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TASKA-M, a compact fusion technology test facility Kulcinski, G. L.; Emmert, G. A.; Santarius, J. F.; Corradini, M. L.; El-Guebaly, L.; Larsen, E. M.; Maynard, C. W.; Perkins, L. J.; Peterson, R. R.; Plute, K.; Sawan, M. E.; Scharer, J. E.; Sviatoslavsky, I. N.; Sze, D. K.; Vogelsang, W. F.; Wittenberg, L.; Komarek, P.; Heinz, W.; Maurer, W.; Arendt, F.; et al. 1984. Journal of Nuclear Materials, Fusion Reactor Materials - Part B Whitley, J.B. et al. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Topical Meeting on Fusion Reactor Materials, Albuquerque, N.M., September 19-22, 1983, 123, 965–71
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Research at the IKVT/KfK related to the development of an H⁻beam line Hagena, O. F.; Henkes, P. R. W.; Klingelhoefer, R.; Krevet, B.; Moser, H. O. 1984. Prelec, K. [Hrsg.] Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams. Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Symp., Brookhaven, N.Y., November 14, 1983 New York: American Institute of Physics 1984
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Semileptonic decay of c- and b-quarks Schneider, H. 1984. Guy, J.; [Hrsg.] High Energy Physics : Proc.of the Internat. Europhysics Conf., Brighton, GB, July 20-27, 1983 Chilton: Rutherford Appleton Lab. 1983
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π⁺/π⁻ absorption in ³He at 120 MeV Backenstoss, G.; Cierjacks, S.; Furic, M.; Izycki, M.; Ljungfelt, S.; Mankin, U.; Petkovic, T.; Schmidt, G.; Steinacher, M.; Ullrich, H.; Weber, P.; Weyer, H. J.; Weymarn, K. von 1984. Zeitnitz, B. [Hrsg.] Few Body Problems in Physics. Proc.of the 10th Internat.IUPAP Conf.on Few Body Problems in Physics, Karlsruhe, August 21-27, 1983. Vol. II Amsterdam [u.a.]: North-Holland 1984
Synthesis of materials by CVT and CVD Dacic, B.; Politis, C.; Conzales, I.; Krauss, W.; Nadeljkovic, N. 1984. Proc. of the 15th Meeting of Mining, Metallurgical, Chemical and Mechanical Engineers, Bor, YU, October 1-3, 1983 Beograd: Univ. of Beograd 1983
Effect of internal reinforcement on the critical current density of Nb₃Sn wires Fluekiger, R.; Drost, E.; Specking, W. 1984. Clark, A.F.; Reed, R.P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 5th Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., August 15-17, 1983 New York: Plenum 1984 (Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials; Vol.30)
Low temperature fracture strain at high deformation rates Hartwig, G.; Poehlmann, K. 1984. Clark, A.F.; Reed, R.P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 5th Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., August 15-17, 1983 New York: Plenum 1984 (Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials; Vol.30)
Correlation of dielectric and mechanical damping at low temperatures Hartwig, G.; Schwarz, G. 1984. Clark, A.F.; Reed, R.P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 5th Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., August 15-17, 1983 New York: Plenum 1984 (Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials; Vol.30)