An approach to machine-independent parallel programming Zimmermann, W.; Löwe, W. 1994. In: Parallel processing. CONPAR 94, VAPP 6, Linz 1994. Ed.: B. Buchberger. Berlin 1994. S. 277-288. (Lecture notes in computer science. 854.)
Fuzzy control revisited - why is it working? Weisbrod, J. 1994. In: Joint Conference on Information Sciences, 3rd Annual Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology, Pinehurst (NC), USA 1994
Fuzzy exploration of an unknown environment Weisbrod, J.; Eisenbiegler, J. 1994. In: 2nd European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies (EUFIT’94), Aachen 1994. Vol. 3. S. 1428-1433
Partial-discharge diagnosis with artificial neural networks Badent, R.; Kist, K.; Lewald, N.; Schwab, A. 1994. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Brisbane, Australia 1994. Paper 6222
Numerical study on localized deformation in a Cosserat continuum Tejchman, J. 1994. In: Localisation and bifurcation theory for soils and rocks. Ed.: R. Chambon. 1994. S. 257-271 und in: Computer methods and advances in geomechanics. Ed.: H.J. Siriwardane. Vol. 1. Rotterdam 1994. S. 695-700
Viscoplastic 1-D model for soils. [in Polish] Niemunis, A. 1994. In: Geotechnika w inzynierii wodnej i ladowej. Materialy Jubileuszowej Sesji Naukowej Profesora E. Dembickiego. Ed.: B. Zadroga. Gdansk 1994
Beyond invertibility surface in granular materials Wu, W.; Niemunis, A. 1994. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Localisation and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, Aussois, France 1994. Rotterdam 1994. S. 113-126
Blisters in an asphalt membrane - a case study Brauns, J.; Kast, K. 1994. In: Reservoir safety and the environment. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the British Dam Society, Exeter 1994. London 1994
Localisation in granular bodies - position and objectives Gudehus, G. 1994. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Localisation and Bifurcation Theory for Soils and Rocks, Grenoble (Aussois), France 1993. Rotterdam 1994
Hydraulic tomography Gottlieb, J. 1994. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Heidelberg 1994. Ed.: A. Peters. S. 735-741
Wasserhaltung bei Baugruben mit dichtender Umschließung Brauns, J.; Kast, K.; Bieberstein, A.; Lindenthal, A. 1994. In: Festschrift aus Anlaß des 60. Geburtstages von Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hanno Müller-Kirchenbauer. Hrsg.: H. Müller-Kirchenbauer. Hannover 1994. S. 42-55. (Mitteilungen. Inst. f. Grundbau, Bodenmech. u. Energiewasserbau, Univ. Hannover. 40.)
Introducing a novel fuzzy strategy to VLSI- floorplanning Ball, C. F.; Mlynski, D. A. 1994. In: Fuzzy Duisburg ’94. International Workshop on Fuzzy Technologies in Automation and Intelligent Systems, Duisburg 1994. Dt.- Franz. Inst. f. Autom. u. Robotik, Teilinst. Duisburg. S. 285-291
Schreibe, die du bist. Die Gestaltung weiblicher "Autorschaft" im erzählerischen Werk Hedwig Dohms. PhD dissertation Pailer, G. 1994. Pfaffenweiler 1994. (Thetis - Literatur im Spiegel der Geschlechter. 8.) Fak. f. Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Diss. v. 14.7.1992 u.d.T.: ... Die Konfrontation von weiblicher "Autorschaft" und männlich vorgeprägter Schriftkultur ..., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
BER prediction for GSM-systems using digital terrain data Kürner, T.; Becker, T.; Cichon, D.; Wiesbeck, W. 1994. In: Proceedings. International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT’94, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 1994. S. 55-58
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