Design and integration of Tokamak Coolant Systems based on water technology in the EU DEMO Moscato, I.; Bachmann, C.; Balazs Bajari, J.; Bongiovi, G.; Chiovaro, P.; D’Amico, S.; Federici, G.; Gliss, C.; Graziosi, G.; Narcisi, V.; Quartararo, A.; Rossetti, C.; Santucci, A.; Spagnuolo, G. A.; Tarallo, A.; Terranova, N.; Vallone, E. 2023. 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT 2023), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, September 10–15, 2023
Needs and options for Qualifying fusion nuclear technologies Spagnuolo, G. A.; Federici, G.; D’Amico, S.; Hernandez, A. 2023. 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT 2023), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, September 10–15, 2023
Dewesternising Science in Technology Assessment Coenen, C.; Somidh, S. 2023. Trans-cultural/disciplinary Practices: Arts and Science in a Changing World (2023), Zurich, Switzerland, September 15–16, 2023
Transhumanism and Californian Ideology Coenen, C. 2023. Pre-event of "I Jornadas Internacionales de Economías Digitales" (2023), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 5, 2023
Futuros después del fin del futuro Coenen, C. 2023. Open Seminar "Ciclo Experticias, Activismos y Politicas Publicas" (2023), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 6, 2023
Search for neutrino lines from dark matter annihilation and decay with IceCube IceCube Collaboration; Abbasi, R.; Ackermann, M.; Adams, J.; Agarwalla, S. K.; Aguilar, J. A.; Ahlers, M.; Alameddine, J. M.; Amin, N. M.; Andeen, K.; Anton, G.; Argüelles, C.; Ashida, Y.; Athanasiadou, S.; Axani, S. N.; Bai, X.; Balagopal, A.; Baricevic, M.; Barwick, S. W.; Basu, V.; et al. 2023. Physical Review D, 108 (10), Art.-Nr.: 102004. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.108.102004
AP 1.5 -CFM Run 22-02 & Planned experiments: focus on radionuclide migration Quinto, F.; Blechschmidt, I.; Geckeis, H.; Kontar, K.; Lanyon, B.; Marquardt, C. M.; Noseck, U.; Plaschke, M.; Schneeberger, R.; Schäfer, T. 2023, November 27. EVIDENT kick-off Meeting (2023), Berlin, Germany, November 26–27, 2023
LIT and mock up post mortem analysis Kouhail, Y.; Quinto, F.; Blechschmidt, I.; Geckeis, H.; Geyer, F.; Lanyon, B.; Metz, V.; Noseck, U.; Roth, T.; Schneeberger, R.; Schäfer, T. 2023, July 4. CFM Phase 4 - Project Meeting (2023), Daejeon, South Korea, July 4–5, 2023
Production of fuels from renewables via methanol Arnold, U.; Drexler, M.; Fuchs, C.; Niethammer, B.; Sauer, J. 2023. CogMob 2023, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Mobility, Budapest, Hungary, October 19-20, 2023, Proceedings, 125–129, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
End-to-End Evaluation for Low-Latency Simultaneous Speech Translation Huber, C.; Dinh, T. A.; Mullov, C.; Pham, N.-Q.; Nguyen, T. B.; Retkowski, F.; Constantin, S.; Ugan, E.; Liu, D.; Li, Z.; Koneru, S.; Niehues, J.; Waibel, A. 2023. Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations. Ed.: Yansong Feng, Els Lefever, 12–20, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). doi:10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-demo.2
Paraffinic fuels from methanol Arnold, U.; Drexler, M.; Fuchs, C.; Niethammer, B.; Sauer, J. 2023. 11th International Conference Fuel Science - From Production to Propulsion (2023), Aachen, Germany, May 23–25, 2023
New radionuclide tracer test dedicated to kinetic processes under in-situ conditions at the Grimsel Test Site Quinto, F.; Blechschmidt, I.; Bouby, M.; Chen, Z.; Geckeis, H.; Lanyon, B.; Marquardt, C. M.; Noseck, U.; Plaschke, M.; Schneeberger, R.; Schäfer, T. 2023, September 29. 18th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration 2023), Nantes, France, September 24–29, 2023