Optimum horn antennas for high order mode beam waveguides Del Rio, C.; Gonzalo, R.; Sorolla, M.; Thumm, M. 1995. Invited and Contributed Papers pres.at the 20th Internat.Conf.on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Fla., December 11-14, 1995 LRP 531/95 (October 95), 295–96
The boundary layer evolution during TRACT Kalthoff, N.; Binder, H. J.; Fiedler, F.; Kossmann, M.; Corsmeier, U.; Vögtlin, R.; Schlager, H. 1995. Borrell, P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of EUROTRAC Symp. 1994, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, April 11-15, 1994 Den Haag : SPB Academic Publ., 1994, 748–52
Static and dynamic properties of Josephson fluxons Halbritter, J. 1995. Barone, A. [Hrsg.] 4th Euro-Ceramics : Proc.of the 4th European Ceramic Society Conf., Riccione, I, October 2-6, 1995 Vol.7: High Tc Superconductors Part II Faenza : Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice, 1995, 267–75
Evidence for a pronounced local order in the high temperature phase of C₆₀ Pintschovius, L.; Chaplot, S. L.; Roth, G.; Heger, G. 1995. Kuzmany, H. [Hrsg.] Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives : Proc.of the Internat.Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, March 4-12, 1995 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1995, 39–43
CAPRA exploratory studies of uranium-free fast Pu burner cores Conti, A.; Garnier, J. C.; Lo Pinto, P.; Sunderland, R. E.; Newton, T.; Maschek, W. 1995. Internat.Conf.on Evaluation of Emerging Nuclear Fuel Cycle Systems (Global ’95), Versailles, F, September 11-14, 1995 Proc. Vol. 2, 1316–23
The nuclear fuel cycle for transmutations : a critical review Küsters, H.; Kienzler, B.; Kolarik, Z.; Segev, M.; Wiese, H. W.; Salvatores, M.; Slessarev, I.; Zaetta, A. 1995. Internat.Conf.on Evaluation of Emerging Nuclear Fuel Cycle Systems (Global ’95), Versailles, F, September 11-14, 1995 Proc. Vol. 1, 1076–79
CAPRA core studies - the oxide reference option Languille, A.; Garnier, J. C.; Lo Pinto, P.; Verrier, D.; Deplaix, J.; Allan, P.; Newton, T.; Sunderland, R. E.; Kiefhaber, E.; Maschek, W.; Struwe, D. 1995. Internat.Conf.on Evaluation of Emerging Nuclear Fuel Cycle Systems (Global ’95), Versailles, F, September 11-14, 1995 Proc. Vol. 1, 874–81
Antenas de bocina optimizadas para acoplar modos gaussianos de orden superior Del Rio Bocio, C.; Gonzalo, R.; Sorolla Ayza, M.; Thumm, M. 1995. X Symp.Nacional de la Union Cientifica Internacional de Radio : Libro de Actas, Valladolid, E, 27-29 Septiembre 1995 Valladolid : Universidad, Departamento de Teoria de la Senal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniera Telematica, 1995, 597–601
Estudio de la posibilidad de utilizar modos de orden superior en guias de onda cuasi-opticas Del Rio Bocio, C.; Gonzalo, R.; Sorolla Ayza, M.; Möbius, A.; Thumm, M. 1995. X Symp.Nacional de la Union Cientifica Internacional de Radio : Libro de Actas, Valladolid, E, 27-29 Septiembre 1995 Valladolid : Universidad, Departamento de Teoria de la Senal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniera Telematica, 1995, 603–06
Dynamische Eigenschaften supraleitender Magnetlager Schmitt, U.; Tonoli, A.; Bornemann, H. J. 1995. Proc.of the 2nd Zittau Workshop on Magnetic Bearing, Zittau, September 5-6, 1995 Wissenschaftliche Berichte, IPM, Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, 1995 Heft 42, Nr.1508-016, 63–72
Electronic structure of phase pure K₃C₆₀ from electron energy-loss spectroscopy Knupfer, M.; Fink, J.; Armbruster, J. F. 1995. Kuzmany, H. [Hrsg.] Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives : Proc.of the Internat.Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, March 4-12, 1995 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1995, 397
Plasmon damping and dispersion in doped C₆₀ compounds Gunnarsson, O.; Liechtenstein, A. I.; Eyert, V.; Knupfer, M.; Fink, J.; Armbruster, J. F. 1995. Kuzmany, H. [Hrsg.] Physics and Chemistry of Fullerenes and Derivatives : Proc.of the Internat.Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, March 4-12, 1995 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1995, 402
Advanced ground truth for remote sensing of soil moisture Brandelik, A.; Hübner, C. 1995. Engman, E.T. [Hrsg.] Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources, Paris, F, September 26-28, 1995 Bellingham, Wash. : Internat.Soc.for Optical Engineering, 1995 (SPIE Proceedings Series ; 2585) (Proceedings Europto Series), 80–88
Ground truth for remotely sensed soil moisture Brandelik, A.; Hübner, C. 1995. Curran, P.J. [Hrsg.] RSS 95 : Remote Sensing in Action ; Proc.of the 21st Annual Conf.of the Remote Sensing Society, Southampton, GB, September 11-14, 1995 Nottingham : Remote Sensing Society, 1995, 109–16
Development of a 1.5 MW coaxial gyrotron at 165 GHz Iatrou, C. T.; Braz, O.; Dammertz, G.; Kern, S.; Piosczyk, B.; Thumm, M.; Wien, A.; Zhang, S. C. 1995. Invited and Contributed Papers pres.at the 20th Internat.Conf.on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Fla., December 11-14, 1995 LRP 531/95 (October 95), 415–16
ELMAS - Systementwurf, -simulation und Realisierung Süss, W.; Eggert, H.; Gorges-Schleuter, M.; Jakob, W.; Lindemann, K. 1995. John, W. [Hrsg.] 2.Workshop Methoden- und Werkzeugentwicklung fuer den Mikrosystementwurf im Rahmen des 3.Statusseminars zum BMBF-Verbundprojekt METEOR, Karlsruhe, 13.-14.November 1995 Tagungsband, 35–42
Microwave sintering of Si₃N₄-based materials Bykov, Y.; Eremeev, A.; Holoptsev, V.; Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, H. J. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 207–12
Transmission losses of various modes in a gap in an oversized waveguide Wagner, D.; Kasparek, W.; Müller, G.; Thumm, M.; Braz, O. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 163–70
Beam diagnostic by thermographic recording Empacher, L.; Kasparek, W.; Braz, O. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 159–62
Rectangular windows for 170 GHz, 1 MW, CW operation on ITER Thumm, M.; Norajitra, P. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 147–58
Design of a 165 GHz - 1.3 MW TE₃₁̦₁₇ mode coaxial cavity gyrotron Iatrou, C. T.; Kern, S.; Piosczyk, B.; Thumm, M.; Wien, A. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 57–70
Results of gun simulations with the BFCPIC and BFCRAY codes Borie, E.; Grüber, C.; Illy, S. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 39–44
Recent experimental results of high power 140 GHz gyrotrons at FZK Dammertz, G.; Braz, O.; Iatrou, C. T.; Kuntze, M.; Piosczyk, B.; Soudee, G.; Thumm, M. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 15–26
Plasma shield formation and divertor plate erosion for ITER Tokamak plasma disruptions Bazylev, B.; Kappler, F.; Landman, I.; Pestchany, S.; Piazza, G.; Wuerz, H. 1995. Keen, B.E. [Hrsg.] 22nd EPS Conf.on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Bournemouth, GB, July 3-7, 1995 ; Contributed Papers, Part II Europhysics Conference Abstracts, 19C(1995) S.II/277-II/280
Impurities effect on the swelling of neutron irradiated beryllium Dalle Donne, M.; Scaffidi-Argentina, F. 1995. Proc.of the 2nd IEA Internat.Workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion, Jackson Lake Lodge, Wyo., September 6-8, 1995 CONF-9509218 (September 95), 223–34
Cylindrical tubes under dynamic axial loading causing concertina type of deformations Messemer, G.; Göller, B.; Hoffmann, G.; Stratmanns, E.; Müller, S. 1995. Riera, J.D. [Hrsg.] Transactions of the 13th Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT 13), Porto Alegre, BR, August 13-18, 1995 Vol. IV Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 1995, 407–18
Thermal expansion of C₆₀ and C₇₀ single crystals Meingast, C.; Haluska, M.; Kuzmany, H. 1995. Kadish, K.M. [Hrsg.] Fullerenes : Proc.of the Symp.on Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials, held at the 185th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, Calif., May 22-27, 1994 Pennington, N.J. : Electrochemical Soc., 1994 (Proceedings / Electrochemical Society ; 94-24), 514–18
A scientific knowledge base for extracting and justifying scientific hypotheses in atmospheric research Kapetanios, E. 1995. Mars, N.J.I. [Hrsg.] Towards Very Large Knowledge Bases : Knowledge Building and Knowledge Sharing 1995 : Papers Pres.at the 2nd Internat.Conf.on Building and Sharing Very Large-Scale Knowledge Bases, Univ.of Twente, Enschede, NL, April 10-13, 1995 Amsterdam [u.a.] : IOS Press [u.a.], 1995, 132–42
Development of advanced high-power 140 GHz gyrotrons for ECW applications Kuntze, M.; Braz, O.; Dammertz, G.; Iatrou, C. T.; Kern, S.; Möbius, A.; Piosczyk, B.; Soudee, G.; Thumm, M.; Wien, A. 1995. Intense Microwave Pulses III : SPIES’s Internat.Symp.on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation, San Diego, Calif., July 9-14, 1995 Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE, 1995 (SPIE Proceedings Series ; 2557), 347–55
Deposition by means of pulsed electron beam ablation Müller, G.; Schultheiss, C. 1995. Beams 94 : Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf.on High-Power Particle Beams, San Diego, Calif., June 20-24, 1994 Springfield, Va. : NTIS, 1995, 833–36
Pulsed intense proton beam facility for ITER disruptions simulation Engelko, V.; Schultheiss, C.; Würz, H.; Schalk, S.; Giese, H. 1995. Beams 94 : Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf.on High-Power Particle Beams, San Diego, Calif., June 20-24, 1994 Springfield, Va. : NTIS, 1995, 785–88
Calculations for Ka - spectroscopy of hot dense plasmas produced by the KALIF ion beam Ludmirsky, A.; Baumung, K.; Bluhm, H.; Buth, L.; Goel, B.; Meisel, G.; Rusch, G.; Stoltz, O.; MacFarlane, J. J.; Wang, P. 1995. Beams 94 : Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf.on High-Power Particle Beams, San Diego, Calif., June 20-24, 1994 Springfield, Va. : NTIS, 1995, 723–26
Compression of intese proton beams Engelko, V.; Kuznezov, V.; Vjazmenova, G.; Würz, H. 1995. Beams 94 : Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf.on High-Power Particle Beams, San Diego, Calif., June 20-24, 1994 Springfield, Va. : NTIS, 1995, 691–94
Model of the vacuum diode with adsorbate anode operation Engelko, V.; Schultheiss, C. 1995. Beams 94 : Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf.on High-Power Particle Beams, San Diego, Calif., June 20-24, 1994 Springfield, Va. : NTIS, 1995, 491–94
E-beam heated plasma as a tool for ITER disruption simulations Koidan, V. S.; Astrelin, V. T.; Burdakov, A. V.; Filippov, V. V.; Lebedev, S. V.; Mekler, K. I.; Melnikov, P. I.; Postupaev, V. V.; Rovenskikh, A. F.; Sheheglov, M. A.; Tsigutkin, K. V.; Voropaev, S. G.; Würz, H. 1995. Beams 94 : Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf.on High-Power Particle Beams, San Diego, Calif., June 20-24, 1994 Springfield, Va. : NTIS, 1995, 240–43
Dynamics of the high-power ion beam interaction with targets Kanel, G. I.; Utkin, A. V.; Baumung, K.; Karow, H. U.; Rusch, D. 1995. Beams 94 : Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf.on High-Power Particle Beams, San Diego, Calif., June 20-24, 1994 Springfield, Va. : NTIS, 1995, 236–39
Ion beam diagnostics by methods of shock-wave physics Utkin, A. V.; Kanel, G. I.; Baumung, K.; Karow, H. U.; Rusch, D.; Licht, V. 1995. Schmidt, S.C. [Hrsg.] High-Pressure Science and Technology : 1993 ; Proc.of the Joint Internat.Assoc.for Research and Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology and American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., June 28 - July 2, 1993 New York, N.Y. : American Inst.of Physics, 1994 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 309, Pt.2), 1891–94
High-power light ion beams and intense shock waves Kessler, G.; Karow, H. U.; Baumung, K.; Fortov, V. E.; Kanel, G. I.; Licht, V. 1995. Schmidt, S.C. [Hrsg.] High-Pressure Science and Technology : 1993 ; Proc.of the Joint Internat.Assoc.for Research and Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology and American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., June 28 - July 2, 1993 New York, N.Y. : American Inst.of Physics, 1994 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 309, Pt.2), 1887–90
Spallations near the ultimate strength of solids Kanel, G. I.; Razorenov, S. V.; Utkin, A. V.; Baumung, K.; Karow, H. U.; Licht, V. 1995. Schmidt, S.C. [Hrsg.] High-Pressure Science and Technology : 1993 ; Proc.of the Joint Internat.Assoc.for Research and Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology and American Physical Society Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter Conf., Colorado Springs, Colo., June 28 - July 2, 1993 New York, N.Y. : American Inst.of Physics, 1994 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 309, Pt.2), 1043–46
Development of an electrochemical microanalytical system: from specification to realization Süss, W.; Eggert, H.; Gorges-Schleuter, M.; Jakob, W.; Lindemann, K.; Hoffmann, W.; Rapp, R. 1995. Adey, R.A. [Hrsg.] Simulation and Design of Microsystems and Microstructures (microSIM 95) : 1st Internat.Conf., Southampton, GB, September 26-28, 1995 Southampton [u.a.] : Computational Mechanics Publ., 1995, 293–300
Online exhaust gas analytics during plasma cleaning of PECVD facilities Guber, A. E.; Köhler, U. 1995. Sabnis, A.G. [Hrsg.] Process, Equipment, and Materials Control in Integrated Circuit Manufacturing : Proc.of a Conf., Austin, Tex., October 25-26, 1995 Bellingham, Wash. : SPIE, 1995 (SPIE proceedings series ; 2637), 147–55
Schrittweise Entwicklung eines elektrochemischen Mikroanalysesystems Süss, W.; Lindemann, K.; Eggert, H.; Gorges-Schleuter, M.; Jakob, W.; Hoffmann, W.; Rapp, R. 1995. 2.Chemnitzer Fachtagung Mikrosystemtechnik, Chemnitz, 16.-17.Oktober, 1995 Tagungsbd. Technische Universität Chemnitz-Zwickau, 1995, 216–23
The peak effect in RBa₂Cu₃O₇₋sub(d)ₑsub(l)sub(t)ₐ (R=Y,Tm) single crystals with different oxygen stoichiometry Zhukov, A. A.; Küpfer, H.; Perkins, G.; Cohen, L. F.; Caplin, A. D.; Klestov, S. A.; Claus, H.; Voronkova, V. I.; Wolf, T.; Kläser, M.; Wühl, H. 1995. European Conf.on Applied Superconductivity, Edinburgh, GB, July 3-6, 1995 Barone, A. [Hrsg.] 4th Euro-Ceramics : Proc.of the 4th European Ceramic Society Conf., Riccione, I, October 2-6, 1995 Vol.7: High Tc Superconductors Part II Faenza : Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice, 1995, 29–40
RODOS, a real-time on-line decision support system for nuclear emergency management in Europe Ehrhardt, J.; Fischer, F.; Hasemann, I.; Lorenz, A.; Päsler-Sauer, J.; Schüle, O.; Schichtel, T.; Steinhauer, C.; Rafat, M.; Benz, G. 1995. Drager, K.H. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Oslo Conf.on Internat.Aspects of Emergency Management and Environmental Technology, Oslo, N, June 18-21, 1995 Skoyen : A/S Quasar Consultants, 1995, 187–94
A cleanable metal based emission particulate filter for diesel engines Dillmann, H. G.; Furrer, J.; Stöhr, J. 1995. 28th Internat.Symp.on Automotive Technology and Automation : Proc.for the Dedicated Conf.on Mechatronics, Efficient Computer Support for Engineering, Manufacturing, Testing and Reliability, Stuttgart, September 18-22, 1995 Croydon : Automotive Automation Ltd., 1995, 433–40
Energiespeicher mit HTSL-Magnetlagern Bornemann, H. J.; Urban, C.; Boegler, P.; Ritter, T.; Zaitsev, O.; Weber, K.; Rietschel, H. 1995. Supraleitung und Tieftemperaturtechnik : zum Statusseminar, Weimar, 13.-14.Juni 1994 Düsseldorf : VDI-Verl., 1994 Berichte zu F+E-Projekten aus dem Förderbereich Physikalische Technologien des Bundesministeriums für Forschung und Technologie, 315–26
Computational advances in transition phase analysis Morita, K.; Kondo, S.; Tobita, Y.; Shirakawa, N.; Brear, D. J.; Fischer, E. A. 1995. Proc.of the IAEA/IWGFR Technical Committee Meeting on Material-Coolant Interactions and Material Movement and Relocation in Liquid Metal Fast Reactors, O’Arai, J, June 6-9, 1994 IWGFR/89 (1994), 407–16
Progress towards a silicon-based window for high power gyrotrons Parshin, V. V.; Heidinger, R.; Andreev, B. A.; Gusev, A. V.; Shmagin, V. B. 1995. ECRH and Gyrotrons : Proc.of the 7th Russian-German Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 22-23, Stuttgart, June 24, Garching, June 26-27, 1995 Karlsruhe, 1995, 131–46
LIGA-made pneumatically driven micro-actuator for use in a micro testing system Ruther, P.; Bacher, W.; Feit, K.; Heckele, M.; Weindel, K. 1995. Reichl, H. [Hrsg.] Microsystem Technologies 94, 4th Internat.Conf.on Micro Electro, Opto, Mechanical Systems and Components, Berlin, October 19-21, 1994 Berlin [u.a.] : VDE-Verl., 1994, 899–906
Multisensor microsystems for contaminants in air Althainz, P.; Goschnick, J.; Ehrmann, S.; Ache, H. J. 1995. 8th Internat.Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Conf., Transducers ’95 and Eurosensors IX, Stockholm, S, June 25-29, 1995 Digest of Technical Papers, 699–702