Radiometric calibration of MIPAS-B2 spectra Friedl-Vallon, F.; Kleinert, A.; Trieschmann, O.; Oelhaf, H.; Wetzel, G. 1998. 8th Internat.Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space Using Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Toulouse, F, Nov 16-18, 1998
Incineration of waste containing PVC Vehlow, J. 1998. European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers, Technical Information Meeting - PVC, Bruxelles, B, January 28, 1998
Lymphangiogenic factors VEGF-C and VEGF-D are expressed by tumors Sleeman, J. P.; Steffen, A.; Mandriotta, A.; Krishnan, J.; Pepper, M. 1998. 5th Franz-Vollhard-Symp.’Twigs and Branches-Tube Formation and Branching in the Cardiovascular System’, Groß Dölln, 3.-6.September 1998
Dioxin minimization in waste incineration Hunsinger, H.; Furrer, J.; Göttlicher, J.; Kreisz, S.; Merz, A.; Stieglitz, L.; Vehlow, J.; Borrmann, H. 1998. 3rd Conf.of the Parties to the United Nations Frame Work Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto, J, December 1-10, 1997
On line wear measurements with RTM Fehsenfeld, P.; Kleinrahm, A.; Kubat, R. 1998. Vortr.: Fa.Cummins Engine Company Inc., Fleetguard, Cookeville, Tenn., 11.November 1998
MSWI bottom ashes: mineralogy, leachability and technical aspects Pfrang-Stotz, G.; Reichelt, J. 1998. Workshop ’Emission Behaviour of Incineration Residues, Methods for the Assessment of Ageing Processes, New Aspects for Pretreatment’, Wien, A, February 16-17, 1998
Müllverbrennungsasche: Materialbeschreibung Pfrang-Stotz, G.; Reichelt, J. 1998. VGB-Workshop ’HMV-Asche - Aufbereitung und Verwertung nach Regelwerken’, Burgkirchen, 12.Mai 1998
Scenarios for modeling of multi-phase tropospheric chemistry Poppe, D.; Ackermann, I.; Bunz, H.; Geiger, H.; Herrmann, H.; Kuhn, M.; Mauersberger, G.; Röth, E. P.; Seidl, W.; Stockwell, W. R.; Vogel, B.; Vogt, R. 1998. 2nd CMD Workshop (Subproject Chemical Mechanisms Development of EUROTRAC 2), Karlsruhe, September 23-25, 1998
SAW based sensor systems for organic gas analysis Rapp, M.; Reibel, J.; Stahl, U.; Voigt, A.; Wessa, T. 1998. 5th Internat.Symp.on Olfaction and Electronic Noses, Baltimore, Md., September 27-30, 1998