TECNE: Knowledge based text classification using network embeddings Türker, R.; Koutraki, M.; Zhang, L.; Sack, H. 2018. 2018 EKAW Posters and Demonstrations Session, EKAW-PD 2018; Nancy; France; 12 November 2018 through 16 November 2018. Ed.: O. Corby, 53–56, RWTH Aachen
Assistance in Daily Password Generation Tasks Marky, K.; Mayer, P.; Gerber, N.; Zimmermann, V. 2018. 2018 Joint ACM International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2018 and 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC 2018; Singapore; Singapore; 8 October 2018 through 12 October 2018, 786–793, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3267305.3274127
Improving Accuracy in Mobile Human Contributions – An Overview Berkel, N. van; Budde, M.; Wijenayake, S.; Goncalves, J. 2018. 2018 Joint ACM International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2018 and 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC 2018; Singapore; Singapore; 8 October 2018 through 12 October 2018, 594–599, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3267305.3267541
Challenges and Lessons from Working with Data Collected by Crowdfunding in the Wild Exler, A.; Budde, M.; Pescara, E.; Schankin, A.; Riedel, T.; Beigl, M. 2018. 2018 Joint ACM International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2018 and 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC 2018; Singapore; Singapore; 8 October 2018 through 12 October 2018, 618–623, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3267305.3267545
ARMart – AR-Based Shopping Assistant to Choose and Find Store Items Röddiger, T.; Doerner, D.; Beigl, M. 2018. 2018 Joint ACM International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2018 and 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC 2018; Singapore; Singapore; 8 October 2018 through 12 October 2018, 440–443, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3267305.3267631
Towards Application of Cuckoo Filters in Network Security Monitoring Grashöfer, J.; Jacob, F.; Hartenstein, H. 2018. 14th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Rome, Italy, Nov. 5 - Nov. 9, 2018, 373–377, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Vibration Personalization with Evolutionary Algorithms Pescara, E.; Hefenbrock, M.; Rzepka, T.; Beigl, M. 2018. 2018 Joint ACM International Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, UbiComp 2018 and 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, ISWC 2018; Singapore; Singapore; 8 October 2018 through 12 October 2018, 436–439, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3267305.3267619
Efficient and Reliable Estimation of Cell Positions Cazzolato, M. T.; Traina, A. J. M.; Böhm, K. 2018. 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2018; Torino; Italy; 22 October 2018 through 26 October 2018. Ed.: N. Paton, 1043–1052, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3269206.3271734
Observation of Υ(2S) → γη (1S) Decay Belle Collaboration; Fulsom, B. G.; Pedlar, T. K.; Adachi, I.; Aihara, H.; Al Said, S.; Asner, D. M.; Atmacan, H.; Aulchenko, V.; Aushev, T.; Ayad, R.; Babu, V.; Badhrees, I.; Bakich, A. M.; Bansal, V.; Behera, P.; Beleño, C.; Berger, M.; Bhardwaj, V.; Bhuyan, B.; et al. 2018. Physical review letters, 121 (23), Article: 232001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.232001
Remote inter-chip power analysis side-channel attacks at board-level Schellenberg, F.; Gnad, D. R. E.; Moradi, A.; Tahoori, M. B. 2018. 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, ICCAD 2018; Hilton San Diego Resort and SpaSan Diego; United States; 5 November 2018 through 8 November 2018, Art. Nr.: a114, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3240765.3240841
Dynamic resource management for heterogeneous many-cores Henkel, J.; Teich, J.; Wildermann, S.; Amrouch, H. 2018. 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, ICCAD 2018; Hilton San Diego Resort and SpaSan Diego; United States; 5 November 2018 through 8 November 2018, Art. Nr.: a60, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3240765.3243471
Estimating and optimizing BTI aging effects – from physics to CAD Amrouch, H.; Santen, V. M. avn; Henkel, J. 2018. 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, ICCAD 2018; Hilton San Diego Resort and SpaSan Diego; United States; 5 November 2018 through 8 November 2018, Art. Nr.: a125, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3240765.3243475
A High-Frequency Simulation Model of a MV Cable Joint Maier, T.; Lick, D.; Leibfried, T. 2018. 13th International Conference on Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering, Diagnostika 2018; Parkhotel PilsenPilsen; Czech Republic; 4 September 2018 through 7 September 2018, Art. Nr.: 8526026, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/DIAGNOSTIKA.2018.8526026
High pressure torsion induced structural transformations in Ti- and Zr-based amorphous alloys Gunderov, D. V.; Boltynjuk, E. V.; Ubyivovk, E. V.; Churakova, A. A.; Abrosimova, G. E.; Sitdikov, V. D.; Kilmametov, A. R.; Valiev, R. Z. 2018. Open School-Conference of NIS Countries on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials 2018, UFGNM 2018; Ufa, Bashkortostan Republic; Russian Federation; 1 October 2018 through 5 October 2018, Art.Nr. 012052, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd (IOP Publishing Ltd). doi:10.1088/1757-899X/447/1/012052
Free volume measurement of severely deformed Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 bulk metallic glass Gunderov, D. V.; Boltynjuk, E. V.; Sitdikov, V. D.; Abrosimova, G. E.; Churakova, A. A.; Kilmametov, A. R.; Valiev, R. Z. 2018. 7th International Conference on Functional Nanomaterials and High Purity Substances, FNM 2018; Suzdal; Russian Federation; 1 October 2018 through 5 October 2018, Art. Nr.: 012010, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd (IOP Publishing Ltd). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1134/1/012010
Umwelt und Ressourcenschonung Stelzer, V.; Kopfmüller, J.; Bangert, A.; Fricke, A. 2018. Multikriterieller Bewertungsansatz für eine nachhaltige Energiewende : Von der Analyse zur Entscheidungsfindung mit ENavi, 49–53, IASS Potsdam
Schutz der menschlichen Gesundheit Stelzer, V.; Kopfmüller, J.; Bangert, A.; Fricke, A. 2018. Multikriterieller Bewertungsansatz für eine nachhaltige Energiewende : Von der Analyse zur Entscheidungsfindung mit ENavi, 46–48, IASS Potsdam
Event shape variables measured using multijet final states in proton-proton collisions at CMS Collaboration; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Ambrogi, F.; Asilar, E.; Bergauer, T.; Brandstetter, J.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Escalante Del Valle, A.; Flechl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V. M.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Krätschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Madlener, T.; et al. 2018. Journal of high energy physics, 2018 (12), Article: 117. doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2018)117
Global Carbon Budget 2018 Le Quéré, C.; Andrew, R. M.; Friedlingstein, P.; Sitch, S.; Hauck, J.; Pongratz, J.; Pickers, P. A.; Korsbakken, J. I.; Peters, G. P.; Canadell, J. G.; Arneth, A.; Arora, V. K.; Barbero, L.; Bastos, A.; Bopp, L.; Chevallier, F.; Chini, L. P.; Ciais, P.; Doney, S. C.; Gkritzalis, T.; et al. 2018. Earth system science data, 10 (4), 2141–2194. doi:10.5194/essd-10-2141-2018