Safety evaluation process for two-lane rural roads - a ten year review Lamm, R.; Psarianos, B.; Cafiso, S. 2002. In: Geometric design and the effects on traffic operations 2002. Washington, DC 2002. S. 51-59. (Transportation research record. 1796.) und in: Proceedings. 81st Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC 2002. Paper 02-2178
Tecnologias avanzadas de oxidacion: proceso H2O2/UV Oliveros, E. 2002. In: Workshop "Nuevos Avances en Tratamiento de Agua, Aire y Suelo: Tecnologias Avanzadas de Oxidacion" at Fotociencias 2002, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba 2002
Modeling of distributed business processes Grabowski, H.; Engel, T. 2002. In: Enterprise inter- and intra-organizational integration. ICEIMT’02. Ed.: K. Kosanke. Boston 2002. S. 399-405. (International Federation for Information Processing. 108.)
Seamless testing of embedded control systems Sax, E.; Willibald, J.; Mueller-Glaser, K. D. 2002. In: Digest of papers. 3rd IEEE Latin American Test Workshop, Montevideo, Uruguay 2002. S. 151-153
A component model for field devices Nierstrasz, O.; Arevalo, G.; Ducasse, S.; Wuyts, R.; Black, A.; Mueller, P.; Zeidler, C.; Genssler, T.; Born, R. van den 2002. In: Component deployment. CD 2002. Ed.: J. Bishop. Berlin 2002. S. 200-209. (Lecture notes in computer science. 2370.)
Components for embedded software: the PECOS approach Genssler, T.; Nierstrasz, O.; Schoenhage, B.; Christoph, A.; Winter, M.; Ducasse, S.; Wuyts, R.; Arevalo, G.; Mueller, P.; Stich, C. 2002. In: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, CASES 2002, Grenoble, France 2002. ACM Press 2002. S. 19-26
Werkzeugunterstützung für evolutionäre Softwareentwicklung Bauer, M.; Genssler, T.; Kuttruff, V.; Seng, O. 2002. In: Proceedings of the 4th German Workshop on Software-Reengineering, WSR, Bad Honnef 2002. Hrsg.: Institut für Informatik, Universität Koblenz-Landau. S. 35-38