Group 1 presentation Barbieri, M.; Bashroush, R.; Cancian, M.; Donvito, G.; Hermann, S.; Schmidt, R.; Turner, P. 2005. 3rd Internat.Schummer School on Grid Computing, Vico Equense, I, July 10-22, 2005
Satus report DE/CH Hermann, S.; Marten, H. 2005. EGEE CIC-on-Duty Meeting (COD-4), Joint OSG and EGEE Operations Workshop, EGEE All ROC Managers Meeting (ARM-5), Abingdon, GB, September 26-30, 2005 3rd EGEE Conf., Athinai, GR, April 18-22, 2005
Densification behaviour of zirconia ceramics sintered using high-frequency microwaves Wolff, M.; Falk, G.; Clasen, R.; Link, G.; Takayama, S.; Thumm, M. 2005. Developments in advanced ceramics and composites. 29th International Cocoa Beach Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, Fl., USA 2005. Ed.: M. E. Brito, -, Amer. Ceramic Soc
Status of the new ECRH system for ASDEX Upgrade Leuterer, F.; Grünwald, G.; Monaco, F.; Münich, M.; Schütz, H.; Ryter, F.; Wagner, D.; Zohm, H.; Franke, T.; Dammertz, G.; Heidinger, R.; Koppenburg, K.; Thumm, M. [. a. ].; Kasparek, W.; Gantenbein, G.; Hailer, H.; Denisov, G. G.; Litvak, A.; Zapevalov, V. 2005. Fusion engineering and design, 74, 199–203. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2005.06.262
Meteorologische Ereignisse mit grossem Schadenspotenzial Kottmeier, C.; Kunz, M.; Hofherr, T.; Lichtenberger, N.; Sander, J. 2005. Verbundvorhaben Klimawandel - Auswirkungen, Risiken, Anpassung (KLARA) : Analyse spezifischer Verwundbarkeiten und Handlungsoptionen Abschlussbericht zum Werkvertrag B.-Nr.:50047467/23 Potsdam : Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, 2005 PIK Report Nr.99 (2005)
Preliminary experience with hydraulically driven hand prostheses Pylatiuk, C.; Kargov, A.; Oberle, R.; Klosek, H.; Schulz, S. 2005. MEC’05 : Integrating Prosthetics and Medicine ; MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symp., Fredericton, CDN, August 17-19, 2005 Fredericton : Inst.of Biomedical Engineering, Univ.of New Brunswick, 2005
Using the internet for an anonymous survey of myoelectrical prosthesis wearers Pylatiuk, C.; Schulz, S. 2005. MEC’05 : Integrating Prosthetics and Medicine ; MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symp., Fredericton, CDN, August 17-19, 2005 Fredericton : Inst.of Biomedical Engineering, Univ.of New Brunswick, 2005
Model simulations of thermospheric NO intrusions and comparison with MIPAS-ENVISAT observations Reddmann, T.; Funke, B.; Clarmann, T. von; Gabriel, S.; Kouker, W.; Lopez-Puertas, M.; Ruhnke, R.; Stiller, G.; Uhl, R. 2005. Physik seit Albert Einstein : 69.Jahrestagung der DPG, Berlin, 4.-9.März 2005 Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, R.6, B.40(2005) EP 2.12
The superfluid density of the cuprate superconductors estimated using infrared spectroscopy Tanner, D. B.; Gao, F.; Kamaras, K.; Liu, H. L.; Quijada, M. A.; Romero, D. B.; Tache, N.; Zibold, A.; Gasparov, L. V.; Berger, H.; Margaritondo, G.; Forro, L.; Kelly, R. J.; Onellion, M.; Cao, G.; Crow, J. E.; Markert, J. T.; Wolf, T. 2005. 2004 University of Miami Workshop on Unconventional Superconductivity, Miami, Fla., January 11-16, 2004
Thermally activated flux flow in superconducting MgB₂ films Koch, T.; Schimmel, T.; Zdravkov, V.; Gaideu, M.; Sidorenko, A. 2005. Conferinta Nationala de Fizica (CNF 2005), Bucuresti, R, September 13-16, 2005 Calea Ferata din Moldova (CFM 2005), Kishinev, MD, October 19-21, 2005
Preparation of high quality films of magnesium diboride Sidorenko, A.; Zdravkov, V.; Rossolenko, A.; Nold, E.; Koch, T.; Schimmel, T. 2005. Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society, Strasbourg, May 31 - June 3, 2005 (Poster)
Test measurements for NCap Walter, S.; Heil, M.; Käppeler, F.; Plag, R. 2005. NCap Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, 5.Dezember 2005
Preliminary experience with hydraulically driven hand prostheses Pylatiuk, C.; Kargov, A.; Oberle, R.; Klosek, H.; Schulz, S. 2005. MEC’05 : Integrating Prosthetics and Medicine ; MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symp., Fredericton, CDN, August 17-19, 2005 Fredericton : Inst.of Biomedical Engineering, Univ.of New Brunswick, 2005, 143–46
Using the internet for an anonymous survey of myoelectrical prosthesis wearers Pylatiuk, C.; Schulz, S. 2005. MEC’05 : Integrating Prosthetics and Medicine ; MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symp., Fredericton, CDN, August 17-19, 2005 Fredericton : Inst.of Biomedical Engineering, Univ.of New Brunswick, 2005, 255–57
Vision aided navigation of a four-rotor helicopter Schlaile, C.; Wendel, J.; Meister, O.; Trommer, G. F. 2005. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the IAR (IAR2005), Mulhouse, France, 2005, 171–176
VTOL-MAV navigation: integration of MEMS inertial sensors and GPS Wendel, J.; Meister, O.; Schlaile, C.; Trommer, G. F. 2005. Symposium Gyro Technology 2005 : Stuttgart, Germany, September 20/21, 2005 / Universität Stuttgart, Institut A für Mechanik. Hrsg.: H. Sorg, 16.0–16.10, Univ.Stuttgart
Providing more possibilities for haptic devices in surgery simulation Maass, H.; Cakmak, H. K.; Kühnapfel, U. G.; Trantakis, C.; Strauss, G. 2005. Lemke, H.U. [Hrsg.] CARS 2005 : Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ; Proc.of the 19th Internat.Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, June 22-25, 2005 Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005 (International Congress Series ; 1281)
A virtual training system in endoscopic sinus surgery Pößneck, A.; Nowatius, E.; Trantakis, C.; Cakmak, H.; Maass, H.; Kühnapfel, U.; Dietz, A.; Strauß, G. 2005. Lemke, H.U. [Hrsg.] CARS 2005 : Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ; Proc.of the 19th Internat.Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, June 22-25, 2005 Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005 (International Congress Series ; 1281)
Development of a helium-cooled divertor: material choice, technological studies, and proof of principle Norajitra, P.; Fischer, U.; Gervash, A.; Giniyatulin, R.; Holstein, N.; Ihli, T.; Janeschitz, G.; Krauss, W.; Krüssmann, R.; Kuznetsov, V.; Makhankov, A.; Mazul, I.; Möslang, A.; Ovchinnikov, I.; Rieth, M.; Zeep, B. 2005. 12th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-12), Santa Barbara, Calif., December 4-9, 2005
Novel nitrogen and phosphorus-containing flame retardants Ciesielski, M.; Döring, M.; Altstaedt, V.; Perez, R.; Sandler, J. K. W. 2005. 10th European Meeting on Fire Retardancy and Protection of Materials, Berlin, September 7-9, 2005
Brittle behavior in nanoporous Au Volkert, C. A.; Lilleodden, E. T. 2005. Fall Meeting 2005 of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Mass., November 28 - December 2, 2005
CERMET fuels for minor actinides transmutation in ADS Haas, D.; Fernandez, A.; Nästren, C.; Somers, J.; Staicu, D.; Maschek, W.; Chen, X. 2005. Workshop on Future Nuclear Systems and Fuel Cycles, Karlsruhe, September 1-2, 2005
GridKa Site report Alef, M. 2005. HEPiX Fall Meeting, Menlo Park, Calif., October 10-14, 2005
Providing more possibilities for haptic devices in surgery simulation Maass, H.; Cakmak, H. K.; Kühnapfel, U. G.; Trantakis, C.; Strauss, G. 2005. Lemke, H.U. [Hrsg.] CARS 2005 : Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ; Proc.of the 19th Internat.Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, June 22-25, 2005 Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005 (International Congress Series ; 1281), 725–29
A virtual training system in endoscopic sinus surgery Pößneck, A.; Nowatius, E.; Trantakis, C.; Cakmak, H.; Maass, H.; Kühnapfel, U.; Dietz, A.; Strauß, G. 2005. Lemke, H.U. [Hrsg.] CARS 2005 : Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery ; Proc.of the 19th Internat.Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, June 22-25, 2005 Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2005 (International Congress Series ; 1281), 527–30