Sewerage in the Federal Republic of Germany Donnert, D. 1987. Vortr.: Public Works Research Institute, Tsukuba Science City, J, 21.September 1987 Vortr.: City Bureau of Sapporo, J, 25.September 1987
Unterkritische Rissausbreitung in Keramik Fett, T. 1987. Werkstoff-Kolloquium ’87 : Technologie und Eigenschaften keramischer und metallischer Hochtemperatur-Werkstoffe, Koeln, 10.Dezember 1987
Al, Si exchange kinetics in sanidine and anorthoclase Papageorgiou, D.; Knitter, R.; Kroll, H.; Pentinghaus, H. 1987. 1987 Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Geological Society of America, Phoenix, Ariz., October 26-29, 1987
Crystal chemistry of europium in feldspars Aslani-Samim, S.; Binczycka, H.; Hafner, S. S.; Pentinghaus, H.; Schuermann, K. 1987. Vortr.: Internat.Union of Crystallography, Perth, AUS, 1987
Examination of molten fuel Geithoff, D.; Boidron, M. 1987. FBR Specialists’ Meeting on Fuels and Materials, O’Arai Engineering Center, J, May 19-22, 1987
Automatic metrology Geithoff, D. 1987. FBR Specialists’ Meeting on Fuels and Materials, O’Arai Engineering Center, J, May 19-22, 1987
Potting of fuel pin bundles Geithoff, D. 1987. FBR Specialists’ Meeting on Fuels and Materials, O’Arai Engineering Center, J, May 19-22, 1987
Gyrotron development at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center Citron, A. 1987. Vortr.: Inst.of Electronics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, RC, 7.Mai 1987 Vortr.: ’585’ Institute (China Southwest Nuclear Physics Inst.), Leshan, RC, 19.Mai 1987 Vortr.: Chengdo Inst.of Radio Engineering (CIRE), Chengdo, RC, 22.Mai 1987
Fatigue in strengthened ceramics Grathwohl, G.; Liu, T. 1987. ’87 Internat.Symp.and Exhibition on Science and Technology of Sintering, Tokyo, J, November 4-6, 1987
Ion beam analysis of ion implanted metals Meyer, O. 1987. Workshop ’ Van de Graaff Accelerators in Research Training and Technological Applications, Amman, JOR, November 23-27, 1987
The behavour of technetium and neptunium in natural aquatic systems Apostolidis, C.; Kanellakopulos, B.; Kim, J. I.; Klein, F.; Mueller, J.; Vida, J. T. 1987. Internat.Conf.on Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Muenchen, September 14-18, 1987 Book of Abstracts
Teilchensimulation in Hochstromdioden Alef, M.; Halter, E.; Seldner, D.; Westermann, T. 1987. 2nd Internat.SUPRENUM Colloquium, Bonn, September 30 - October 2, 1987
X-ray lithography Ehrfeld, W.; Muenchmeyer, D. 1987. Workshop on Spectral, Spatial and Temporal Resolution with Synchrotron Radiation, Bad Honnef, October 19-21, 1987
Plasma simulations in technical applications Westermann, T. 1987. 1st Internat.Conf.on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 87), Paris, F, June 29 - July 3, 1987 Book of Abstracts
Fault tolerance Voges, U. 1987. Computer Systems for Safety and Control Course, London, GB, September 23-24, 1987
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