MM-wave characterisation of low loss dielectric materials using open resonators Schwab, R.; Spörl, R.; Burbach, J.; Heidinger, R.; Königer, F. 1998. Displays and Vacuum Electronics : Contributions to the ITG-Conf., Garmisch-Partenkirchen, April 29-30, 1998 Berlin [u.a.] : VDE-Verl., 1998 (ITG-Fachbericht ; 150), 363–68
Gradient plasticity and size effects Tsagrakis, I.; Malmberg, T.; Aifantis, E. C. 1998. Theocaris, P.S. [Hrsg.] 5th Nat.Congress on Mechanics, Ioannina, GR, August 27-30, 1998 Proc.Vol.2 The University of Ioannina, 1998, 953–60
Preparation of transition metal doped PZT films Gugenberger, F.; Quandt, E.; Holleck, H. 1998. Actuator 98 : 6th Internat.Conf.on New Actuators, Bremen, June 17-19, 1998 Conf. Proc. Bremen : Messe Bremen GmbH, 1998, 300–03
Giant magnetostrictive materials and applications Quandt, E.; Clark, A. E. 1998. Actuator 98 : 6th Internat.Conf.on New Actuators, Bremen, June 17-19, 1998 Conf. Proc. Bremen : Messe Bremen GmbH, 1998, 353–58
Linear and rotating magnetostrictive micro-motors Claeyssen, F.; Lhermet, N.; Betz, J.; Mackay, K.; Givord, D.; Quandt, E.; Kronmuller, H. 1998. Actuator 98 : 6th Internat.Conf.on New Actuators, Bremen, June 17-19, 1998 Conf. Proc. Bremen : Messe Bremen GmbH, 1998, 372–75
Giant magnetostriction in TbFe/FeCo multilayers Ludwig, A.; Quandt, E.; Mencik, J. 1998. Hoffmann, H. [Hrsg.] Trends and New Applications of Thin Films : Proc.of the 6th Internat.Symp., Regensburg, March 18-20, 1998 Uetikon-Zürich : Trans Tech Publ., 1998 (Materials Science Forum ; 287-288), 509–12
An optimized forward and retrieval model for MIPAS near real time data processing Ridolfi, M.; Carli, B.; Carlotti, M.; Dudhia, A.; Flaud, J. M.; Höpfner, M.; Morris, P. E.; Raspollini, P.; Stiller, G.; Wells, R. J. 1998. Wang, J. [Hrsg.] SPIE’s Internat.Symp.on Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds, Beijing, China, September 15-17, 1998 Bellingham, Wash.: Soc.of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE Proceedings Series; 3501), 170–85
Elimination of phosphorous from municipal and industrial waste water Donnert, D.; Salecker, M. 1998. Bonomo, L. [Hrsg.] Advanced Waste Water Treatment, Recycling and Reuse : Resources and Environment: Priorities and Challenges ; 2nd Internat.Conf., Fiera Milano, I, September 14-16, 1998 Conf.Proc. Vol. 1 Politecnico di Milano, 1998, 311–18
Size effects on liquid impact and resulting structural response Jordan, T.; Malmberg, T. 1998. Bhandari, S. [Hrsg.] Severe Accidents and Topics in the NESC Project : The 1998 ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessels and Piping Conf., San Diego, Calif., July 26-30, 1998 New York, N.Y. : ASME, 1998 PVP-Vol.362, 33–38
Umweltinformatik und nachhaltige Entwicklung Jäschke, A.; Gabowitsch, E. 1998. The Environment for us and for the Future Generation: Ecology, Business and Ecological Education, : Proc.of the 3rd Internat.Congress, Samara, Russia, September 6-13, 1998 Samara, 1998 (In russ. Sprache), 115–21
Experimente zur Biokinetik von Tritium in Pflanzen Diabate, S.; Strack, S. 1998. Winter, M. [Hrsg.] Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt : 30.Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz gemeinsam mit dem Österreichischen Verband für Strahlenschutz, Lindau, 28.September - 2.Oktober 1998 Bd. II Köln : Verl. TUeV Rheinland, 1998 FS-98-98-T, 849–54
Modellrechnungen zur Biokinetik von Tritium in Pflanzen Strack, S.; Diabate, S.; Raskob, W. 1998. Winter, M. [Hrsg.] Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt : 30.Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz gemeinsam mit dem Österreichischen Verband für Strahlenschutz, Lindau, 28.September - 2.Oktober 1998 Bd. II Köln : Verl. TUeV Rheinland, 1998 FS-98-98-T, 855–60
Chlorine monoxide radiometer intercomparison in Ny-Alesund, 1997 Klein, U.; Franke, B.; Langer, J.; Raffalski, U.; Sinnhuber, B. M.; Künzi, K. F.; Zafra, R. L. de; Mc Donald, M.; Nagar, V.; Hochschild, G.; Berg, H.; Kopp, G.; Krupa, R.; Kuntz, M.; Masuko, H.; Ochiai, S. 1998. Harris, N.R.P. [Hrsg.] Polar Stratospheric Ozone 1997: Proc.of the 4th European Symp., Schliersee, September 22-26, 1997 Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998 (Air Pollution Research Report ; 66) EUR-18032 EN (1998), 689–91
Internationaler Stand der SMES-Entwicklungen Jüngst, K. P. 1998. Energiespeicherung für elektrische Netze, Gelsenkirchen, 10.-11.November 1998 Duesseldorf : VDI-Verl., 1998 (VDI-Berichte ; 1404), 157–71
Potentials and risks of renewable raw materials Leible, L. 1998. Proc.of the Internat.Conf. ’Sustainable agriculture for food, energy and industry - strategies towards achievement’, Braunschweig, June 1997 El Bassam, N. et al. [ed.] Vol. 2 London : James and James, 1998, 1183–1189
HUDA - a toolbox for environmental report production Tochermann, K.; Riekert, W. F.; Kadric, L.; Kramer, R.; Schmidt, R.; Geiger, W.; Peter, N.; Reissfelder, M.; Doberkat, E. E.; Sobottka, H. G.; Keitel, A.; Zitzmann, W.; Schütz, T.; Burkhardt, J. 1998. Haasis, H.D. et al. [Hrsg.] Tagungsband: 12th Internat.Symp. ’Computer Science for Environmental Protection’(Umweltinformatik ’98), Bremen, September 16-18, 1998 Vol.2 Marburg : Metropolis-Verlag, 1998 (Umwelt-Informatik aktuell ; 18), 729–742
Design of the HCPB test blanket module mock-ups for the HE-FUS3 facility Dell’Orco, G.; Bertacci, G.; Cecchini, F.; Cevolani, S.; Franchini, F.; Gordeev, S.; Malang, S.; Neri, P.; Sansone, L.; Schleisiek, K.; Serra, M.; Simoncini, M.; Spadoni, B. 1998. 20th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Marseille, F, September 7-11, 1998 Beaumont, B. et al. [Hrsg.] Vol.2, 1305–1308
Transformation of organic substance in soils Gabowitsch, E.; Medvedev, V. V.; Tshervanev, I. G.; Bazula, A. A.; Kravets, T. F.; Nekhaichik, O. F. 1998. The Environment for us and the Future Generation: Ecology, Business and Ecological Education : Proc.of the 3nd Internat.Conf., Samara, Russia, September 6-13, 1998 Samara, 1998 (In russ. Sprache), 121–27
Limitations on blanket performance Malang, S. 1998. 20th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Marseille, F, September 7-11, 1998 Beaumont, B. et al. [Hrsg.] Vol.1, 14
In-pile testing of submodules for the HCPB DEMO blanket concept in the HFR Petten Laan, J. G. van der; Conrad, R.; Bakker, K.; Fokkens, J. H.; Hermsmeyer, S.; Malang, S.; Pijlgroms, B. J.; Sciolla, C. M.; Schleisiek, K.; Tongeren, R. van 1998. 20th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Marseille, F, September 7-11, 1998 (Poster) Beaumont, B. et al. [Hrsg.] Vol.2, 1243–1246
Gyrotron Sintering of PZT Piezoceramics at 30 GHz Rhee, S.; Feher, L.; Thumm, M.; Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, H. J. 1998. Willert-Porada, M. [Hrsg.] Mikrowelleneinsatz in den Materialwissenschaften, der chemischen Verfahrenstechnik und in der Festkörperchemie einschliesslich der Kurzfassungen der Beiträge der 1. und 2.Mikrowellen-Klausurtagung, Dortmund, November 1995 und März 1998 Aachen : Shaker, 1998, 333
Synthesis of coated nanoparticulate ceramic powders Vollath, D.; Szabo, D. V. 1998. Nanostructured powders and their industrial applications : symposium held April 13 - 15, 1998, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.. Ed.: Gregory Beaucage, 143–48, Materials Research Society
The EU HT test programme of ITER primary wall small scale mock ups Lorenzetto, P.; Cardella, A.; Chappuis, P.; Daenner, W.; Febvre, M.; Hofmann, G.; Stamm, H.; Tähtinen, S.; Walsh, G. 1998. Proc.of the 20th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Marseille, F, September 7-11, 1998 Beaumont, B. et al. [Hrsg.] Vol.1, 195–198
Magnetohydrodynamic flows in thick-walled ducts Bühler, L. 1998. 20th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Marseille, F, September 7-11, 1998 Beaumont, B. et al. [Hrsg.] Vol.2, 1341–1344
Die neue MAW-Verschrottung Blenski, H. J.; Dirks, F. 1998. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 98, München, 26.-28.Mai 1998 Bonn : INFORUM GmbH, 1998, 555–58
Sintering of ceramics using gyrotron radiation Link, G.; Feher, L.; Rhee, S.; Thumm, M.; Bauer, W.; Ritzhaupt-Kleissl, H. J.; Weddigen, A.; Böhme, R.; Weisenburger, A. 1998. Displays and Vacuum Electronics : Contributions to the ITG-Conf., Garmisch-Partenkirchen, April 29-30, 1998 Berlin [u.a.] : VDE-Verl., 1998 (ITG-Fachbericht ; 150), 375–80
The european HCPB test blanket module to be tested in ITER Boccaccini, L. V.; Albrecht, H.; Berardinucci, L.; Dalle Donne, M.; Fischer, U.; Gordeev, S.; Hermsmeyer, H.; Hutter, E. R.; Kleefeldt, K.; Lechler, T.; Lenartz, M.; Norajitra, P.; Piazza, G.; Reimann, G.; Ruatto, P.; Scaffidi-Argentina, F.; Schleisik, K.; Schmuck, I.; Schnauder, H.; Tsige-Tamirat, H. 1998. Beaumont, B. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 20th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Marseille, F, September 7-11, 1998 Vol.2, 1255–58
Crystallization of nanoscaled tungsten oxide powder particles Szabo, D. V.; Vollath, D. 1998. Electron Microscopy 1998 : Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Cancun (Mexico), 31 August to 4 September 1998, Vol. 2 / Ed. Héctor A. Calderón Benavides, 405–06
Thermomechanical analysis of the TSS experiment Pudewills, A. 1998. FRANZEN, T. et al. [Hrsg.] Proc.Internat. Congr. ’Underground Construktion in Modern Infrastructure’, Stockholm, S, June 7-9, 1998 Rotterdam: Balkema, 1998. -, 317–323
Application of high-power microwave devices Thumm, M. 1998. Cairns, R.A. et al. [Hrsg.] Proc. of the 48th Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics ’Generation and Application of High Power Microwaves’, St. Andrews, GB, August 18-31, 1996, 305–231
Thermal treatment of waste in europe - regulatory framework and implemented technolgy Vehlow, J. 1998. Pelino, M. et al. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 1st Nat. Congr. ’Valorisation and Recycling of Industrial Wastes’, L’Aquila, I, July 7-10, 1997, Forte Spagnolo, Modena: Mucchi Editore, 1998 Series of monographs on materials science, engineering and technology, 265–278
Field profile synthesis with an antenna array Michel, G.; Thumm, M. 1998. Parker, T.J. [Hrsg.] 23rd Internat.Conf.on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Colchester, GB, September 7-11, 1998 Conf.Digest, 236–37
Deformation and strength behavior of a soft PZT ceramic Munz, D.; Fett, T.; Müller, S.; Thun, G. 1998. SPIE 5th Conf.on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, Calif., March 2-5, 1998 Bellingham, Wash.: Soc.of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE Proceedings Series; 3323), 84–95
Meteorologische Radarsysteme: Anwendungen und Probleme Löffler-Mang, M.; Beheng, K. D. 1998. ITG-Workshop: Wellenausbreitung bei Funksystemen und Mikrowellensystemen, Zentrum f.Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, 11.-13.Mai 1998 Proc., 167
Neutron resonance theory for safety applications Fröhner, F. H. 1998. Gandini, A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Workshop Nuclear Reaction Data and Nuclear Reactors - Physics, Design and Safety, ICTP, Trieste, I, April 15 - May 17, 1996 Vol.1 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 1998, 54–114
A TEM study of the microstructure of thin films of a TiNiPd shape memory alloy Schlossmacher, P. 1998. Committee of European Societies of Microscopy [Hrsg.] Electron Microscopy ’96, Proc.of EUREM-11, Eleventh European Conf.on Electron Microscopy, Dublin, IRL, August 26-30, 1996 Vol.2 Brussels : Committee of European Societies of Microscopy, 1998, 289–290
Recent experimental results with the 165 GHz, TE₃₁̦₁₇ coaxial gyrotron Piosczyk, B.; Braz, O.; Dammertz, G.; Iatrou, C. T.; Kuntze, M.; Michel, G.; Möbius, A.; Thumm, M. 1998. 10th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, June 16-22, 1998 Proc.Vol.1, 91–110
Measurements of electron beam energy spread Piosczyk, B.; Dammertz, G.; Illy, S.; Dumbrajs, O. 1998. 10th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, June 16-22, 1998 Proc.Vol.1, 405–10
Influence of reflections on gyrotron oscillations Dammertz, G.; Kuntze, M.; Braz, O.; Koppenburg, K.; Piosczyk, B.; Thumm, M. 1998. Proc.10th Joint Russian-German Meeting on ECRH and Gyrotrons, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, June 16-22, 1998 Vol.1, 64–83
The benefits of millimeter waves for materials processing Link, G.; Feher, L.; Rhee, S.; Thumm, M. 1998. Parker, T.J. [Hrsg.] 23rd Internat.Conf.on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Colchester, GB, September 7-11, 1998 Conf.Digest, 377–78
1 MW, 140 GHz gyrotron with Brewster-window Dammertz, G.; Kuntze, M.; Braz, O.; Koppenburg, K.; Piosczyk, B.; Thumm, M. 1998. Parker, T.J. [Hrsg.] 23rd Internat.Conf.on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Colchester, GB, September 7-11, 1998 Conf.Digest, 276–77
165 GHz, Te₃₁̦₁₇ - coaxial cavity gyrotron with quasi-optical rf-output Piosczyk, B.; Braz, O.; Dammertz, G.; Iatrou, C. T.; Kuntze, M.; Michel, G.; Möbius, A.; Thumm, M. 1998. Parker, T.J. [Hrsg.] 23rd Internat.Conf.on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Colchester, GB, September 7-11, 1998 Conf.Digest, 168–69
Die Fortluftüberwachung des Forschungszentrums Karlsruhe in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart Wicke, A.; Winter, M. 1998. Winter, M. [Hrsg.] Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt : 30.Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz gemeinsam mit dem Österreichischen Verband für Strahlenschutz, Lindau, 28.September - 2.Oktober 1998 Bd. II Köln : Verl. TUeV Rheinland, 1998 FS-98-98-T, 564–69
KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft