Erfolgreich innovieren durch gute Teamarbeit Hoegl, M.; Gemuenden, H. G. 1998. In: QFD: Produkte und Dienstleistungen marktgerecht gestalten. Düsseldorf 1998. S. 21-33. (VDI-Berichte. 1413.)
The relationship promoter: key role for successful relationship marketing Walter, A.; Gemuenden, H. G. 1998. In: Interaction, relationships and networks: visions for the future. Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Industrial Marketing and Purchasing. Ed.: A. Halinen-Kaila. Vol. 2. Turku, Finland : Sch. of Econom. and Bus. Adm. 1998. S. 543-570
Thermal-mechanical fatigue behaviour of a 9 % chromium steel Saeuberlich, T.; Pitz, G.; Loehe, D. 1998. In: Materials for advanced power engineering 1998. Ed.: J. Lecomte-Beckers. Vol. 1. Jülich 1998. S. 341-350. (Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich. Reihe Energietechnik. 5,1.)
Behaviour of sintered iron and steels at impact loading Neubauer, A.; Lang, K.-H.; Voehringer, O.; Koch, H.-P.; Knebel, R. 1998. In: Proceedings. 1998 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, Granada, Spain 1998. EPMA. Vol. 2. S. 578-583
Creep behaviour of dispersion hardened aluminium materials Kroepfl, I.; Voehringer, O.; Macherauch, E. 1998. In: Proceedings. 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Pasadena, USA 1998. Ed.: I. Emry. Ljubljana, Slovenia : SEM-Center for Time Dependent Mater. 1998. S. 13-14
Thermal-mechanical fatigue behaviour of cast aluminium alloys Flaig, B.; Lang, K.-H.; Beck, T.; Loehe, D.; Macherauch, E. 1998. In: Proceedings. 6th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys, ICAA-6, Toyohashi, Japan 1998. Ed.: T. Sato. The Japan Inst. of Light Metals. Vol. 3. S. 1397-1402
Simulation of steel hardening Ehlers, M.; Mueller, H.; Loehe, D. 1998. In: Proceedings of 11th Congress of the International Federation of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 4th ASM Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference in Europe, Florence, Italy 1998. Vol. 2. S. 263-272
Kunststoffrohre und Qualität des Trinkwassers Wagner, I. 1998. In: Tagungsunterlagen zur Fachtagung "Kunststoffrohre in der Trinkwasserversorgung" des Süddeutschen Kunststoffzentrums, Würzburg 1998
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