Reduktion des mittelaktiven Abfalles durch salzfreie Verfahrensschritte Heilgeist, M.; Goldacker, H.; Schmieder, H.; Kreysa, G.; Breidenbach, G.; Heitz, E. 1980. In: Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des 3.Statusberichtes des Projektes Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung am 8.11.79. KfK-2940 (Februar 80)
Hafnium fuer die Kritikalitaetssicherung bei der Kernbrennstoffverarbeitung Schmieder, H.; Comper, W.; Goldacker, H.; Leistikow, S.; Poetschke, M.; Sattler, H. P. 1980. In: Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des 3.Statusberichtes des Projektes Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung am 8.11.79. KfK-2940 (Februar 80)
Ueberlegungen zu verschiedenen Entsorgungskonzepten Closs, K. D. 1980. In: Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des 3.Statusberichtes des Projektes Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung am 8.11.79. KfK-2940 (Februar 80)
Begruessung und Einfuehrung Boehm, H. 1980. In: Sammlung der Vortraege anlaesslich des 3.Statusberichtes des Projektes Wiederaufarbeitung und Abfallbehandlung am 8.11.79. KfK-2940 (Februar 80)
On the thermal conductivity and viscosity of particle beds Schulz, B. 1980. Proc.of the ANS/ASME/NRC Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., October 7-9, 1980 NUREG/CP-0014-Vol.3(1980)
Analysis of process signals in nuclear installations Avenhaus, R.; Spannagel, G. 1980. Procedures and Systems for Assisting an Operator During Normal and Anomalous Nuclear Power Plant Operation Situations. IAEA/NPPCI Specialists’ Meeting, Muenchen, December 5-7, 1979 GRS-19 (August 80)
Inkorporationsueberwachung auf Uran Schinzer, F.; Beyer, D.; Doerfel, H.; Guenther, E.; Schieferdecker, H. 1980. FS-80-23-AKI (September 80)
Pion-nucleus scattering around the 3-3 resonance Ingram, Q. 1980. Hungerford, E.V. [Hrsg.] Meson-Nuclear Physics - 1979. Proc.of the 2nd Internat.Topical Conf., Houston, Tex., March 5-9, 1979 New York, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics 1979. (AIP Conference Proceedings. Nr 54) DOE-CONF-790347
Conceptual design of repository facilities Beale, H.; Engelmann, H. J.; Souquet, G.; Mayence, M.; Hamstra, J. 1980. Simon, R.; Orlowski, S. [Hrsg.] Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal. Proc.of the 1st European Community Conf., Luxembourg, L, May 20-23, 1980 London: Harwood Academic Publ.1980. EUR-6871(1980)
Neutron yields and spectra from 590 MeV(p, n) reactions on lead targets Cierjacks, S.; Rainbow, M. T.; Swinhoe, M. T.; Buth, L. 1980. Symp.on Neutron Cross-Sections from 10 to 50 MeV. Upton, N.Y., May 12-14, 1980 BNL-NCS-51245-Vol.1 of 2 (July 80) Zugl.: DOE/NDC-21/L; NEANDC(US)-208/L; INDC(USA)-84/L
Deutsche Risikostudie Kernkraftwerke - Unfallfolgenmodell und Ergebnisse Bayer, A.; Burkart, K.; Horsch, F.; Huebschmann, W.; Schueckler, M.; Vogt, S.; Jacobi, W.; Paretzke, H.; Trott, K. R.; Hofer, E.; Birkhofer, A. 1980. Radioaktive Abfaelle, 7.IRPA-Regionalkongress, 13.Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes fuer Strahlenschutz e.V., Koeln, 15.-19.Oktober 1979 FS-79-20-T (Mai 1980)
Long-term storage of Kr-85 in zeolites Penzhorn, R. D.; Schuster, P.; Noppel, H. E.; Hellwig, L. M. 1980. Internat.Symp.on Management of Gaseous Wastes from Nuclear Facilities, Vienna, February 18-22, 1980 IAEA-SM-245/10
Free convection in vertical slots Koster, J. N.; Mueller, U. 1980. Torrance, K.E.; Catton, I. [Hrsg.] Natural Convection in Enclosures. 19th Nat.Heat Transfer Conf., Orlando, Fla., July 27-30, 1980. New York, N.Y.: ASME 1980
Radiolytically generated hydrogen from Purex solutions Becker, R.; Burkhardt, H. G.; Neeb, K. H.; Wuertz, R. 1980. Internat.Symposium on Management of Gaseous Wastes from Nuclear Facilities, Vienna, February 18-22, 1980 IAEA-SM-245/13
Developments in nuclear air cleaning in Germany Furrer, J. 1980. First, M.W. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 16th DOE Nuclear Air Cleaning Conf. held in San Diego, Calif., October 20-23, 1980 CONF-801038 (Febr. 1981) Vol.2
On the thermal conductivity and viscosity of particle beds Schulz, B. 1980. Proc.of the ANS/ASME/NRC Internat.Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., October 7-9, 1980 NUREG/CP-0014-Vol.3(1980)
Analysis of process signals in nuclear installations Avenhaus, R.; Spannagel, G. 1980. Procedures and Systems for Assisting an Operator During Normal and Anomalous Nuclear Power Plant Operation Situations. IAEA/NPPCI Specialists’ Meeting, Muenchen, December 5-7, 1979 GRS-19 (August 80)
Sodium boiling and pin dryout behind plane flow blockages Dorr, B.; Vries, J. E. de; Maarleveld, J. R. C. 1980. Kottowski, H.M. [Hrsg.] Liquid Metal Boiling Working Group. 9th Meeting. Proc., Roma, I, June 4-6, 1980 Ispra: LMBWG 1980
Studies of cold neutron sources for spallation targets Reichardt, W. 1980. Ishikawa, Y.; Watanabe, N. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 4th Meeting of Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS-IV), Tsukuba, J, October 20-24, 1980 Tsukuba: National Laboratory for High Energy Physics 1981
Advantage of neutron sources with time structure for special neutron spectrometers Nuecker, N.; Schmatz, W. 1980. Ishikawa, Y.; Watanabe, N. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 4th Meeting of Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS-IV), Tsukuba, J, October 20-24, 1980 Tsukuba: National Laboratory for High Energy Physics 1981
Liquid metal target development for the German neutron source(SNQ) Hoffmann, H.; Huber, P. E.; Piesche, M. 1980. Ishikawa, Y.; Watanabe, N. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 4th Meeting of Internat.Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS-IV), Tsukuba, J, October 20-24, 1980 Tsukuba: National Laboratory for High Energy Physics 1981
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