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Studying the aerosol-radiation-interaction with LM-ART Vogel, B.; Bäumer, D.; Lundgren, K.; Rink, R.; Stanelle, T.; Vogel, H. 2007. Proceedings of the 18th EFCA International Symposium Ultrafine Particles - Key in the Issue of Particulate Matter? Karlsruhe, 12.6.2007, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
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Evaluation of convection-resolving model simulation in mountainous terrain Trentmann, J.; Corsmeier, U.; Wernli, H.; Groenemeijer, P.; Handwerker, J.; Kohler, M.; Wieser, A.; Berendt, A.; Radlach, M.; Wulfmeyer, V. 2007. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Severe Storms (ECSS), Trieste, Italy, 10.9.-14.9.2007, Trieste
Multi-model simulations of a convective situation in mountainous terrain Trentmann, J.; Barthlott, C.; Bauer, H.-S.; Keil, C.; Salzmann, M.; Lawrence, M.; Leuenberger, D.; Wernli, H.; Wuflmeyer, V. 2007. Proceedings of the International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Chambery, France, 4.6.-8.6.2007, Chambery
Initiation of precipitating convection Khodayar, S.; Kalthoff, N. 2007. Proceedings of the European Conference on Severe Storms, Trieste, Italy, 10.9.-14.9.2007, Trieste
The European storm forecast experiment Groenemeijer, P.; Tuschy, H.; Van der Velde, O.; Dahl, J. 2007. Vortrag vom Symposium Extremwetter: Vorhersage und Schadensvorbeugung, Rastatt, 2.3.-30.3.2007, Rastatt
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Commuters route choice behaviour Kube, S.; Selten, R.; Schreckenberg, M.; Chmura, T.; Pitz, T. 2007. Games and Economic Behavior, 58 (2), 394–406
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