Bicarbonate complexes of trivalent actinides - stable or unstable? Fanghänel, T.; Weger, H. T.; Schubert, G.; Kim, J. I. 1998. Proc.of the 6th Internat.Conf.on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Sendai, J, October 26-31, 1997 Radiochimica Acta, 82(1998)
Ozon in der Stratosphäre Fischer, H. 1998. Materialsammlung zur Vortragsveranstaltung ’Spurenstoffe in der Atmosphäre’ im Rahmen der jährlichen HGF-Umwelttagung, Bonn, 26.November 1997 Bonn : HGF, 1997
Neutron capture measurements with the Karlsruhe 4π barium fluoride detector Wisshak, K.; Voss, F.; Käppeler, F. 1998. Mezzacappa, A. [Hrsg.] Stellar Evolution, Stellar Explosions and Galactic Chemical Evolution : Proc.of the 2nd Oak Ridge Symp.on Atomic and Nuclear Astrophysics, Oak Ridge, Tenn., December 2-6, 1997 Bristol [u.a.] : IOP Publ., 1998
Users’ requirements for IFMIF Noda, K.; Ehrlich, K.; Jitsukawa, S.; Möslang, A.; Zinkle, S. 1998. Proc.of the 8th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Sendai, J, October 26-31, 1997 Part A Journal of Nuclear Materials, 258-263(1998)
Design concept for the IFMIF test assemblies Haines, J. R.; Jitsukawa, I.; Möslang, A.; Noda, K.; Viola, R.; Zinkle, S. 1998. Proc.of the 8th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Sendai, J, October 26-31, 1997 Part A Journal of Nuclear Materials, 258-263(1998)
Overview of the IFMIF test facility Möslang, A.; Antonnucci, C.; Daum, E.; Haines, J. R.; Jitsukawa, I.; Noda, K.; Zinkle, S. 1998. Proc.of the 8th Internat.Conf.on Fusion Reactor Materials, Sendai, J, October 26-31, 1997 Part A Journal of Nuclear Materials, 258-263(1998)
IFMIF - an international fusion materials irradiation facility Ehrlich, K.; Möslang, A. 1998. 5th European Conf.on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology, Eindhoven, NL, August 26-30, 1997 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 139(1998) (NIM B ’Beam interactions with materials and Atoms’)
Corium spreading and coolability (CSC project) Cognet, G.; Alsmeyer, H.; Morris, S.; Wittmaack, R.; Sehgal, B. R.; Bürger, M.; Cecco, L. de; Ocelli, R.; Azarian, G.; Ranval, W.; Spindler, B. 1998. FISA-97 Symp.on EU Research on Severe Accidents, Luxembourg, L, November 17-19, 1997 Preprints Luxembourg : European Commission, 1997
XPS studies on the leached surface layer of WAK-HLW glass Schild, D.; Luckscheiter, B.; Geckeis, H.; Gompper, K.; Römer, J.; Duschner, H. 1998. Proc.of the 6th Internat.Conf.on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Sendai, J, October 26-31, 1997 Radiochimica Acta, 82(1998)
Formation and stability of colloids under simulated near field conditions Geckeis, H.; Grambow, B.; Loida, A.; Luckscheiter, B.; Smailos, E.; Quinones, J. 1998. Proc.of the 6th Internat.Conf.on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Sendai, J, October 26-31, 1997 Radiochimica Acta, 82(1998)
Corrosion of Ti99.8-Pd under gamma irradiation in MgCl₂-rich brine Smailos, E.; Schild, D.; Gompper, K. 1998. McKinley, I.G. [Hrsg.] Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXI : Symp., Davos, CH, September 28 - October 3, 1997 Warrendale, Pa. : Materials Research Society, 1998 (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings ; 506)
High resolution radiometer measurements of chlorine monoxide and ozone in the polar stratsophere Hochschild, G.; Berg, H.; Kopp, G.; Krupa, R.; Kuntz, M. 1998. Harris, N.R.P. [Hrsg.] Polar Stratospheric Ozone 1997: Proc.of the 4th European Symp., Schliersee, September 22-26, 1997 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998 (Air Pollution Research Report ; 66) EUR-18032 EN (1998)
Neural chip SAND/1 for real time pattern recognition Eppler, W.; Fischer, T.; Gemmeke, H.; Köder, T.; Stotzka, R. 1998. Selected Papers from the 10th Conf.on Real Time (RT ’97), Beaune, F, September 22-26, 1997 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 45(1998)
Automatische Regelgenerierung zur Beschreibung dynamischer Systeme Keller, H. B.; Fick, A. 1998. Keller, H.B.; Ranze, K.C. [Hrsg.] Workshop ’Wissensbasierte Systeme in Umweltanwendungen’ auf der XPS, Bad Honnef, 5.-7.März 1997 Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA-5982 (August 98)
Ada in der Umwelttechnik Keller, H. B. 1998. Workshop Ada-Deutschland, Karlsruhe, 17.April 1997 Wissenschaftliche Berichte, FZKA-5981 (Februar 98)
Behavior of beryllium pebbles under irradiation Dalle Donne, M.; Baldwin, D. L.; Gelles, D. S.; Greenwood, L. R.; Kawamura, H.; Oliver, B. M.; Scaffidi-Argentina, F. 1998. Kawamura, H. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion, Mito, J, October 22-24, 1997 Japan Atomic Research Institute, 1998 JAERI-Conf 98-001
Tritium release from neutron irradiated beryllium pebbles Scaffidi-Argentina, F.; Werle, H. 1998. Kawamura, H. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion, Mito, J, October 22-24, 1997 Japan Atomic Research Institute, 1998 JAERI-Conf 98-001
Mechanical performance of irradiated beryllium pebbles Scaffidi-Argentina, F.; Dalle Donne, M.; Werle, H. 1998. Kawamura, H. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion, Mito, J, October 22-24, 1997 Japan Atomic Research Institute, 1998 JAERI-Conf 98-001
Depth-profiling of double layers for catalytic tuning of gas-sensing devices Zudock, F.; Goschnick, J.; Bruns, M.; Ache, H. J. 1998. Olefjord, I. [Hrsg.] ECASIA 97 : 7th European Conf.on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Göteborg, S, June 16-20, 1997 Chichester [u.a.] : John Wiley and Sons, 1997
Ignition facility reaction chamber concepts Möllendorff, U. von 1998. Proc.of the 12th Internat.Symp.on Heavy Ion Intertial Fusion, Heidelberg, September 24-27, 1997 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 415(1998)
Neutrino Oscillation Results from KARMEN Zeitnitz, B. 1998. Faessler, A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Internat.School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, I, September 16-24, 1997 Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics,40(1998) Oxford [u.a.] : Pergamon Pr., 1998
Influence of neutron irradiation on the tritium retention in beryllium Rolli, R.; Rübel, S.; Werle, H.; Wu, C. H. 1998. Kawamura, H. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion, Mito, J, October 22-24, 1997 Japan Atomic Research Institute, 1998 JAERI-Conf 98-001
Derivation of scaling laws for intense light ion beam divergence with the KALIF/HELIA accelerator Hoppe, P.; Bauer, W.; Baumann, K.; Bluhm, H.; Buth, L.; Carboni, V.; Desjarlais, M.; Fockler, J.; Kessler, G.; Leber, K.; Marek, J.; Massier, H.; Nielsen, K.; Petri, T.; Ratajczak, W.; Rusch, D.; Singer, J.; Smith, I.; Spence, P.; Stoltz, O. 1998. Proc.of the 12th Internat.Symp.on Heavy Ion Intertial Fusion, Heidelberg, September 24-27, 1997 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 415(1998)
Two-dimensional simulations of KALIF beam-target interactions Marten, H.; Baumann, K.; Goel, B.; Shutov, A. V. 1998. Proc.of the 8th Internat.Workshop on Atomic Physics for Ion-Driven Fusion, Heidelberg, September 22-23, 1997 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 415(1998)
Ksub(α) spectroscopy as temperature diagnostic of dense KALIF plasmas Meisel, G.; Bluhm, H.; Hoppe, P.; Hüttner, R.; Saenger, E.; Schön, T.; Stoltz, O. 1998. Proc.of the 8th Internat.Workshop on Atomic Physics for Ion-Driven Fusion, Heidelberg, September 22-23, 1997 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 415(1998)
Vapor shielding and erosion of walls during tokamak disruptions Würz, H.; Bazylev, B.; Landman, I.; Pestchanyi, S. 1998. Proc.of the 8th Internat.Workshop on Atomic Physics for Ion-Driven Fusion, Heidelberg, September 22-23, 1997 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 415(1998)
Ksub(α)-satellite spectroscopy as a tool of temperature diagnostics at KALIF Goel, B.; Gupta, N. K.; Höbel, W.; Marten, H.; MacFarlane, J. J.; Wang, P. 1998. Proc.of the 8th Internat.Workshop on Atomic Physics for Ion-Driven Fusion, Heidelberg, September 22-23, 1997 Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, 415(1998)
Miniaturized thermal lens device for capillary electrophoresis Seidel, B. S.; Faubel, W. 1998. 2nd Miniaturisation in Liquid Chromatography versus Capillary Electrophoresis Conf., Ghent, B, May 26-28, 1997 Book of Abstracts S.40 Biomedical Chromatography, 12(1998) S.155-57
Millimeter wave observations of stratospheric trace gases at Kiruna during spring 1996 Kopp, G.; Berg, H.; Hochschild, G.; Krupa, R.; Kuntz, M.; Steen, A. 1998. Harris, N.R.P. [Hrsg.] Polar Stratospheric Ozone : Proc.of the 4th European Symp., Schliersee, September 22-26, 1997 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998 (Air Pollution Research Report ; 66)
Uncertainty analysis on COSYMA Jones, J. A.; Brown, J.; Goossens, L.; Kraan, B.; Ehrhardt, J.; Hasemann, I.; Fischer, F. 1998. SARM ’97 : Internat.Topical Meeting on Severe Accident Risk and Management, Piestany, Slovakia, June 16-18, 1997 Trnava : VUJE, 1998 CD-ROM
Step-tunable 1 MW broadband gyrotron with Brewster window Dammertz, G.; Braz, O.; Kuntze, M.; Piosczyk, B.; Thumm, M. 1998. Proc.of the 10th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Ameland, NL, April 6-11, 1997 Donne, T.; Verhoeven, T. [Hrsg.] Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1998
Neutron measurements - possibilities, implications, and further needs Käppeler, F. 1998. Mezzacappa, A. [Hrsg.] Stellar Evolution, Stellar Explosions and Galactic Chemical Evolution : Proc.of the 2nd Oak Ridge Symp.on Atomic and Nuclear Astrophysics, Oak Ridge, Tenn., December 2-6, 1997 Bristol [u.a.] : IOP Publ., 1998
Self-healing tests of iron-aluminides in liquid metals Glasbrenner, H.; Reimann, J.; Voss, Z.; Becker, J. 1998. Fütterer, M.A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 1st Internat.Workshop on Liquid Metal Blanket Experimental Activities, Paris, F, September 16-18, 1997 Gif-sur-Yvette : CEA Saclay, 1998 CEA report DMT 97/442, SERMA/LCA 2113
Natural convection phenomena in magnetic fields of liquid metal fusion blankets Barleon, L.; Burr, U.; Mack, K. J.; Müller, U. 1998. Fütterer, M.A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 1st Internat.Workshop on Liquid Metal Blanket Experimental Activities, Paris, F, September 16-18, 1997 Gif-sur-Yvette : CEA Saclay, 1998 CEA report DMT 97/442, SERMA/LCA 2113
Tritium removal from Pb-17Li by vanadium getters Feuerstein, H.; Reimann, J. 1998. Fütterer, M.A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 1st Internat.Workshop on Liquid Metal Blanket Experimental Activities, Paris, F, September 16-18, 1997 Gif-sur-Yvette : CEA Saclay, 1998 CEA report DMT 97/442, SERMA/LCA 2113
Thermalhydraulics of passive decay heat removal systems, POOLTHY Tenchine, D.; Berthoux, M.; Knebel, J. U.; Jackson, J. D.; An, P.; Naviglio, A.; Caruso, G. 1998. Van Goethem, G. [Hrsg.] FISA 97 - EU Research on Severe Accidents : Mid-Term Review Symp.on Shared-Cost and Concerted Actions in Reactor Safety, Luxembourg, L, November 17-19, 1997 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ.of the European Communities, 1998 EUR-18258-EN (1998)
Actinide behavior in the repository and their influence on long-term criteria Kim, J. I.; Grambow, B. 1998. 3rd Internat.Seminar on Radioactive Waste Products, Würzburg, June 23-26, 1997 Book of Abstracts S.25 Odoj, R. et al. [Ed.] Proceedings S.187-196 (Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Energietechnik; 2)
Nuclear data for astrophysics - aspects and challenges Käppeler, F. 1998. Reffo, G. [Hrsg.] Internat.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, I, May 19-24, 1997 Bologna : Italian Physical Society, 1997 Part II (Conference Proceedings / Italian Physical Society ; 59)
Intercomparison of ILAS target species with vertical profiles obtained by MIPAS-B in late March 1997 near the northern polar circle Oelhaf, H.; Wetzel, G.; Stowasser, M.; Ruhnke, R.; Friedl-Vallon, F.; Kleinert, A.; Kouker, W.; Maucher, G.; Seefeldner, M.; Trieschmann, O.; Fischer, H.; Suzuki, M.; Yokota, T.; Kanzawa, H.; Sasano, Y. 1998. Harris, N.R.P. [Hrsg.] Polar Stratospheric Ozone 1997: Proc.of the 4th European Symp., Schliersee, September 22-26, 1997 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998 (Air Pollution Research Report ; 66) EUR-18032 EN (1998) Ozone 1997, Schliersee, September 22-26, 1997
Stratospheric Arctic winter profiles of CH₄, H₂O and HDO, measured by MIPAS-B Stowasser, M.; Oelhaf, H.; Wetzel, G.; Fischer, H.; Friedl-Vallon, F.; Maucher, G.; Seefeldner, M.; Trieschmann, O.; Clarmann, T. von 1998. Harris, N.R.P. [Hrsg.] Polar Stratospheric Ozone 1997: Proc.of the 4th European Symp., Schliersee, September 22-26, 1997 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998 (Air Pollution Research Report ; 66) EUR-18032 EN (1998)
Nitrogen partitioning inside the 1997 late winter Arctic vortex, measured by MIPAS-B Wetzel, G.; Oelhaf, H.; Ruhnke, R.; Friedl-Vallon, F.; Kouker, W.; Maucher, G.; Reddmann, T.; Seefeldner, M.; Seifert, A.; Trieschmann, O.; Clarmann, T. von; Fischer, H. 1998. Harris, N.R.P. [Hrsg.] Polar Stratospheric Ozone 1997: Proc.of the 4th European Symp., Schliersee, September 22-26, 1997 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998 (Air Pollution Research Report ; 66) EUR-18032 EN (1998)
Tunnel channels, spectroscopy and imaging in STM Halbritter, J. 1998. Proc.of the 9th Internat.Conf.on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques, Hamburg, July 20-25, 1997 Part I Applied Physics A, Vol.66(1998)
Helium loops of an ITER HCPB test blanket module Albrecht, H.; Hutter, E.; Kleefeldt, K.; Penzhorn, R. D. 1998. 17th Symp.on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), San Diego, Calif., October 6-10, 1997 Proceeding Vol. 1 Piscataway, N.J. : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1998
Test of evaluated data from libraries for fusion applications in an ITER shield mock-up experiment Fischer, U.; Freiesleben, H.; Hansen, W.; Richter, D.; Seidel, K.; Unholzer, S.; Wu, Y. 1998. Reffo, G. [Hrsg.] Internat.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, I, May 19-24, 1997 Bologna : Italian Physical Society, 1997 Part II (Conference Proceedings / Italian Physical Society ; 59)
Investigation of the premixing phase of a steam explosion with hot spheres Meyer, L.; Schumacher, G.; Jacobs, H.; Thurnay, K. 1998. Proc.of the Internat.Topical Meeting on Advanced Reactors Safety, Orlando, Fla., June 1-5, 1997 Vol. 1, S.503-13 La Grange Park, Ill. : American Nuclear Soc., 1997 Nuclear Technology, 123(1998) S.142-55
Nonlinear surface impedance in ’low’ and ’high’ Tc-superconductors Halbritter, J. 1998. Rogalla, H. [Hrsg.] Applied Superconductivity 1997 : Proc.of EUCAS 1997, the 3rd European Conf.on Applied Superconductivity, Veldhoven, NL, June 30 - July 3, 1997 Vol. 1 Bristol [u.a.] : IOP Publ., 1997 (Institute of Physics Conference Series ; 158)
Processing technique for fabrication of advanced YBCO bulk materials for industrial applications Kaiser, A. W.; Bornemann, H. J.; Koch, R. 1998. Rogalla, H. [Hrsg.] Applied Superconductivity 1997 : Proc.of EUCAS 1997, the 3rd European Conf.on Applied Superconductivity, Veldhoven, NL, June 30 - July 3, 1997 Vol. 2 Bristol [u.a.] : IOP Publ., 1997 (Institute of Physics Conference Series ; 158)
SMES progress Jüngst, K. P. 1998. Liangzhen, L. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Internat.Conf.on Magnet Technology (MT-15), Beijing, China, October 20-24, 1997 Beijing : Science Press, 1998
SMES compensator for fluctuating loads Jüngst, K. P.; Salbert, H.; Simon, O. 1998. Liangzhen, L. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 15th Internat.Conf.on Magnet Technology (MT-15), Beijing, China, October 20-24, 1997 Beijing : Science Press, 1998
High-performance PbLi blanket Tillack, M. S.; Malang, S. 1998. Proceed. of the 17th Symp.on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), San Diego, Calif., October 6-10, 1997 Vol.2
Application of improved neutron cross-section data for Fe-56 to an integral fusion neutronics experiment Fischer, U.; Freiesleben, H.; Klein, H.; Mannhart, W.; Richter, D.; Schmidt, D.; Seidel, K.; Tagesen, S.; Tsige-Tamirat, H.; Unholzer, S.; Vonach, H.; Wu, Y. 1998. Reffo, G. [Hrsg.] Internat.Conf.on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Trieste, I, May 19-24, 1997 Bologna : Italian Physical Society, 1997 Part II (Conference Proceedings / Italian Physical Society ; 59)
Operation of a small SMES power compensator Jüngst, K. P.; Salbert, H.; Simon, O. 1998. Rogalla, H. [Hrsg.] Applied Superconductivity 1997 : Proc.of EUCAS 1997, the 3rd European Conf.on Applied Superconductivity, Veldhoven, NL, June 30 - July 3, 1997 Vol. 2 Bristol [u.a.] : IOP Publ., 1997 (Institute of Physics Conference Series ; 158)
Concept of an integrated trigger system for the Pierre Auger fluorescence detector Espenlaub, G.; Gemmeke, H.; Kampert, K. H.; Klinger, V.; Tcherniakhovski, D. 1998. Potgieter, M.S. [Hrsg.] 25th Internat.Cosmic Ray Conf., Durban, ZA, July 30 - August 6, 1997 : Contributed Papers, Vol. 6 Potchefstroom : Space Research Unit, 1997
IR spectroscopic studies in microchannel structures Guber, A. E.; Bier, W. 1998. Haseth, [Hrsg.] Fourier Transform Spectroscopy : 11th Internat.Conf., Athens, Ga., August 10-15, 1997 Woodbury, N.Y. : American Institute of Physics, 1998 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 430)
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