Water and development: a global perspective Prinz, D. 2002. In: Proceedings. Alumni-Seminar "Water and Development", Beijing/China 2002. Tübingen : Institute of Geosciences 2002. S. 86-92
Water and development: a global perspective Prinz, D. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 29-38
Water and civilization Prinz, D. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 5-21
Irrigation water management in Indonesia Prinz, D. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 163-172
Irrigation water management in Germany Prinz, D.; Pathirana, P. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 155-162
Integrated water resources management (IWRM): principles and practices Prinz, D. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 99-123
Global sustainable development? Prinz, D. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 23-28
Global deforestation: scale and impacts Prinz, D.; Wolfer, S. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 56-65
Global climate change and its implications on SE Asia and China Prinz, D. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 39-55
Early warning system for the Mekong River (keynote lecture) Plate, E. J.; Insisiengmay, T. 2002. In: Flood defence 2002. Proceedings. 2nd International Symposium on Flood Defence, Beijing, China 2002. Ed.: B. Wu. Vol. 1. Beijing : Science Pr. 2002. S. 3-14
Water resources management in Germany - an overview Pathirana, P.; Prinz, D.; Zhao, W. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 147-154
Resistance of local flood berm vegetation in compound channels Dittrich, A.; Koll, K.; Becker, K. 2002. In: 5th International Conference on Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Warsaw, Poland 2002. Ed.: P.K. Holz. S. 277 (Abstract) + CD-ROM (Paper). (Advances in hydro-science and -engineering. 5.)
Element free Galerkin method - background Budiarto, R. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 225-236
Water quantity management in river basins: methodical developments Brudy-Zippelius, T.; Morgenschweis, G.; Ihringer, J. 2002. In: 5th International Conference on Hydro-Science and -Engineering, Warsaw, Poland 2002. Ed.: P.K. Holz. S. 187 (Abstract) + CD-ROM (Paper). (Advances in hydro-science and -engineering. 5.)
Water resources management in Yogyakarta Basin, Indonesia Brontowiyono, W. 2002. In: Irrigation water management in an intercultural context with special reference to Indonesia and Germany. Ed.: A.H. Malik. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Wasserwirtschaft u. Kulturtechnik 2002. S. 193-211
Der Rhein und die Romantik Krueger, J. 2002. In: Der Geist der Romantik in der Architektur. Red.: P. Habrock-Henrich. Regensburg 2002. S. 13-28. (Veröffentlichungen des Landesmuseums Koblenz. B 68.)