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3D analysis of microstructures by focused ion beam microscopy Volkert, C. A.; Eberl, C.; Mönig, R.; Walter, M.; Kraft, O. 2004. Gundlach, C. [Hrsg.] Evolution of Deformation Microstructures in 3D : Proc.of the 25th Risoe Internat.Symp.on Materials Science, Roskilde, DK, September 5-10, 2004 Roskilde : Risoe National Laboratory, 2004
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Design in der Natur - Systemzuverlässigkeit am Beispiel Baum Mattheck, C.; Tesari, I. 2004. Congress Intelligente Leichtbau Systeme 2004, Wolfsburg, 14.-15.September 2004 Tagungsband Rosdorf/Göttingen : Neue Materialien Niedersachsen e.V., 2004
3D analysis of microstructures by focused ion beam microscopy Volkert, C. A.; Eberl, C.; Mönig, R.; Walter, M.; Kraft, O. 2004. Gundlach, C. [Hrsg.] Evolution of Deformation Microstructures in 3D : Proc.of the 25th Risoe Internat.Symp.on Materials Science, Roskilde, DK, September 5-10, 2004 Roskilde : Risoe National Laboratory, 2004, 171–86
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