PUREX-Prozessanalytik - Status und Trend - Ertel, D. 1982. In: Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des 4.Statusberichtes des Projektes Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung am 5.11.1981 KfK-3290 (Maerz 82)
Modellbildung der Elektro-Reduktion im PUREX-Prozess Petrich, G.; Schmieder, H. 1982. In: Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des 4.Statusberichtes des Projektes Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung am 5.11.1981 KfK-3290 (Maerz 82)
Wiederaufarbeitung von KNK II-Brennstaeben in der MILLI Bleyl, H. J.; Ochsenfeld, W. 1982. In: Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des 4.Statusberichtes des Projektes Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung am 5.11.1981 KfK-3290 (Maerz 82)
Remote handling systems Koehler, G. W. 1982. Kuntze, M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Workshop on High Intensity Accelerators and Compressor Rings, Karlsruhe, June 25-26, 1981 KfK-3228 (November 81)
Rf power system for SNQ Hochschild, G. 1982. Kuntze, M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Workshop on High Intensity Accelerators and Compressor Rings, Karlsruhe, June 25-26, 1981 KfK-3228 (November 81)
Neutron fuel interaction in a HIBALL target Goel, B.; Henderson, D. L. 1982. Proc.of the Symp.on Accelerator Aspects of Heavy Ion Fusion. Darmstadt, March 29 - April 2, 1982 GSI-82-8 (1982)
Ausbreitung von Radionukliden im Deckgebirge Jakubick, A. T.; u.a. 1982. Projekt Sicherheitsstudien Entsorgung. Zusammenfassender Zwischenbericht. Stand Juni 1981. Berlin: Projektleitung PSE 1981.1-4.109
Barrieren in einem Endlager fuer radioaktive Abfaelle Kienzler, B.; Koester, R.; Korthaus, E.; Vejmelka, P.; u.a. 1982. Projekt Sicherheitsstudien Entsorgung. Zusammenfassender Zwischenbericht. Stand Juni 1981. Berlin: Projektleitung PSE 1981.1-3.94
Application of TLD systems for environmental monitoring Piesch, E. 1982. Oberhofer, M. [Hrsg.]: Applied Thermoluminescence Dosimetry: Lect.of a Course, Ispra, I, November 12-16, 1979. - Bristol: Hilger, 1981 Zugl.: EUR-6990 EN
Application of TLD in personnel dosimetry Piesch, E. 1982. Oberhofer, M. [Hrsg.]: Applied Thermoluminescence Dosimetry: Lect.of a Course, Ispra, I, November 12-16, 1979. - Bristol: Hilger, 1981 Zugl.: EUR-6990 EN
Control-rod parametrical studies in the framework of the pre-racine and racine programs Humbert, G.; Ruelle, B.; Daguzan, G.; Stanculescu, A.; Kappler, F.; Scholtyssek, W.; Bouscavet, D.; Martini, M.; Broccoli, U. 1982. Proc.of the Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Core Thermal Hydraulics, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., September 22-24, 1982 NUREG/CP-0034 (1982) Vol.1
Neutronic analysis of simulated LMFBR fuel slump experiments Henneges, G.; Maschek, W. 1982. Proc.of the Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics and Core Thermal Hydraulics, Kiamesha Lake, N.Y., September 22-24, 1982 NUREG/CP-0034 (1982) Vol.1
Radioactive materials in primary circuits of LMFBRs. Sources - transport - removal Stamm, H. H. 1982. Kottowski, H.M. [Hrsg.] Safety Problems Related to Sodium Handling in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors and Large Test Facilities. Lectures from a Course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, November 12-14, 1980 Bruxelles[usw]: Commission of the European Communities 1981. EUR-7648-EN (1981)
Sodium fires and extinguishment Peppler, W. 1982. Kottowski, H.M. [Hrsg.] Safety Problems Related to Sodium Handling in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors and Large Test Facilities. Lectures from a Course held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, November 12-14, 1980 Bruxelles[usw]: Commission of the European Communities 1981. EUR-7648-EN (1981)
Final results of the German SNQ study Hennies, H. H. 1982. Bauer, G.S.; Filges, D. [Hrsg.] ICANS-V. Proc.of the 5th Meeting of the Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources Plenary Session and Target Station Workshop, Juelich, June 22-26, 1981 Juel-Conf-45 (Oktober 81)
Aerosols released from burning sodium Jordan, S. 1982. Kottowski, H.M. [Hrsg.] Safety Problems Related to Sodium Handling in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors and Large Test Facilities. Lectures from a Course Held at the Joint Research Centre, Ispra, I, November 12-14, 1980 Bruxelles[usw.]: Commission of the European Communities 1981. EUR-7648-EN (1981)
The influence of specifications on mechanical properties of oxide fuel Karsten, G. 1982. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Internat.ENS/ANS Conf.New Directions in Nuclear Energy with Emphasis on Fuel Cycles, Bruxelles, B, April 26-30, 1982 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 40(1982)
Vergleich verschiedener Moeglichkeiten zur Entsorgung Closs, K. D. 1982. Fortbildungsseminar ueber Sicherheitsaspekte bei Transport und Lagerung von bestrahlten Brennelementen und hochaktiven Abfaellen, Stuttgart, 3.-4.Juni 1981 Bonn: Kerntechnische Gesellschaft 1982
International standard problem for consequence modeling: results Aldrich, D.; Alpert, D.; Blond, R.; Burkart, K.; Vogt, S.; Edlund, O.; Kaiser, G.; Kaul, D.; Kelly, G.; Manesse, M.; Stoute, J.; Tveten, U. 1982. Proc.of the ANS/ENS Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Port Chester, N.Y., September 20-24, 1981 La Grange Park: ANS 1982 Vol.II
Total vapor pressure measurements on nuclear fuels using fission heating Reil, K. O.; Breitung, W.; Murata, K. K. 1982. Sengers, J.V. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 8th Symp.on Thermophasical Properties of Solids and of Selected Fluids for Energy Technology, Gaithersburg, Md., June 15-18, 1982 New York, N.Y.: The American Soc.of Mechanical Engineers 1982 Vol.II
Vapor pressure of liquid uranium oxide: a review Breitung, W. 1982. Sengers, J.V. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 8th Symp.on Thermophysical Properties of Solids and of Selected Fluids for Energy Technology, Gaithersburg, Md., June 15-18, 1981 New York, N.Y.: The American Soc.of Mechanical Engineers 1982 Vol.II
Managing the introduction of CAD into the design office Rader, M. 1982. 2nd European Conf.on Computer Aided Design in Small and Medium Size Industries. MICAD 82. Texts of the Conf., Paris, F, September 21-23, 1982 Grenoble: Eymond, 1982
Technology transfer Eberle, S. H. 1982. Water Pollution Research and Control. Proc.of the 11th biennial Conf.of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, Cape Town, ZA, March 29 - April 2, 1982 Water Science and Technology, 14(1982)
Spent fuel disposal in comparison with reprocessing Boehm, H. 1982. European Nuclear Conference - 3 Internat.Conf.on New Directions in Nuclear Energy with Emphasis on Fuel Cycles. Proc.of the Plenary Sessions, Bruxelles, B, April 26 - 30, 1982 Bruessel: European Nuclear Soc. 1982
In-pile measurement of the total vapor pressure over high-purity UO₂ Reil, K. O.; Breitung, W. 1982. Godlewski, N.Z. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Soc., Los Angeles, Calif., June 6-10, 1982 Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 41(1982)
A high capacity pump for liquid helium Krafft, G. 1982. Yasukochi, K.; Nagano, H. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 9th Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf., Kobe, J, May 11-14, 1982 Guildford: Butterworth 1982