High energy particle spectra from spallation targets Cierjacks, S.; Howe, S. D.; Hino, Y.; Swinhoe, M. T.; Rainbow, M. T.; Buth, L. 1981. Bauer, G.S.; Filges, D. [Hrsg.] ICANS-V. Proc.of the 5th Meeting of the Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources Plenary Session and Target Station Workshop, Juelich, June 22-26, 1981 Juel-Conf-45(Oktober 81)
Measurement of the high energy component of the neutron spectrum from a moderated source Hino, Y.; Cierjacks, S.; Howe, S. D.; Rainbow, M. T.; Raupp, F.; Swinhoe, M. T.; Buth, L. 1981. Bauer, G.S.; Filges, D. [Hrsg.] ICANS-V. Proc.of the 5th Meeting of the Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources Plenary Session and Target Station Workshop, Juelich, June 22-26, 1981 Juel-Conf-45(Oktober 81)
Neutron production yields and spectra from 590 MeV proton bombardment of thick uranium targets Raupp, F.; Cierjacks, S.; Hino, Y.; Howe, S. D.; Rainbow, M. T.; Swinhoe, M. T.; Buth, L. 1981. Bauer, G.S.; Filges, D. [Hrsg.] ICANS-V. Proc.of the 5th Meeting of the Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources Plenary Session and Target Station Workshop, Juelich, June 22-26, 1981 Juel-Conf-45(Oktober 81)
First results on a 500 MHz superconducting test cavity for TRISTAN Furuya, T.; Hiramatsu, S.; Nakazato, T.; Kato, T.; Kneisel, P.; Kojima, Y.; Takagi, T. 1981. Proc.of the Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington, D.C., March 11-13, 1981 IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, NS-28(1981), 3225–27
Intermediate and high level earthquake testing at the HDR - Overview, objectives, results Jehlicka, P.; Malcher, L.; Steinhilber, H.; Brendel, B. 1981. Rastoin, J. [Hrsg.] et al. Transactions of the 6th Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Paris, F, August 17-21, 1981. Vol.K(b) Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1981. 1-9, K14/1
Influence of particle properties on heterogeneous SO₂-reactions Dlugi, R.; Jordan, S.; Lindemann, E. 1981. Versino, B.; Oft, H. [Hrsg.] Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants. Proc.of the 2nd European Symp., Varese, I, September 29 - October 1, 1981 Dordrecht[usw.]: Reidel 1982, 308–18
A universal transfer, intervention and transport box system Selig, M.; Ullrich, R. 1981. Palagi, L. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 28th Conf.on Remote Systems Technology, Washington, D.C., November 17-19, 1980 La Grange Park, Ill.: ANS 1981. Vol.2, 68–71
Alpha-dosimetry and fluorescence label analysis in bone Polig, E.; Sontag, W. 1981. Volf, V. [Hrsg.] Radiation Protection. Bone and Bone Seeking Radionuclides: Physiology, Dosimetry and Effects. EULEP Symp., Rotterdam, NL, August 29, 1980. Chur[usw.]: Harwood 1981 EUR-7168-EN(1981), 73–90
Ensayos de fluencia lenta de larga duracion de un acero inoxidable austenitico X6 Cr Ni-1811 Solano, R. R.; las Rivas, M. de; Schirra, M.; Barroso, S. 1981. 5 Asamblea General del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas. Verziones Abreviadas de los Trabajos Presentados, Madrid, E, Octubre 6-9, 1981 Madrid: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas 1981. T.2, T42/1–9
Ensayos de fluencia en sodio Solano, R. R.; las Rivas, M. de; Torre, M. de la; Schirra, M. 1981. 5 Asamblea General del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas. Verziones Abreviadas de los Trabajos Presentados, Madrid, E, Octubre 6-9, 1981 Madrid: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas 1981. T.2, T41/1–10
Graphics metafiles. A base for storage of graphical data in CAD systems Enderle, G. 1981. Encarnacao, J.L.; Torres, O.F.F.; Warman, E.A. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the IFIP WG 5.2 Working Conf. on CAD/CAM as a Basis for the Development of Technology in Developing Nations, Sao Paulo, BR, October 21-23, 1981 Amsterdam[usw.]: North-Holland Publ.Co. 1981, 67–77
The status of the German spallation source project (SNQ) Klose, W.; Stiller, H. H. 1981. Ishikawa, Y.; Watanabe, N. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 4th Meeting of Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS-IV), Tsukuba, J, October 20-24, 1980 Tsukuba: National Laboratory for High Energy Physics 1981., 42–55
The influence of the binder composition on the properties of WC-Fe/Co/Ni cemented carbides Prakash, L.; Holleck, H.; Thuemmler, F.; Walter, P. 1981. Hausner, H.H.; Antes, H.; Smith, G.D. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 1980 Internat.Powder Metallurgy Conf., Washington, D.C., June 22-27, 1980 Princeton, N.J.: Metal Powder Industries Fed.1981 (Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy. Vol.14), 255–68
Heavy ion produced radiation damage: swelling and precipitation in metals Exel, K.; Humbach, W.; Leister, K. H.; Scheuer, U.; Schmelz, K.; Ehrlich, K. 1981. Bethge, K.; Baumann, H.; Jex, H.; Rauch, F. [Hrsg.] Nuclear Physics Methods in Materials Research. Proc.of the 7th Divisional Conf., Darmstadt, September 23-26, 1980. Braunschweig, Wiesbaden: Vieweg 1980., 478–480
PACOS - a software controlled image analyzing system Vollath, D. 1981. Kalisnik, M. [Hrsg.] Contemporary Stereology. Proc.of the 3rd European Symp.for Stereology, Ljubljana, YU, June 22-27, 1981 Stereologia Jugoslavica, 3(1981) Suppl.1, 211–17
Operational transient test irradiations of FBR fuel Geithoff, D.; Kwast, H.; Mason, F.; Plitz, H.; Steiner, H.; Steinmetz, B.; Vliet, J. van; Zeisser, P. 1981. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Safety Aspects of Fuel Behavior, Sun Valley, Idaho, August 2-6, 1981 La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society 1981 /436, 1/426–1
Helium microdroplet transparency in heavy atom collisions Gspann, J. 1981. Clark, W.G. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 16th Internat.Conf. on Low Temperature Physics (LT-16), Los Angeles, Calif., August 19-25, 1981 Physica B+C, 108(1981) Part 2, 1309–10
Applications of nuclear accident consequence models Bayer, A. 1981. Proc.of the ANS/ENS Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Port Chester, N.Y., September 20-24, 1982 La Grange Park: ANS 1982 Vol.III, 1153–62
Laser induced defects and materials interactions in the V-Si system Appleton, B. R.; Stritzker, B.; White, C. W.; Narayan, J.; Fletcher, J.; Meyer, O.; Lau, S. S. 1981. Gibbons, J.F.; Hess, L.D.; Sigmon, T.W. [Hrsg.] Laser and Electron-Beam Solid Interactions and Materials Processing. Proc.of the Materials Research Society Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass., November 17-21, 1980 New York, N.Y.[usw.]: North-Holland 1981., 607–14
Industrial experience with process control programming language PEARL Martin, T. 1981. Isermann, R.; Kaltenecker, H. [Hrsg.] Digital Computer Applications to Process Control. Preprints of the 6th IFAC/IFIP Conf., Duesseldorf, October 14-17, 1980. Oxford[usw.]: Pergamon Pr. 1980., 505–09
Software production for computer controlled automation systems Hommel, G. 1981. Isermann, R.; Kaltenecker, H. [Hrsg.] Digital Computer Applications to Process Control. Preprints of the 6th IFAC/IFIP Conf., Duesseldorf, October 14-17, 1980. Oxford[usw.]: Pergamon Pr. 1980., 523–27
Interim storage of spent KNK II breeder fuel elements Lahr, H.; Marth, W. 1981. Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles : Proc.of the Internat.Conf., London, GB, November 9-12, 1981 London: British Nuclear Energy Society 1982, 273–81
Kriechverhalten verschiedener SiC-Werkstoffe Schnuerer, K.; Grathwohl, G.; Thuemmler, F. 1981. Hausner, H. [Hrsg.] Science of Ceramics. Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf., Berchtesgaden, September 1-4, 1979. Bad Honnef: Dt.Keramische Gesellschaft 1980., 645–52
Charakterisierung von RBSN und Verhalten unter HT-Bedingungen Porz, F.; Grathwohl, G.; Thuemmler, F. 1981. Hausner, H. [Hrsg.] Science of Ceramics. Proc.of the 10th Internat.Conf., Berchtesgaden, September 1-4, 1979. Bad Honnef: Dt.Keramische Gesellschaft 1980. Vortr.: Festigkeitsseminar, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Metallforschung, Stuttgart, 26.Februar 1980, 505–12
Estudio del comportamiento de aceros inoxidables austeniticos en el circuito de corrosion ML-1 Marin, A.; Solano, R. R.; Barroso, S.; Borgstedt, H. U. 1981. 5 Asamblea General del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas. Verziones Abreviadas de los Trabajos Presentados, Madrid, E, Octubre 6-9, 1981. Madrid: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalurgicas 1981. T.2, T40/1–10
Materials for reactor vessels and components Anderko, K. 1981. Proc.of the Joint Seminar JEN-KfK Materials for Reactor Vessels and Components, Madrid, E, November 13-14, 1980. Madrid: Junta de Energia Nuclear 1981. Paper No 8
Electronic and atomic impacts on large clusters. Invited paper Gspann, J. 1981. Datz, S. [Hrsg.] Physics and Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Invited Papers of the 12th Internat.Conf., Gatlinburg, Tenn., July 15-21, 1981. Amsterdam[usw.]: North-Holland Publ.Co. 1982., 79–96
Nonequilibrium effects and their modeling in separation nozzles Chatwani, A. U.; Fiebig, M.; Mitra, N. K.; Ehrfeld, W. 1981. Fisher, S.S. [Hrsg.] Rarefied Gas Dynamics. Technical Papers Selected from the 12th Internat.Symp., Charlottesville, Va., July 7-11, 1980. New York, N.Y.: American Inst.of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1981. Vol.74 Pt.1 (Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics. Vol.74), 517–40
Some remarks on real-time control of dissolved oxygen in rivers Stehfest, H. 1981. Wood, E.F.; Szoelloesi-Nagy, A. [Hrsg.] Real-Time Forecasting/Control of Water Resource Systems. Selected Papers from an IIASA Workshop, October 18-21, 1976 Oxford[usw.]: Pergamon Pr.1980., 231–40
Review of the ²⁴⁰Pu and ²⁴²Pu unresolved resonance region Wisshak, K.; Kaeppeler, F.; Goel, B.; Froehner, F. H. 1981. Proc.of the IAEA Consultants Meeting on Uranium and Plutonium Isotope Resonance Parameters, Wien, A, September 28 - October 2, 1981 Wien: IAEA 1982 INDC(NDS)-129/GJ, 165–81
The main activities of the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center Koerting, K. 1981. Komarek, P.; Maurer, W.; Seibt, E.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 7th Internat.Conf.on Magnet Technology, Karlsruhe, March 30 - April 3, 1981 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, MAG-17(1981), 1537–40
Operational experience with iodine filters at German LWRs Wilhelm, J. G.; Deuber, H.; Furrer, J.; Gerlach, K. 1981. Seminar on Iodine Removal from Gaseous Effluents in the Nuclear Industry, Mol, B, September 21-24, 1981. Proc. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1982. Vol.2, 625
Verbesserte Jodfilter fuer Kernkraftwerke und Wiederaufarbeitungsanlagen Furrer, J.; Wilhelm, J. G. 1981. Seminar on Iodine Removal from Gaseous Effluents in the Nuclear Industry, Mol, B, September 21-24, 1981. Proc. Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 1982. Vol.1, 257–80
Theoretical and experimental analysis of fast reactor fuel performance Kummerer, K.; Freund, D.; Steiner, H. 1981. Proc.of the ANS Topical Meeting on Reactor Safety Aspects of Fuel Behavior, Sun Valley, Idaho, August 2-6, 1981 La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society 1981 /379 KfK-3334 (September 82), 1/368–1
Results of the FR2 in-pile tests on LWR fuel rod behavior Karb, E. H.; Sepold, L.; Hofmann, P.; Petersen, C.; Schanz, G.; Zimmermann, H. 1981. Proc.ANS Topical Meeting Reactor Safety Aspects of Fuel Behavior, Sun Valley, Idaho, August 2-6, 1981 La Grange Park, Ill: ANS 1981 Vol. 2, 133–44
Carbon in sodium measurements with various carbon meters Gnanasekaran, T. 1981. Borgstedt, H.U. [Hrsg.] Material Behavior and Physical Chemistry in Liquid Metal Systems. Proc.of a Conf., Karlsruhe, March 24-26, 1981 New York, N.Y.[usw.]: Plenum Pr. 1982. 548 S., 319–27
Irradiation behaviour of reactor vessel steels Ehrlich, K. 1981. Proc.of the Joint Seminar JEN-KfK Materials for Reactor Vessels and Components, Madrid, E, November 13-14, 1980. Madrid: Junta de Energia Nuclear 1981. Paper No 7
Sodium loops for material behaviour testing in flowing sodium in KfK Borgstedt, H. U.; Drechsler, G.; Frees, G.; Wollensack, E. 1981. Borgstedt, H.U. [Hrsg.] Material Behavior and Physical Chemistry in Liquid Metal Systems. Proc.of a Conf., Karlsruhe, March 24-26, 1981 New York, N.Y.[usw.]: Plenum Pr. 1982. 548 S., 185–91
Materials behaviour under transient conditions Bocek, M. 1981. Proc.of the Joint Seminar JEN-KfK Materials for Reactor Vessels and Components, Madrid, E, November 13-14, 1980. Madrid: Junta de Energia Nuclear 1981. Paper No 10
Dependence of debris bed dryout heat flux on particle diameter Barleon, L.; Werle, H. 1981. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Soc., Miami, Fla., June 7-11, 1981 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 38(1981), 382–83
Fusion magnet design and experience Komarek, P. 1981. Boom, R. W. [Hrsg.] Superconductive Energy Storage. Proc.of the United States-Japan Workshop, Madison, Wis., October 19-23, 1981 Madison, Wis.: Univ.of Wisconsin 1982, 560–72
Workshop on superconductors for magnets: frontiers of technology Braginski, A. I.; Freyhardt, H. C.; Fluekiger, R.; Hillmann, H.; Larbalestier, D. C.; Suenaga, M.; Wilson, M. N. 1981. Komarek, P.; Maurer, W.; Seibt, E.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 7th Internat.Conf.on Magnet Technology, Karlsruhe, March 30 - April 3, 1981 IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, MAG-17(1981), 2343–54
Die Endkonditionierung hochaktiver Spaltproduktloesungen Krause, H. 1981. Fortbildungsseminar ueber Sicherheitsaspekte bei Transport und Lagerung von bestrahlten Brennelementen und hochaktiven Abfaellen, Stuttgart, 3.-4.Juni 1981 Bonn: Kerntechnische Gesellschaft 1982, 183–99
The ²²⁶Ra contamination of the Black Forest and the radioecological behavior of radium Schuettelkopf, H.; Kiefer, H. 1981. Environmental Migration of Long-lived Radionuclides. Proc.of an Internat.Symp., Knoxville, Tenn., July 27-31, 1981 Vienna: IAEA 1982. (International Atomic Energy Agency. Proceeding Series, STI/PUB/597) IAEA-SM-25738P, 395–414
Quantifizierung der Qualitaet von Software Voges, U. 1981. Brauer, W. [Hrsg.] GI-11.Jahrestagung. In Verbindung mit 3rd Conf. of the European Co-operation in Informatics (ECI), Muenchen, 20.-23.Oktober 1981, Proc. Berlin [usw.]: Springer 1981. (Informatik-Fachberichte.50), 131–43
Aspekte eines Prozessinformationssystems auf einem Rechnernetz Friehmelt, R.; Hauke, F.; Jaeschke, A.; Kugele, E.; Reh, W. 1981. Baumann, R. [Hrsg.] Fachtagung Prozessrechner 1981, Muenchen 10.-11.Maerz 1981. Berlin[usw.]: Springer 1981. (Informatik-Fachberichte. 39), 174–85
Entwurf eines hochzuverlaessigen redundanten Mikrorechnernetzes Fetsch, F.; Gmeiner, L.; Voges, U. 1981. Brauer, W. [Hrsg.] GI-11.Jahrestagung. In Verbindung mit 3rd Conf. of the European Co-operation in Informatics (ECI), Muenchen, 20.-23.Oktober 1981, Proc. Berlin [usw.]: Springer 1981. (Informatik-Fachberichte.50), 317–26
Dekorporationstherapie: DTPA als Mittel der Wahl Volf, V. 1981. Messerschmidt, O.; Feinendegen, L.E. [Hrsg.] Industrielle Stoerfaelle und Strahlenexposition. 21. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Deutscher Strahlenschutzaerzte, 14.Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes fuer Strahlenschutz, Juelich 29.-31.Mai, 1980. Bd.2. Inkorporation und Dekorporation von Radionukliden. Stuttgart[usw.]: Thieme 1980. (Strahlenschutz in Forschung und Praxis. Bd 21), 136–50
Admissible blowdown loading for spherical containments with pressure suppression system Krieg, R.; Goeller, B.; Hailfinger, G. 1981. Rastoin, J. [Hrsg.] et al. Transactions of the 6th Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Paris, F, August 17-21, 1981. Vol.J Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities 1981. S.J 2/4, 1-10