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Control-path oriented verification of sequential generic circuits with control and data path Schneider, K.; Kropf, T.; Kumar, R. 1994. In: Proceedings. The European Design and Test Conference, Paris, France 1994. Ed.: J.-P. Tual. Los Alamitos, Calif. 1994. S. 648-652. und Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Rechnerentw. u. Fehlertoleranz, Univ. Karlsruhe 1994. (Tech. Rep. SFB358-C2-9/94.)
Simplifying deep embedding: a formalised code generator Reetz, R.; Kropf, T. 1994. In: Higher order logic theorem proving and its applications. Ed.: T.F. Melham. Berlin 1994. S. 378-390. (Lecture notes in computer science. 859.) und Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Rechnerentw. u. Fehlertoleranz 1994. (Tech. Rep. SFB358-C2-8/94.)
A formal framework for high-level synthesis Kropf, T.; Schneider, K.; Kumar, R. 1994. Karlsruhe : Inst. f. Rechnerentw. u. Fehlertoleranz, Univ. Karlsruhe 1994. (Tech. Rep. SFB358-C2-5/94.)
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