District future - urban lab Parodi, O.; Seebacher, A.; Quint, A. 2012. 3rd Internat.Conf.on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Venezia, I, September 19-23, 2012
Degrowth in one square kilometer Parodi, O.; Quint, A.; Seebacher, A.; Beecroft, R. 2012. 3rd Internat.Conf.on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Venezia, I, September 19-23, 2012
District future - urban lab Quint, A.; Seebacher, A.; Parodi, O. 2012. 3rd Internat.Conf.on Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity, Venezia, I, September 19-23, 2012
Meta-analysis of lithium-ion traction battery LCAs Simon, B.; Zimmermann, B.; Weil, M. 2012. Sustainability Assessment in the 21st Century : Tools, Trends and Applications ; 18th SETAC LCA Case Study Symp., Copenhagen, DK, November 26-28, 2012
Expansions of nanotechnology Lente, H. van; Coenen, C.; Fleischer, T.; Konrad, K.; Krabbenborg, L.; Milburn, C.; Thoreau, F.; Zülsdorf, T. B. 2012. Little by little: expansions of nanoscience and emerging technologies. Ed.: H. van Lente, 1–8, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft
Challenges of Uncertainty Propagation in Image Analysis Stegmaier, J.; Maula Khan, A.; Reischl, M.; Mikut, R. 2012. Proceedings. 22. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 6. - 7. Dezember 2012. Ed.: F. Hoffmann, 55–69, KIT Scientific Publishing
Computational Intelligence: State-of-the-Art Methoden und Benchmarkprobleme Hoffmann, F.; Mikut, R.; Kroll, A.; Reischl, M.; Nelles, O.; Schulte, H.; Bertram, T. 2012. Proceedings. 22. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 6. - 7. Dezember 2012. Ed.: F. Hoffmann, 1–42, KIT Scientific Publishing
Auto-Tuning Parallel Application Performance Schaefer, C. A.; Prankratius, V.; Tichy, W. F. 2012. Fundamentals of Multicore Software Development. Ed.: V. Pankratius, 239–263, CRC Press
Contextual Constraints for Person Retrieval in Camera Networks Bäuml, M.; Tapaswi, M.; Schumann, A.; Stiefelhagen, R. 2012. 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS 2012) : Beijing, China, 18 - 21 September 2012 ; [proceedings ; including PETS 2012, the Fourteenth IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance], 221–227, IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/AVSS.2012.28
Cross-subject classification of speaking modes using fNIRS Herff, C.; Heger, D.; Putze, F.; Guan, C.; Schultz, T. 2012. 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part II, 417–424, Springer-Verlag
The Hypothesizing Distributed Kalman Filter Reinhardt, M.; Noack, B.; Hanebeck, U. D. 2012. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI) September 13-15, 2012. Hamburg, Germany, 305–312, IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/MFI.2012.6343017
Optical feature extraction with illumination-encoded linear functions Gruna, R.; Beyerer, J.; Bingham, P. R.; Lam, E. Y. 2012. Image processing: Machine vision applications V : SPIE Electronic Imaging 2012; 25 January 2012, Burlingame, California, USA, 830004, Fraunhofer-Publica
Evaluation of tracking methods for maritime surveillance Fischer, Y.; Baum, M.; Flohr, F.; Hanebeck, U. D.; Beyerer, J. 2012. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers -SPIE-, Bellingham/Wash.: Signal processing, sensor fusion, and target recognition XXI : 23 - 25 April 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, United States Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2012. Ed.: I. Kadar, 1–11, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). doi:10.1117/12.919234
Using Context Knowledge for Maritime Situation Assessment Kuwertz, A.; Fischer, Y.; Essendorfer, B.; Peinsipp-Byma, E. 2012. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on WaterSide Security, 28-30 may 2012, Singapore Singapore, 2012, 1–7, Fraunhofer-Publica
A modular, low-cost robot for Zebrafish handling Pfriem, A.; Pylatiuk, C.; Alshut, R.; Ziegener, B.; Schulz, S.; Bretthauer, G. 2012. 34th Annual Internat.Conf.of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’12), San Diego, Calif., August 28 - September 1, 2012
Laser processing and functionalization of battery materials Pfleging, W.; Proell, J.; Kohler, R.; Seifert, H. J. 2012. Conf.on Frontiers of Manufacturing with Photons, Energetic Particles and Power Fields (MP3 2012), Wuhan, Chaina, November 1-2, 2012
Selenide retention by mackinawite Finck, N.; Dardenne, K.; Bosbach, D.; Geckeis, H. 2012. Workshop ’Selen2012 - Selen in geologischen, hydrologischen und biologischen Systemen’, Karlsruhe, 8.-9.Oktober 2012 Book of Abstracts
Americium retention by the smectite hectorite Finck, N.; Dardenne, K. 2012. Internat.Meeting ’Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement’, Montpellier, F, October 22-25, 2012 Book of Abstracts
Lasermodifizierung von Elektrodenmaterialien Pfleging, W.; Mangang, M. 2012. Elektrochemische Speicher im System - Zuverlässigkeit und Integration, Portofolio Workshop, Karlsruhe, 10.Mai 2012
A modular, low-cost robot for Zebrafish handling Pfriem, A.; Pylatiuk, C.; Alshut, R.; Ziegener, B.; Schulz, S.; Bretthauer, G. 2012. 34th Annual Internat. Conf.of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’12), San Diego, Calif., August 28 - September 1, 2012, 980–983, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346097
Fair access to external memory for chip-multiprocessors Yang, S.; Wu, Q.; Xiao, X.; Li, R.; Hillenbrand, D. 2012. IEEE 26th Internat.Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp., Workshops and PhD Forum (IPDPSW), Shanghai, China, May 21-25, 2012
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