A case study in networks-on-chip design for embedded video Xu, J.; Wolf, W.; Henkel, J.; Chakradhar, S.; Lv, T. 2004. IEEE/ACM Proceedings of Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference, Paris, Frankreich, 17.2.-19.2.04, 770–775, Paris
An ASM Semantics for SSA Intermediate Representations Glesner, S. 2004. Abstract State Machines 2004. Advances in theory and practice; 11th International Workshop, ASM 2004, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, May 24 - 28, 2004; proceedings. Hrsg.: W. Zimmermann, 144–160, Springer-Verlag
XOpT - XML-Based Composition Concept Pulvermüller, E.; Speck, A. 2004. New trends in software methodologies, tools and techniques. Proceedings of the 3rd SoMeT_W04; [Third International Conference on New Trends in Software Methodology Tools, and Techniques, III,(SoMet_04) held in Leipzig, Germany, from 28th to 30th September 2004]. Hrsg.: H. Fujita, 249–262, IOS Press
Measuring HPC productivity Faulk, S.; Gustafson, J.; Johnson, P.; Porter, A.; Tichy, W. F.; Votta, L. 2004. International journal of high performance computing applications, 18 (4), 459–473
On the Design and Performance of Remote Disk Drivers for Clusters of PCs Olaru, V.; Tichy, W. F. 2004. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’04), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 21-24 Juni 2004, 1068–1074, Las Vegas
Reference Resolution Mechanisms in Dialogue Management Gieselmann, P. 2004. Catalog’04 : proceedings of the 8th Workshop on the Semantics and Pracmatics of Dialogue, 19-21 july 2004, Barcelona. Hrsg.: J. Ginzburg, 28–34, E. Vallduví
Issues in Meeting Transcription - The ISL Meeting Transcription System Metze, F.; Jin, Q.; Fügen, C.; Laskowski, K.; Pan, Y.; Schultz, T. 2004. Proceedings of the International Conference of Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP-2004), INTERSPEECH 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, Oct. 2004, 1709–1712, Jeju Island
Towards language portability in statistical speech translation Waibel, A.; Schultz, T.; Vogel, S.; Fügen, C.; Honal, M.; Kolss, M.; Reichert, J.; Stüker, S. 2004. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2004, Montreal, Canada, Mai 2004, Montreal
CHIL - Computers in the Human Interaction Loop Waibel, A.; Steusloff, H.; Stiefelhagen, R. 2004. CHIL Project Consortium (Ed.), NIST ICASSP Meeting Recognition Workshop, Montreal Mai 2004, Montreal
Extreme Programming in Curriculum: Experiences from Academia and Industry Müller, M.; Link, J.; Sand, R.; Mahlpohl, G. 2004. International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering (XP2004), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 6-10. Juni 2004, 294–302, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
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The ISL RT04 Mandarin Broadcast News Evaluation System Hua Yu; Yik-Cheung Tam; Schaaf, T.; Stüker, S.; Qin Jin; Noamany, M.; Schultz, T. 2004. EARS Rich Transcription Workshop, New York, NY, 10. Nov. 2004, New York (NY)
Towards Language Portability in Statistical Machine Translation Waibel, A.; Schultz, T.; Vogel, S.; Fügen, C.; Honal, M.; Kolss, M.; Reichert, J.; Stüker, S. 2004. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Montreal, Mai 2004, Montreal
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Towards a Real Micro Robotics Swarm Estana, R.; Szymanski, M.; Bender, N.; Seyfried, J. 2004. Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence. 4th Int. Workshop, ANTS 2004, Brussels, Belgium, Sept. 5 - 8,2004. Hrsg.: M. Dorigo, 406–413, Springer-Verlag
The I-SWARM project: Intelligent Small World Autonomous Robots for Micro-manipulation Seyfried, J.; Szymanski, M.; Bender, N.; Estana, R.; Thiel, M.; Wörn, H. 2004. Proc. of Workshop on Swarm Robotics at the 8th Int. Conference on Simulation of Adaptive behavior (from animals to animats 8, SAB 2004), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 13.-17.7.2004, 119–132, Los Angeles
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Entwicklung eines Informationsportals für die Informatik Koschmider, A.; Ley, M.; Luksch II, P.; Maas, J.; Mayr, E. W.; Oberweis, A.; Ortyl, P.; Pfingstl, S.; Rusnak, U.; Sommer, D.; Stucky, W.; Vollmar, R. 2004. Informatik 2004 - Informatik verbindet. 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. Bd. 2. Hrsg.: P. Dadam, 208–212, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
Extrahierung bibliographischer Daten aus dem Internet Ortyl, P.; Pfingstl, S. 2004. Informatik 2004 - Informatik verbindet. 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. Bd. 2. Hrsg.: P. Dadam, 203–207, Ges. für Informatik
Ensuring Invariant Contracts for Modules in Java Roth, A.; Schmitt, P. H. 2004. Proceedings of the ECOOP Workshop FTfJP 2004 Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs, Oslo, Norwegen, 15.06.2004, 93–102, Oslo
Overview of Legal Aspects in th European Union Dreier, T. 2004. Open Access and the public domain in digital date and information for science. Ed.: J. M. Esanu, 19–23, National Academies Press
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