Entwicklungsstand und -ziele bei der Wiederaufarbeitung von Kernbrennstoffen Ebert, K.; Schmieder, H. 1989. In: Bahm, W.; [Hrsg.] Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich der KTG-Tagung ’Fortgeschrittene LWR-Brennelemente: Technik und Wiederaufarbeitung’ am 17./18. November 1988 im Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. KfK-4589 (Mai 89) S.V-1-7
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Measurement of the ²²Ne(n,γ)cross section at kT=25 keV Beer, H.; Rupp, G.; Voss, F.; Kaeppeler, F. 1989. 5th Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics, Ringberg Castle, Bad Wiessee, January 30 - February 4, 1989 In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1988 to March 31, 1989 NEANDC(E)-302 U Vol. 5(June 1989) INDC(Ger)-34/LN + Special
The realization of commercial high strength HEPA filters Ruedinger, V.; Ricketts, C. I.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1989. First, M.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 20th DOE/NCR Nuclear Air-Cleaning Conf., Boston, Mass., August 22-25, 1988 NUREG/CP-0098 CONF-880822
Watt spectrum fit to ²⁵²Cf prompt fission neutron data Froehner, F. H. 1989. In: Cierjacks, S. [Hrsg.] Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1987 to March 31, 1988 NEANDC(E)-292 U Vol. 5(June 1988) S.11 INDC(Ger)-32/LN + Special Nuclear Theory for Fast Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation : Proc.of and Advisory Group Meeting, Beijing, Tj, October 12-16, 1987 IAEA-TECDOC-483(1988) S.161-64
Off-gas cleaning devices for containment venting system Dillmann, H. G.; Pasler, H.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1989. First, M.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 20th DOE/NCR Nuclear Air-Cleaning Conf., Boston, Mass., August 22-25, 1988 NUREG/CP-0098 CONF-880822
Dosimetrie en cas de contamination radioactive interne Schieferdecker, H. 1989. Radioprotection no 39 : Actes du seminaire ’Problemes d’intervention medicale a mettre en oeuvre en cas de surexposition aux rayonnements ionisants’, Luxembourg, 19-21 Fevrier, 1986 EUR-11370FR (1987)
HEPA filters of high structural strength for nuclear air cleaning systems Ruedinger, V.; Ricketts, C. I.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1989. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Vancouver, CDN, June 25-28, 1989 ASHRAE Transactions, 95(1989) Pt.2, Paper VA-89-14-2
A continuous crystallization process for uranium and plutonium refinement Ebert, K.; Henrich, E.; Stahl, R.; Bauder, U. 1989. Baird, M.H.I. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 2nd Internat.Conf.on Separations Science and Technology, Hamilton, CDN, October 1-4, 1989 Ottawa : Canadian Soc.for Chemical Engineering, 1989
Das 3R-Verfahren - Konzeption und technische Demonstration Vehlow, J.; Braun, H.; Horch, K.; Merz, A.; Schneider, J.; Stieglitz, L.; Vogg, H. 1989. Verwerten von Sekundaerrohstoffen und Abfaellen : Clausthaler Kursus zur Umwelttechnik, Clausthal, 27.-29.November 1989 Clausthal : TU, Forschungsverband Umwelttechnik, 1989 (CUTEC ; Bd. 6)
Neuartige metastabile Schutzschichten Holleck, H. 1989. Bildstein, H. [Hrsg.] Coating Technology, ODS-Alloys, Ultrapure Refractory Metals : Proc.of the 12th Internat.Plansee Seminar ’89, Reutte, A, May 8-12, 1989 Vol. 3
Anwendung des 3R-Verfahrens bei der Sonderabfall-Verbrennung Fahlenkamp, H.; Horch, K.; Vogg, H. 1989. Proc. d. GVC/VDI-Tagung ’Entsorgung von Sonderabfaellen durch Verbrennung’, Baden-Baden, 4.-6.Dezember 1989 Duesseldorf : VDI, 1989.1-F1.20
Magnetic penetration depth measurements in low and high Tsub(c) thin film superconductors at microwave frequencies Anlage, S. M.; Langley, B.; Halbritter, J.; Tahara, S.; Sze, H.; Switz, N.; Eom, C. B.; Snortland, H. J.; Taber, R.; Geballe, T. H.; Beasley, M. R. 1989. Proc.of the Internat.Conf.on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity High-Temperature Superconductors (M2S-HTSC), Stanford, Calif., July 23 - 28, 1989 Part II Physica C, 162-164(1989)
Niobium nitride coated superconducting cavities Pham Tu, M.; Mbaye, K.; Wartski, L.; Halbritter, J. 1989. Proc.of the 3rd Workshop on RF Superconductivity, Argonne, Ill., 1988 ANL-PHY-88-1 Vol. II
Far-infrared properties of oriented YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋sub(d)ₑsub(l)sub(t)ₐ thin films on MgO Ose, W.; Schuetzmann, J.; Franz, M.; Hoehler, A.; Halbritter, J.; Renk, K. F. 1989. Proc.of the Internat.Conf.on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity High-Temperature Superconductors (M2S-HTSC), Stanford, Calif., July 23 - 28, 1989 Part II Physica C, 162-164(1989)
Environmental aspects of sludge incineration (overview) Robel, W.; Rudolph, K. U. 1989. Dirkzwager, A.H. [Hrsg.] Sewage Sludge Treatment and Use: New Developments, Technological Aspects and Environmental Effects : Proc.of a Conf., Amsterdam, NL, September 19-23, 1988 London [u.a.] : Elsevier, 1989
Evidence for 3d₉-ligand hole induced by doping in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O and Tl-Ca-Ba-Cu-O Santis, M. de; Cicco, A. di; Castrucci, P.; Bianconi, A.; Flank, A. M.; Lagarde, P.; Katayama-Yoshida, H.; Politis, C. 1989. 5th Internat.Conf.on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS-5), Seattle, Wash., August 21-26, 1988 Physica B, 158(1989)
High level shaker tests of the HDR reactor building Malcher, L.; Schrammel, D. G.; Steinhilber, H.; Flade, D. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. K2, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
Impulsive excitation of the outer HDR-containment with a pendular falling weight Flade, D.; Steinhilber, H.; Malcher, L. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
Local response of concrete structures to explosive loading Freund, H. U.; Krutzik, N. J.; Mueller, K. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
Quality of different codes in predicting real fires in a containment Dobbernack, R.; Mueller, K. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
Full scale oil fires in the HDR containment Dobbernack, R.; Mueller, K. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
Global response of concrete structures to explosive loading Zinn, R.; Freund, H. U.; Mueller, K. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
HDR hydrogen distribution test after large LOCA Valencia, L. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. J, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
Temperature and wall strain fluctuations during the TEMR thermal stratification tests at HDR Wolf, L.; Geib, M.; Haefner, W.; Hansjosten, E.; Talja, A. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. F, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
Pipe failure tests (RORV) at HDR facility - experimental results Hunger, H. A.; Diem, H. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. F, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989
The behavior of a reactor pressure vessel nozzle under pressurized thermal shock loading Klein, M.; Neubrech, G. E.; Roos, E. 1989. Hadjian, A.H. [Hrsg.] Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology : Transactions of the 10th Internat.Conf., Anaheim, Calif., August 14-18, 1989 Vol. F, Los Angeles : American Assoc.for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 1989