Electronic, Ionic and Mixed Type Conductors in SOFC Ivers-Tiffée, E.; Herbstritt, D.; Müller, A. C.; Weber, A. 2000. Proceedings of the Materials week 2000 and 2001 (Werkstoffwoche), Werkstoff-Informationsges
Ceramic Materials for Fuel Cells and Sensors Ivers-Tiffée, E.; Weber, A.; Menesklou, W. 2000. Electrochemistry and the environment: a selection of papers from the 8th International Fischer Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 18 - 22, 2000. Ed.: U. Stimming, Pergamon
Modelling of a high active three dimensional interface for SOFC Ivers-Tiffée, E.; Herbstritt, D.; Krügel, A.; Weber, A. 2000. Proceedings of the Materials week 2000 and 2001 - CD 1: Papers, keynotes and plenaries of Materials Week 2000, International Congress on Advanced Materials, their Processes and Applications, 25 - 28 September 2000; 1 CD-Rom, Werkstoff-Informationsges
Deformation of surface nets for interactive segmentation of tomographic data Dössel, O.; Zerfass, P.; Sachse, F. B.; Werner, C. D. 2000. Beiträge zur gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Deutschen, der Österreichischen und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik e.V., 28. - 30. September 2000 in Lübeck, 483–484, Schiele und Schön
Rule Based Assignment of Myocardial Sheet Orientation Dössel, O.; Schulte, R.; Sachse, F. B.; Werner, C. D. 2000. Beiträge zur gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Deutschen, der Österreichischen und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik e.V., 28. - 30. September 2000 in Lübeck, 97–102, Schiele und Schön
Imaging properties of ’myocardial current imaging’ Dössel, O.; Katscher, U.; Köhler, T.; Fuchs, M.; Wischmann, H. A.; Wagner, M.; Drenckhahn, R.; Hoppe, W. 2000. Biomag 96, proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Biomagnetism. Ed.: C. J. Aine, 201–204, Springer-Verlag
Evaluation of effects of environmental policy instruments on energy systems Dreher, M.; Wietschel, M.; Rentz, O. 2000. Energy 2000 - the beginning of a new millennium. ENERGEX 2000 - proceedings of the 8th International Energy Forum, Las Vegas, July 23-28 2000. Ed.: P. Catania, 730–735, Technomic Publishing Co
Making Students Read and Review Code Zeller, A. 2000. Proceedings of the 5th Annual SIGCSE/SIGCUE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, July 11 - July 13, 2000, Helsinki, Finland. Ed.: D. Joyce, 89–92, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Software Reengineering Based on Concept Lattices Snelting, G. 2000. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering - Reengineering Week Zurich, University of Zurich, Switzerland, February 29 - March 3, 2000. Ed.: J. Ebert, 3–12, IEEE Computer Society
Simplifying Failure-Inducing Input Hildebrandt, R.; Zeller, A. 2000. Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT 2000 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 21 - 24, 2000. Ed.: M. J. Harrold, 135–145, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Rendite und Renditestruktur am Rentenmarkt Bühler, W.; Uhrig-Homburg, M. 2000. Geld-, Bank,- und Börsenwesen - Handbuch des Finanzsystems. Ed.: J. von Hagen, 298–337, Schäffer-Poeschel
Ein System zur hochgenauen polaren Fassadenvermessung Scherer, M.; Juretzko, M. 2000. Ingenieurvermessung 2000 - Beiträge / XIII. International Course on Engeneering Surveying. Hrsg.: K. Schnädelbach, 33, 400–405, Wittwer
A finite deformation anisotropic viscoplasticity theory Gomaa, S.; Sham, T.-L.; Krempl, E.; Böhlke, T. 2000. Plastic and viscoplastic response of materials and metal forming: proceedings of Plasticity ’00. The Eighth International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, Whistler, Canada. Ed.: A.S. Khan, 53–55, Neat Pr
Finite thermoplasticity based on isomorphisms Böhlke, T.; Bertram, A. 2000. Plastic and viscoplastic response of materials and metal forming: proceedings of Plasticity ’00. The Eighth International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, Whistler, Canada. Ed.: A.S. Khan, 12–13, Neat Pr
The evolution of Hooke’s law due to texture development in polycrystals Böhlke, T.; Bertram, A.; Krempl, E. 2000. Plastic and viscoplastic response of materials and metal forming: proceedings of Plasticity ’00. The Eighth International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, Whistler, Canada. Ed.: A.S. Khan, 14–16, Neat Pr
Design and simulation of heterogeneous embedded systems Mueller-Glaser, K. D.; Sax, E.; Stork, W.; Wagner, A.; Drescher, J.; Kuehl, M. 2000. Proceedings / 13th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 18-24 September 2000, Manaus, Brazil. Ed.: R. Reis, 385–390, IEEE Computer Society