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On the creep and superplastic behavior of the ODS nickel-based superalloy PM 3030 Heilmaier, M.; Nganbe, M.; Müller, F. E. H. 2000. Deformation, processing, and properties of structural materials: Proceedings of the Honorary Symposium for Oleg D. Sherby held at the 2000 TMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, March 14-16, 2000. Ed.: E. M. Taleff, 287–298, TMS
Environmental PGE contamination in Southwest Germany Eckhardt, J.-D.; Schäfer, J.; Puchelt, H.; Stüben, D. 2000. Anthropogenic platinum group element emissions: their impact on man and environment. Ed.: F. Zereini, 47–56, Springer-Verlag
Bildung heute - veränderte schulische Schwerpunkte Rekus, J. 2000. Staat und Schule = Lietuvos valstybingumas ir mokykla: Litauische Gespräche zur Pädagogik II. Hrsg.: G.-B. Reinert, 119–126, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Towards an Interoperable Open GIS Bergmann, A.; Breunig, M.; Cremers, A. B.; Shumilov, S. 2000. International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Geographical Information Systems, Ascona, Switzerland, 2000, 283–296
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