Co-Verbrennung von Ersatzbrennstoffen in Kraftwerksfeuerungen Gehrmann, H. J.; Nolte, M.; Kolb, T.; Seifert, H.; Waibel, P.; Matthes, J.; Keller, H. 2010. 42.Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, 12.-13.Oktober 2010 Beckmann, M. [Hrsg.] Kraftwerkstechnik : Sichere und nachhaltige Energieversorgung Bd.2 Neuruppin : TK Verl.Karl Thome-Kozmiensky, 2010, 705–14
Eiskühlung für eine Geothermie Bohrlochsonde Strubel, C. 2010. Geothermie Kongress 2010,Karlsruhe, 17.-19.November 2010 Kongressband auf CD-ROM Berlin : Geothermische Ver., 2010
Using interactive immersive VR/AR for the therapy of phantom limb pain Bach, F.; Schmitz, B.; Maaß, H.; Cakmak, H. K.; Diers, M.; Bodmann, R. B.; Kamping, S.; Flor, H. 2010. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Humans and Computers (HC 2010), Aizu-Wakamatsu + Hamamatsu, J, Düsseldorf, December 8-10, 2010. Ed.: V. V. Klyuev, 183–187, University of Aizu Press
NA61/SHINE low energy program at SPS NA61 Collaboration; Stefanek, G. 2010. 5th Internat.Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement (CPOD 2009), New York, N.Y., June 8-12, 2009 Proceedings of Science PoS (CPOD 2009) 049
Konditionierung von Biomasse mit gepulsten elektrischen Feldern Frey, W.; Sack, M.; Gusbeth, C.; Eing, C.; Berghöfer, T.; Sträßner, R.; Göttel, M.; Stängle, R.; Wolf, A.; Leber, K.; Wüstner, R. 2010. EE-Topictreffen, KIT, Karlsruhe, 20.April 2010 Folien auf CD-ROM
THEREDA: Thermodynamic data for waste management assessment. Focus on actinide data Altmaier, M.; Bube, C.; Brendler, V.; Marquardt, C. M.; Moog, H. C.; Neck, V.; Richter, A.; Scharge, T.; Voigt, W.; Wilhelm, S.; Wollmann, G. 2010. Actinide and Brine Chemistry in a Salt-Based Repository (ABC-Salt) : Internat.Workshop, Carlsbad, N.M., September 15-17, 2010 Proc.S.55-56
Plutonium redox processes in aqueous systems Fellhauer, D.; Kirsch, R.; Altmaier, M.; Neck, V.; Scheinost, A. C.; Wiss, T.; Charlet, L.; Fanghänel, T. 2010. Actinide and Brine Chemistry in a Salt-Based Repository (ABC-Salt) : Internat.Workshop, Carlsbad, N.M., September 15-17, 2010 Proc.S.39-40
THEREDA: Thermodynamic data for waste management assessment Altmaier, M.; Bube, C.; Brendler, V.; Marquardt, C. M.; Moog, H. C.; Neck, V.; Richter, A.; Scharge, T.; Voigt, W.; Wilhelm, S.; Wollmann, G. 2010. Plutonium Futures ’The Science’, Keystone, Colo., September 19-23, 2010 Book of Abstracts
Engineering functionalized polymer microwells for selective stem cell adhesion Montero-Pancera, S.; Trouillet, V.; Petershans, A.; Fichtner, D.; Lyapin, A.; Bruns, M.; Schimmel, T.; Reichlmaier, S.; Weidler, P. G.; Wedlich, D.; Gliemann, H. 2010. 109.Hauptversammlung der Deutschen Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, Bielefeld, 13.-15.Mai 2010
Kinetic aspects of Np(V) redox chemistry Fellhauer, D.; Altmaier, M.; Neck, V.; Runke, J.; Fanghänel, T. 2010. 2nd Annual Workshop of the Recosy Project, Larnaka, CY, March 16-19, 2010
THEREDA: Thermodynamic data for waste management assessment. Focus on actinide data Altmaier, M.; Bube, C.; Brendler, V.; Marquardt, C. M.; Moog, H. C.; Neck, V.; Richter, A.; Scharge, T.; Voigt, W.; Wilhelm, S.; Wollmann, G. 2010. Actinide and Brine Chemistry in a Salt-Based Repository (ABC-Salt) : Internat.Workshop, Carlsbad, N.M., September 15-17, 2010 Proc.S.55-56
Plutonium redox processes in aqueous systems Fellhauer, D.; Kirsch, R.; Altmaier, M.; Neck, V.; Scheinost, A. C.; Wiss, T.; Charlet, L.; Fanghänel, T. 2010. Actinide and Brine Chemistry in a Salt-Based Repository (ABC-Salt) : Internat.Workshop, Carlsbad, N.M., September 15-17, 2010 Proc.S.39-40
Cells study with scanning force and confocal laser scanning microscopy Kukharenko, L. V.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.; Koshikawa, T.; Tsirkunova, N. G.; Aleinikova, O. V.; Shman, T. V. 2010. Borisenko, V.E. [Hrsg.] Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Minsk, Belarus, May 26-29, 2009 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 2009
Kraftstoff aus Biomasse via Dimethylether Otto, T. N.; Wang, L. J.; Dinjus, E. 2010. 19.Symp.Bioenergie : Festbrennstoffe, Biokraftstoffe, Biogas, Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein, 25.-26.November 2010
Cells study with scanning force and confocal laser scanning microscopy Kukharenko, L. V.; Schimmel, T.; Walheim, S.; Koshikawa, T.; Tsirkunova, N. G.; Aleinikova, O. V.; Shman, T. V. 2010. Borisenko, V.E. [Hrsg.] Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., Minsk, Belarus, May 26-29, 2009 Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific, 2009, 527–30
Organic molecular assemblies on graphene/Ni(111) Zhang, W.; Naboka, M.; Nefedov, A.; Wöll, C. 2010. 27th European Conf.on Surface Science (ECOSS 27), Groningen, NL, August 29 - September 3, 2010
New NEXAFS/XPS endstation at HE-SGM beamline Bessy II Naboka, M.; Nefedov, A.; Wöll, C. 2010. Deutsche Tagung für Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung, Neutronen und Ionenstrahlung an Großgeräten (SNI 2010), Berlin, 24.-26.Februar 2010