsdosis in der Umgebung kerntechnischer Anlagen Winter, M. 1971. International Symposium on Rapid Methods for Measurement of Radioactivity in the Environment, Neuherberg b. Muenchen, 5-9 July 1971 Rapid Methods for Measuring Radioactivity in the Environment. Proceedings. Neuherberg b. Muenchen, 5-9 July 1971. Vienna: IAEA 1971. SM 148/77, 525–35
Bestimmung von Plutonium in Probemateralien der Umgebungsueberwachung Schuettelkopf, H. 1971. International Symposium on Rapid Methods for Measurement of Radioactivity in the Environment, Neuherberg b. Muenchen, 5-9 July 1971. Rapid Methods for Measuring Radioactivity in the Environement. Proceedings. Neuherberg b. Muenchen, 5-9 July 1971. Vienna: IAEA 1971. SM 148/61, 183–97
Personal Dose Burden Caused by Nuclear Research Centres Kiefer, H.; Koenig, L. A.; Piesch, E.; Rose, E.; Vogt, K. J. 1971. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Proceedings. Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Vol.11. New York: United Nations; Vienna: IAEA 1972. A/CONF.49/P/395, 141–59
Instrumented Nuclear Material Assay for Safeguards Baeckmann, A. von; Kuechle, M.; Weitkamp, C.; Avenhaus, R.; Baumung, K.; Beyrich, W.; Boehnel, K.; Klunker, J.; Mainka, E.; Mattussek, P.; Michaelis, W.; Neuber, J.; Wertenbach, H.; Wilhelmi, M.; Woda, H.; Hille, F.; Linder, W.; Schneider, V. W.; Stoll, W.; Koch, L.; et al. 1971. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Proc.of the 4. Internat.Conf. on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Vol.9. New York: United Nations; Vienna: IAEA 1972. A/Conf.49/P/809, 435–48
Destructive Nuclear Material Assay Baeckmann, A. von; Avenhaus, R.; Beyrich, W.; Koch, L.; Mainka, E.; Neuber, J.; Wertenbach, H.; Wilhelmi, M. 1971. 4. United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. Geneva, 6-16 September 1971. Additional Paper AED-Conf-71-100-56
Structural and functional changes in irradiated DNA Jung, H.; Ullrich, M.; Kroeger, H.; Petersen, E. E.; Hagen, U. 1971. Biophysical Aspects of Radiation Quality. Proceedings of a Symposium in Lucas Heights, Australia, 8-12 March 1971. Vienna: IAEA 1971. SM-145/20, 199–206
UV-induzierte Brueche in der infektioesen DNS isoliert aus T1-Coliphagen Hotz, G. 1971. 1st European Biophysics Congress, Baden b. Wien, 14.-17.9.1971 Broda,E.,Locker,A.,Springer-Lederer,H., [Eds.]: Proceedings of the First Biophysics Congress, Vol.2. Wien: Verl.d.Wiener Med.Akad.1971, 251–55
Mechanism of the Radiation-induced Chain Breakage in DNA Hagen, U.; Bopp, A.; Carpy, S.; Ullrich, M. 1971. 1st European Biophysics Congress, Baden b. Wien, 14.-17.9.1971 Broda,E.,Locker,A.,Springer-Lederer,H., [Eds.]: Proceedings of the First Biophysics Congress, Vol.2. Wien: Verl.d.Wiener Med.Akad.1971, 105–108
L’influence de la dilution isotopique sur le comportement de l’Yttrium-88 chez le rat Seidel, A.; Vladar, M.; Volf, V. 1971. Societe Francaise de Radioprotection 5.Congres International. Contamination par radionucleides osteotropes et radioprotection, Grenoble, 1-5 fevrier 1971. Montrouge: Societe Francaise de Radioprotection 1971., 333–39
Influence of food and age on the ⁸⁵Sr kinetics in the rat Volf, V.; Polig, E. 1971. Societe Francaise de Radioprotection 5.Congres International. Contamination par radionucleides osteotropes et radioprotection, Grenoble, 1-5 fevrier 1971. Montrouge: Societe Francaise de Radioprotection 1971., 48–57
Orientation of the residual nucleus of the reaction Fe⁵⁶(d,p)Fe⁵⁷excited (14 keV)Fe⁵⁷ Bueche, G.; Appel, H.; Renz, W. 1971. International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions Detected by Nuclear Radiation, Rehovot-Jerusalem, Israel, September 6-11, 1970 Goldring, G., Kalisch, R. [Hrsg.]: Hyperfine Interactions in Excited Nuclei. Vol.2. New York[usw.]: Gordon and Breach (1971) S.501-06 Nuclear Physics, A 170(1971) S.55-64
Kernenergie Heute Wirtz, K. 1971. Quanten und Felder. Physikalische und philosophische Betrachtungen zum 70. Geburtstag von Werner Heisenberg. Hrsg.: H.P. Duerr. Braunschweig: Vieweg [1971]., 351–66
Kernenergie - Energie fuer die Zukunft Haefele, W.; Faude, D. 1971. Schmacke, E. [Hrsg.]: Baden-Wuerttemberg auf dem Weg in das Jahr 2000. Duesseldorf: Droste (1971)., 28–48
Chelating Agents Catsch, A. 1971. In: Bacq,Z.M.[Hrsg.]: Fundamentals of Biochemical Pharmacology. Oxford[usw.]: Pergamon Pr.(1971), 411–15