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System description: leanK 2.0 Beckert, B.; Gore, R. 1998. In: Automated deduction - CADE-15. Ed.: C. Kirchner. Berlin 1998. S. 51-55. (Lecture notes in computer science. 1421.)
A tableau calculus for quantifier-free set theoretic formulae Beckert, B.; Hartmer, U. 1998. In: Automated reasoning with analytic tableaux and related methods. Ed.: H. de Swart. Berlin 1998. S. 93-107. (Lecture notes in computer science. 1397.)
Fibring semantic tableaux Beckert, B.; Gabbay, D. 1998. In: Automated reasoning with analytic tableaux and related methods. Ed.: H. de Swart. Berlin 1998. S. 77-92. (Lecture notes in computer science. 1397.)
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Problem solving with neural networks Menzel, W. 1998. In: Intelligence and artificial intelligence - a interdisciplinary debate. Ed.: U. Ratsch. Berlin 1998. S. 162-177
Modelling of high intensity discharge lamps Born, M.; Giese, H.; Kruecken, T.; Neiger, M. 1998. In: Proceedings. 8th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources, LS-8, Greifswald 1998. S. 384-385
Modelling of high pressure discharge lamps including electrodes Flesch, P.; Wiesmann, H.; Neiger, M. 1998. Jahresbericht, Lichttechnisches Institut, Universität (TH) Karlsruhe 1997/1998 (1998) S. 111-113 und in: Proceedings. 8th International Symposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources, LS-8, Greifswald 1998. S. 394-395
Die Beleuchtung von Kurztunneln. Kein Thema von morgen? Eberbach, K. 1998. In: Tagungsband. 13. Gemeinschaftstagung der Lichttechnischen Gesellschaften Österreichs, Deutschlands, der Niederlande und der Schweiz, LICHT ’98, Bregenz 1998. S. 490-498
Rainfall forecasts for flood management in river basins Muster, H.; Bardossy, A. 1998. In: Statistical and bayesian methods in hydrological sciences. Ed.: E. Parent. Paris : UNESCO 1998. S. 415-435. (Technical documents in hydrology. 20.)
River pollution from urban stormwater runoff Schmitt-Heiderich, P.; Plate, E. J. 1998. In: Statistical and bayesian methods in hydrological sciences. Ed.: E. Parent. Paris : UNESCO 1998. S. 251-262. (Technical documents in hydrology. 20.)