An efficient approach to GPS/INS integrity monitoring Wendel, J.; Dambeck, J.; Herbold, G.; Kiesel, S.; Meister, O.; Mönikes, R. 2007. 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, 10 - 13. Sept. 2007 Berlin. Bd. 5, 3205–3210, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DGLR)
The INE-beamline for actinide research at ANKA Brendebach, B.; Denecke, M. A.; Rothe, J.; Dardenne, K.; Römer, J. 2007. Hedman, B. [Hrsg.] X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS13) : Proc.of the 13th Internat.Conf., Stanford, Calif., July 9-14, 2007 Melville, N.Y. : AIP, 2007 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 882)
Assessment of He-cooled test divertor module for ITER Widak, V.; Boccaccini, L. V.; Kruessmann, R.; Norajitra, P.; Stickel, S. 2007. 8th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-8), Heidelberg, September 30 - October 5, 2007
New players in signal transduction: ERM proteins, F-actin and CD44 Hasenauer, S.; Matzke, A.; Kastilan, T.; Pace, G.; Ponta, H.; Orian-Rousseau, V. 2007. Spring 2007 Meeting : A Joint Meeting of the Genetics Society and the British Societies for Cell and Developmental Biology, Edinburgh, GB, March 29 - April 1, 2007
The INE-beamline for actinide research at ANKA Brendebach, B.; Denecke, M. A.; Rothe, J.; Dardenne, K.; Römer, J. 2007. Hedman, B. [Hrsg.] X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS13) : Proc.of the 13th Internat.Conf., Stanford, Calif., July 9-14, 2007 Melville, N.Y. : AIP, 2007 (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 882), 875–77
Neue Verfahren zur Herstellung von Mikrobauteilen über flüssige Phasen Michaeli, E.; Kamps, T.; Bach, F. W.; Hartz, K.; Schmachtenberg, E.; Schmiederer, D.; Lurz, A.; Vetter, K.; Piotter, V.; Prokop, J. 2007. Geßner, T. [Hrsg.] Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress, Dresden, 15.-17.Oktober 2007 Proc.S.635-38 Berlin [u.a.] : VDE-Verl., 2007 inkl.CD-ROM
Parallelization of the mesh refinement algorithm of the FDEM program package Adolph, T.; Schönauer, W. 2007. Kagström, B. [Hrsg.] State of the Art in Scientific Computing : 8th Internat.Workshop, PARA 2006, Umea, S, June 18-21, 2006 Revised Selected Papers Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4699), 754–63
Folding and structure prediction of proteins containing disulfide bridges Kondov, I.; Verma, A.; Wenzel, W. 2007. Hansmann, U.H.E. [Hrsg.] From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07) : Proc.of the NIC Workshop 2007, Jülich, May 2-4, 2007 Jülich : John von Neumann Institute for Computing, 2007 (NIC Series ; 36)
Artificial accomodation system - a new approach to restore the accommodative ability of the human eye Bergemann, M.; Gengenbach, U.; Bretthauer, G.; Guthoff, R. F. 2007. Kim, S.I. [Hrsg.] Imaging the Future Medicine : World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Seoul, Korea, August 27 - September 1, 2006 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 Vol.1 (IFMBE Proceedings ; 14) Also available online
Folding and structure prediction of proteins containing disulfide bridges Kondov, I.; Verma, A.; Wenzel, W. 2007. Hansmann, U.H.E. [Hrsg.] From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07) : Proc.of the NIC Workshop 2007, Jülich, May 2-4, 2007 Jülich : John von Neumann Institute for Computing, 2007 (NIC Series ; 36)
Folding and structure prediction of proteins containing disulfide bridges Kondov, I.; Verma, A.; Wenzel, W. 2007. Hansmann, U.H.E. [Hrsg.] From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB07) : Proc.of the NIC Workshop 2007, Jülich, May 2-4, 2007 Jülich : John von Neumann Institute for Computing, 2007 (NIC Series ; 36), 185–88
Artificial accomodation system - a new approach to restore the accommodative ability of the human eye Bergemann, M.; Gengenbach, U.; Bretthauer, G.; Guthoff, R. F. 2007. Kim, S.I. [Hrsg.] Imaging the Future Medicine : World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Seoul, Korea, August 27 - September 1, 2006 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 Vol.1 (IFMBE Proceedings ; 14) Also available online, 262–65
Assessment of air pollution in the vicinity of major Alpine routes Suppan, P.; Schäfer, K.; Vergeiner, J.; Emeis, S.; Obleitner, F.; Griesser, E. 2007. Morrison, G.M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 8th Highway and Urban Environment Symp., Nicosia, CY, June 12-14, 2006 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 (Alliance for Global Sustainability ; 12), 203–14
Föhn in the Rhine Valley during MAP: a review of its multiscale dynamics in complex valley geometry Drobinski, P.; Steinacker, R.; Richner, H.; Baumann-Stanzer, K.; Beffrey, G.; Benech, B.; Berger, H.; Chimani, B.; Dabas, A.; Dorninger, M.; Dürr, B.; Flamant, C.; Frioud, M.; Furger, M.; Gröhn, I.; Gubser, S.; Gutermann, T.; Häberli, C.; Häller-Schamhost, E.; Jaubert, G.; et al. 2007. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 133, 897–916. doi:10.1002/qj.70
Futuristic back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle with the partitioning of minor actinides Madic, C.; Bouillis, B.; Baron, P.; Testard, F.; Hudson, M. J.; Liljenzin, J. O.; Christiansen, B.; Ferrando, M.; Facchini, A.; Geist, A.; Modolo, G.; Espartero, A. G.; Mendoza, J. de 2007. Plutonium Futures - The Science 2006 : A Topical Conf.on Plutonium and Actinides, Pacific Grove, Calif., July 9-13, 2006
Separation of minor actinides in the partitioning and transmutation context Geist, A.; Malmbeck, R. 2007. 8th Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications and Utilization of Accelerators (AccApp’07), Pocatello, Idaho, July 30 - August 2, 2007 Proc. Auch auf CD-ROM LaGrange Park, Ill., : ANS, 2007
Structural response of steel pipes induced by hydrogen-oxygen detonation Nebu, A.; Inagaki, T.; Kawaeda, H.; Ishida, T.; Kuznetsov, M. 2007. Gupta, A. [Hrsg.] Transactions 19th Internat.Conf.on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT-19), Toronto, CDN, August 12-17, 2007 Madison, Wis. : Omnipress, 2007 CD-ROM Paper #J04/3
Leichtwasserreaktoren mit überkritischen Dampfzuständen Schulenberg, T.; Fischer, K.; Himmel, S.; Starflinger, J. 2007. 33.MPA-Seminar ’Werkstoff- und Bauteilverhalten in der Energie- und Anlagentechnik’, Stuttgart, 11.-12.Oktober 2007 Proc.auf CD-ROM Stuttgart : MPA, Universität Stuttgart, 2007
Separation of minor actinides in the partitioning and transmutation context Geist, A.; Malmbeck, R. 2007. 8th Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications and Utilization of Accelerators (AccApp’07), Pocatello, Idaho, July 30 - August 2, 2007 Proc. Auch auf CD-ROM LaGrange Park, Ill., : ANS, 2007, 545–51
Opussup(I)sup(B) - Grid enabled Opteron cluster with InfiniBand interconnect Schneider, O.; Schmitz, F.; Kondov, I.; Brandel, T. 2007. Kagström, B. [Hrsg.] State of the Art in Scientific Computing : 8th Internat.Workshop, PARA 2006, Umea, S, June 18-21, 2006 Revised Selected Papers Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4699), 840–49
Monte Carlo simulation of helium thermal desorption from Bcc iron Borodin, V. A.; Vladimirov, P. V.; Möslang, A. 2007. Gumbsch, P. Proc.of 3rd Internat.Conf.on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Freiburg, September 18-22, 2006 Symp.6: Multiscale Modeling of Irradiation and Aging of Materials Stuttgart : Fraunhofer IRB, 2006 the web
10 MW, 140 GHz, CW gyrotron and optical transmission system for millimeter wave heating of plasmas in the stellarator W7-X Thumm, M.; Dammertz, G.; Gantenbein, G.; Illy, S.; Leonhardt, W.; Neffe, G.; Piosczyk, B.; Schmid, M.; Braune, H.; Erckmann, V.; Laqua, H. P.; Michel, G.; Weissgerber, M.; Brand, P.; Kasparek, W.; Lechte, C. 2007. 1st Shenzhen Internat.Conf.on Advanced Science and Technology - THz Radiation Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, November 18-23, 2007 Book of Abstracts
The high supersaturation puzzle Peter, T.; Marcolli, C.; Spichtinger, P.; Corti, T.; Luo, B. P.; Baker, M. B.; Koop, T.; Krämer, M.; Möhler, O.; Vömel, H. 2007. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 15-20, 2007 Aerosols - Properties, Processes and Climate (APPC) : ESF-INTROP Conf., Heraklion, GR, April 22-24, 2007
The high supersaturation puzzle Peter, T.; Marcolli, C.; Spichtinger, P.; Corti, T.; Luo, B. P.; Baker, M. B.; Koop, T.; Krämer, M.; Möhler, O.; Vömel, H. 2007. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Wien, A, April 15-20, 2007 Aerosols - Properties, Processes and Climate (APPC) : ESF-INTROP Conf., Heraklion, GR, April 22-24, 2007
Synthesis and characterisation of gold cluster compounds Sevillano, P.; Fuhr, O.; Hampe, O.; Lebedkin, S.; Matern, E.; Neiss, C.; Fenske, D.; Ahlrichs, R.; Kappes, M. M. 2007. Internat.Karlsruhe Nanoscience Workshop ’Metal-rich Compounds’, Karlsruhe, October 8-10, 2007
Goal-based safety cases for medical devices: opportunities and challenges Sujan, M. A.; Koornneef, F.; Voges, U. 2007. Saglietti, F. [Hrsg.] Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security : Proc.of the 26th Internat.Conf., SAFECOMP 2007, Nürnberg, September 18-21, 2007 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4680)
Goal-based safety cases for medical devices: opportunities and challenges Sujan, M. A.; Koornneef, F.; Voges, U. 2007. Saglietti, F. [Hrsg.] Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security : Proc.of the 26th Internat.Conf., SAFECOMP 2007, Nürnberg, September 18-21, 2007 Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 4680), 14–27