Source apportionment modeling of OC and NMVOCS in the Berlin urban area Schneidemesser, E. von; Bonn, B.; Ehlers, C.; Gerwig, H.; Villalobos, A. M.; Klemp, D.; Kofahl, S.; Kura, J.; Lüdecke, A.; Pietsch, A.; Nothard, R.; Schäfer, K.; Schauer, J. J. 2016. Proceedings of Abstracts 10th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application. Milano, I, March 14-18, 2016. Ed.: P. Radice, 109, University of Hertfordshire
Source apportionment modeling of OC and NMVOCS in the Berlin urban area Schneidemesser, E. von; Bonn, B.; Ehlers, C.; Gerwig, H.; Villalobos, A. M.; Klemp, D.; Kofahl, S.; Kura, J.; Lüdecke, A.; Pietsch, A.; Nothard, R.; Schäfer, K.; Schauer, J. J. 2016. 10th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application (2016), Milan, Italy, March 14–18, 2016
Anti-MRSA activity of novel antimicrobial peptides identified from cow metagenome Oyama, L. B.; Girdwood, S. E.; Cookson, A.; Fernandez-Fuentes, N.; Prive, F.; Edwards, J. E.; Golyshin, P.; Golyshina, O.; Mikut, R.; Hilpert, K.; Hess, M.; Creeveyand, C.; Huws, S. A. 2016. New Antibacterial Discovery and Development : Gordon-Kenan Research Seminar, Lucca, I, March 12-13, 2016
Fuelling technology for DEMO, state of the art Ploeckl, B.; Day, C.; Frattolillo, A.; Igitkhanov, Y.; Lang, P. T.; Pegourie, B.; Zohm, H. 2016. 29th International Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2016), Prague, Czechia, September 5–9, 2016
Assessment of pumping requirements in DEMO reactor Igitkhanov, Y.; Day, C.; Lang, P. T.; Ploeckl, B. 2016. 22nd Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE 2016), Philadelphia, PA, August 22-25, 2016
Status and recent results of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz gyrotron prototype for ITER Gantenbein, G.; Avramidis, K.; Illy, S.; Jin, J.; Losert, M.; Pagonakis, I. G.; Rzesnicki, T.; Thumm, M.; Jelonnek, J.; Alberti, S.; Braunmueller, F.; Hogge, J. P.; Schlatter, C.; Tran, M. Q.; Chelis, J.; Vomvoridis, J. L.; Ioannidis, Z. C.; Latsas, G. P.; Tigelis, I. G.; Bruschi, A.; et al. 2016. 19th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (EC-19), Gandhinagar Gujarat, IND, April 4-7, 2016
Review on cosmic-ray radio detection Schröder, F. G. 2016. Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics : Vulcano Workshop 2016, Vulcano Island, I, May 22-28, 2016
Permittivity of bound water in swellable clay minerals Emmerich, K.; Kaden, H.; Königer, F.; Schuhmann, R.; Thissen, P. 2016. Workshop New Generation Sensors for Unsaturated Soils and Water technology. Bochum, February 24-25, 2016