Einwirkungen im Störfall Eibl, J. 1995. In: Großbehälterbau: Planung, Genehmigung, Bau, Betrieb und Sicherheit von Behältern, Silos und Tankanlagen. Düsseldorf 1995. S. 75-103. (VDI-Berichte. 1202.)
Comparison between metal and hydrogen UPD-OPD transition processes Breiter, M. W.; Staikov, G.; Lorenz, W. J. 1995. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Electrochemistry and Materials Science of Cathodic Hydrogen Absorption and Adsorption, San Francisco, Calif. 1994. Ed.: B.E. Conway. Pennington, NJ 1995. S. 152. (Proceedings. Electrochemical Society. 94,21.)
The KIV-approach to software verification Reif, W. 1995. In: KORSO: methods, languages, and tools for the construction of correct software. Ed.: M. Broy. Berlin 1995. S. 339-368. (Lecture notes in computer science. 1009.)
Three selected case studies in verification Fuchss, T.; Reif, W.; Schellhorn, G.; Stenzel, K. 1995. In: KORSO: methods, languages, and tools for the construction of correct software. Ed.: M. Broy. Berlin 1995. S. 371-387. (Lecture notes in computer science. 1009.)
Approximable sets Beigel, R.; Kummer, M.; Stephan, F. 1995. Inform. and comput. 120 (1995) S. 304-314
Noisy inference and oracles Stephan, F. 1995. In: Algorithmic learning theory. ALT ’95. Ed.: K.P. Jantke. Berlin 1995. S. 185-200. (Lecture notes in computer science. 997.)
Using neural reinforcement controllers in robotics Riedmiller, M.; Janusz, B. 1995. In: Proceedings of the 8th Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI ’95, Canberra 1995. Singapore 1995. S. 491-496
A reflection mechanism in KIV using structured specifications Reif, W.; Schoenegge, A. 1995. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Correctness and Metatheoretic Extensibility of Automated Reasoning Systems, CADE-12, Nancy, France 1994. Ed.: D. Basin. S. 19-22
Semantic tableaux for inheritance nets Neumann, I. 1995. In: Theorem proving with analytic tableaux and related methods. TABLEAUX ’95. Ed.: P. Baumgartner. Berlin 1995. S. 47-62. (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence. 918.)
The power of frequency computation Kummer, M.; Stephan, F. 1995. In: Fundamentals of computation theory. FCT ’95. Ed.: H. Reichel. Berlin 1995. S. 323-332. (Lecture notes in computer science. 965.)
Computability of convex sets Kummer, M.; Schaefer, M. 1995. In: Proceedings. 12th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS 95, Munich 1995. Ed.: E.W. Mayr. Berlin 1995. S. 550-561. (Lecture notes in computer science. 900.)
Nutritional behaviour of the aged in private households Pfau, C.; Piekarski, J. 1995. In: Proceedings. 14. International Home Economics and Consumer Studies Research Conference, People, populations and products, Sheffield, UK 1994. Assoc. of Home Econ. and Consum. Stud. in Higher Educ. 1994. S. 190-192
On a quantitative notion of uniformity. (Extended abstract) Kaufmann, S.; Kummer, M. 1995. In: Mathematical foundations of computer science 1995. MFCS ’95. Ed.: J. Wiedermann. Berlin 1995. S. 169-178. (Lecture notes in computer science. 969.)
A model for chemosensory reception Hammer, M.; Malaka, R.; Ragg, T. 1995. In: Advances in neural information processing systems. Vol. 7. Ed.: T.K. Leen. Cambridge, MA 1995. S. 61-68
Lunch at whole-day schools in Germany Pfau, C. 1995. In: Proceedings. 14. International Home Economics and Consumer Studies Research Conference, People, populations and products, Sheffield, UK 1994. Assoc. of Home Econ. and Consum. Stud. in Higher Educ. 1994. S. 421
Gestion de la qualite des dechets de demolition Sindt, V.; Ruch, M.; Schultmann, F.; Rentz, O. 1995. In: Proceedings. Congres International "Procedes de solidification et de stabilisation des dechets". Nancy 1995
Integrierter Umweltschutz Rentz, O. 1995. In: Handbuch zur Umweltökonomie. Hrsg.: M. Junkernheinrich. Berlin 1995. (Handbücher zur angewandten Umweltforschung. 2.)
Schichtsysteme aus chronobiologischer Sicht Knauth, P. 1995. In: Chronobiologische Grundlagen der Schlafmedizin. Hrsg.: J. Zulley. Wien 1995. S. 406-410. (Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. 145, 17/18.)
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