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Nuclear data research in the Institut fuer Kernphysik, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Buth, L.; Cierjacks, S.; Hino, Y.; Howe, S. D.; Rainbow, M. T.; Raupp, F.; Swinhoe, M. T. 1982. In: Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1981 to March 31, 1982 NEANDC(E)-232 U Vol.5(December 1982) FIZ-KA--4
Nuclear data research in the Institut fuer Angewandte Kernphysik, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Almeida, J.; Bao, Z. Y.; Beer, H.; Erbe, D.; Fabbri, F.; Hong, L. D.; Kaeppeler, F.; Macklin, R. L.; Reffo, G.; Rupp, G.; Walter, G.; Ward, R. A.; Wisshak, K. 1982. In: Progress Report on Nuclear Data Research in the Federal Republic of Germany for the Period April 1, 1981 to March 31, 1982 NEANDC(E)-232 U Vol.5(December 1982) FIZ-KA--4
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