Economically Enhanced Resource Management for Internet Service Utilities Püschel, T.; Borissov, N.; Macías, M.; Neumann, D.; Guitart, J.; Torres, J. 2007. Web information systems engineering - WISE 2007, 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Nancy, France, December 3 - 7, 2007; proceedings. Ed.: B. Benatallah, 335–348, Springer-Verlag
Misfire Detection for Vehicles with Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF) Walter, A.; Kiencke, U.; Jones, S.; Winkler, T. 2007. Proceedings of the 14th Asia Pacific Automotive Engineering Conference, Hollywood, California, USA, August 5 - 8, 2007, 1–9, SAE International
Bayessche Fusion von Stereobildfolgen und Lidardaten Puente León, F.; Thuy, M.; Saber Tehrani, A. 2007. Bildverarbeitung in der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik: Tagung Regensburg, 27. und 28. November 2007, 67–78, VDI Verlag
Translation and rotation invariant histogram features for series of images Puente León, F.; Pérez Grassi, A. 2007. Informatik 2007: Informatik trifft Logistik; Beiträge der 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 24. - 27. September 2007 in Bremen. Bd. 1. Hrsg.: R. Koschke, 38–43, Ges. für Informatik
EMC analysis of a wind turbine blade’s lightning protection system Puente León, F.; Krämer, S.; Lewke, B.; Kindersberger, J.; Kirchhof, J.; Méndez Hernández, Y. M. 2007. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2007: EMC 2007, 9 - 13 July 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1–4, IEEE Operations Center
Fiber optic current sensors for high current surge measurements Krämer, S.; Puente León, F.; Méndez Hernández, Y. M.; Lewke, B. 2007. Proceedings of the Sensor Conference 2007: 13th international conference, Nürnberg, Germany, 22 - 24 May 2007, Vol. II, 135–139, AMA Service
Magnetic garnets for lightning current measurements Krämer, S.; Puente León, F.; Méndez Hernández, Y. M. 2007. Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE Conference on Sensors: 2007 IEEE sensors, Atlanta, GA, 28 - 31 October 2007, 378–381, IEEE Service Center
Lightning impact monitoring systems for wind turbines Krämer, S.; Puente León, F.; Lewke, B.; Méndez Hernández, Y. M. 2007. Scientific proceedings / EWEC 2007 Milan, Europe’s premier wind energy event: Milano Convention Centre, Milan, Italy, 7 - 10 May 2007; 1 CD-Rom, European Wind Energy Association
Combined distributed temperature sensing and current monitoring Puente León, F.; Krämer, S.; Feichter, W.; Stromberger, J. 2007. Proceedings of the Fiber optic sensors and applications V: 10 - 12 September 2007, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Ed.: E. Udd, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Razrabotka drivera dlya zashiti program ot otladki Frolov, V. A.; Salnikov, V. U. 2007. 35aya nedelya nauki SPbGPU: Materiali Vserossiiskoi megvuzovskoi nauchno-technicheskoi konferencii studentov i aspirantov [Proceedings], 88–90
Direct observation of a laser melt pool surface Dudeck, S.; Puente León, F.; Rieger, D. 2007. Proceedings / Sensor Conference 2007: 13th international conference, Nürnberg, Germany, 22 - 24 May 2007; an event of the AMA Association for Sensor Technology, 105–110, AMA Service
Applications of fibre optic temperature measurement Krämer, S.; Hoffmann, L.; Müller, M. S.; Giebel, M.; Schwotzer, G.; Wieduwilt, T. 2007. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Engineering, 13 (4), 363–378
Fusion von Bildsignalen Puente León, F.; Heizmann, M. 2007. tm - Technisches Messen, 74 (3), 130–138
A novel approach for an automotive night vision system Knoll, P. M. 2007. Conference proceedings - ED, Electronic Displays 2007 Conference, February 13 - 14, 2007, Messezentrum Nürnberg; 1 CD-Rom, Design & Elektronik
Video-Sensorik - erste Erfahrungen und Ausblick Knoll, P. M.; Schick, J. 2007. Umwelt und Energie - Fahrzeugsicherheit und Elektronik. Technischer Kongress 2007, 28. - 29. März 2007, DaimlerChrysler AG, Mercedes Event Center, Sindelfingen, Germany; [Tagungsband] = Environment and energy - vehicle safety and electronics, 321–340, VDA
Fahrerinformationssysteme Knoll, P. M. 2007. Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch. Red.: Karl-Heinz Dietsche .., 1098, Vieweg Verlag
HDR Vision for Driver Assistance Knoll, P. M. 2007. High dynamic range (HDR) vision: microelectronics, image processing, computer graphics. Ed.: B. Hoefflinger, 123–136, Springer-Verlag
Fahrerassistenzsysteme Knoll, P. M. 2007. Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch / Bosch, 1074–1078, Vieweg Verlag
Einparksysteme Knoll, P. M. 2007. Kraftfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch : [Kfz-Fachwissen kompakt] / Bosch, 1106–1109, Vieweg Verlag
Production Planning by Pinch Analysis for Biomass Use in Dynamic and Seasonal Markets Ludwig, J.; Treitz, M.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. 2007. From research to market development - 15th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition. Proceedings of the international conference, Berlin, Germany, 7 - 11 May 2007. Ed.: K. Maniatis; 1 DVD-Rom, 641–645, ETA-Renewable Energies
Assessment of Industrial Asset Values at Risk Merz, M.; Bertsch, V.; Rentz, O.; Geldermann, J. 2007. ISCRAM 2007- 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Delft, The Netherlands, May 13-16 2007. Ed.: B. Van de Walle, 235–244, VUBPRESS
Decision Support for Crisis Management by Large-Scale Exercises Merz, M.; Geldermann, J.; Bertsch, V.; Läpke, D.; Rentz, O. 2007. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference 2007 of the International Emergency Management Society (TIEMS 2007), Trogir, Croatia June 5th - 8th 2007, 147–157, TIEMS
Production Planning by Pinch Analysis in Dynamic and Seasonal Markets Ludwig, J.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. 2007. Proceeding of the 10th Conference of Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES ’07), Ischia, Italy, June 24 - 27, 2007. Ed.: J. Klemes, AIDIC
Decision support for managing interruptions in industrial supply chains Merz, M.; Hiete, M.; Bertsch, V.; Rentz, O. 2007. 8. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge Disaster reduction in a changing climate : proceedings of the conference; Karlsruhe, 15./16. Oktober 2007; 1 CD-Rom, Dt. Komitee für Katastrophenvorsorge
Preference Sensitivity Analyses for Multi-Attribute Decision Support Bertsch, V.; Geldermann, J.; Rentz, O. 2007. Selected papers of the annual international conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Karlsruhe, September 6 - 8, 2006. Ed.: K.-H. Waldmann, 411–416, Springer-Verlag
Frisch- und Festbetoneigenschaften ultrahochfester Betone Müller, H. S.; Scheydt, J.; Burkart, I. 2007. Neue Entwicklungen im Betonbau: 08. und 09. März 2007; Fachtagung 2007 des Deutschen Ausschusses für Stahlbeton in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, A30 - A38, Berlin
Sanierung historischer Betonbauten Müller, H. S.; Bohner, E. 2007. Vortrag an der 7. Fachtagung Sanierung und Verstärkung von Massivbauten: Innovationen im Bauwesen; Beiträge aus Praxis und Wissenschaft. Hrsg.: F. Dehn, 85–105, Bauwerk
Zum Baustoff der Zukunft Müller, H. S. 2007. Gebaute Visionen: 100 Jahre Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton 1907 - 2007, 195–221, Beuth Verlag GmbH
Sustainable Management of Construction Projects Schultmann, F.; Sunke, N. 2007. Proceedings of the CIB World Building Congress 2007 - Construction for Development, Cape Town, South Africa, May 14-18 2007, 2428–2440, CIB
Sensitivity analysis of technological and material parameters in roll forming Gehring, A.; Saal, H. 2007. Materials processing and design: modelling, simulation and applications; NUMIFORM ’07; Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, 17-21 June 2007, Porto, Portugal. Ed.: J. M. A. César de Sá, 781–786, American Institute of Physics (AIP)
A new strategy for finite-element analysis of the load bearing capacity of cold-formed sections Gehring, A.; Kathage, K.; Saal, H. 2007. Recent developments in structural engineering, mechanics and computation: proceedings of the Third International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 10 - 12 September 2007, Cape Town, South Africa. Ed.: A. Zingoni, 377–378, Millpress
Status of QGSJET Ostapchenko, S. 2007. Tripathi, M. [Hrsg.] Colliders to Cosmic Rays : Proc.of the Conf., Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, Calif., February 25 - March 1, 2007 Melville, N.Y. : AIP, 2007 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 928) Also
Status of QGSJET Ostapchenko, S. 2007. Tripathi, M. [Hrsg.] Colliders to Cosmic Rays : Proc.of the Conf., Granlibakken, Lake Tahoe, Calif., February 25 - March 1, 2007 Melville, N.Y. : AIP, 2007 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 928) Also, 118–25