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Full scale oil fires in the HDR containment Dobbernack, R.; Mueller, K. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989, 171
Global response of concrete structures to explosive loading Zinn, R.; Freund, H. U.; Mueller, K. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989, 165
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Temperature and wall strain fluctuations during the TEMR thermal stratification tests at HDR Wolf, L.; Geib, M.; Haefner, W.; Hansjosten, E.; Talja, A. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. F, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989, 183
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The behavior of a reactor pressure vessel nozzle under pressurized thermal shock loading Klein, M.; Neubrech, G. E.; Roos, E. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. F, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989, 25
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European interlaboratory test measurements on waste containing alpha-emitting contaminants Dierckx, R.; Bondar, L.; Bosser, R.; Bremner, W. B.; Cresti, P.; Filss, P.; Leake, J. W.; Ottmar, H.; Wuerz, H. 1989. Proc.of the 11th Annual Symp.on Safeguards and Nuclear Material Management, Luxembourg, May 30 - June 1, 1989 Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1989. - ESARDA-22 EUR-12193-EN, 195
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Load carrying capacity of canister type blanket elements for NET under accident conditions Wehner, E.; Krieg, R.; Dolensky, B. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. N, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989, 151–56
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XUMA - ein Assistent fuer die Beurteilung von Altlasten Weidemann, R.; Geiger, W. 1989. Jaeschke, A. [Hrsg.] Informatik im Umweltschutz : 4.Symp., Karlsruhe, 6.-8.November 1989. Proc. Berlin [usw.] : Springer 1989 (Informatik-Fachberichte; 228), 385–94