Magnetic signatures of rock deformation Kontny, A.; Reznik, B.; Walter, M.; Fuchs, H.; Schilling, F. R. 2019, September 24. GeoMünster (2019), Münster, Germany, September 22–25, 2019
Supersymmetric Higgs Inflation at Colliders Hollik, W. G.; Li, C.; Moortgat-Pick, G.; Paasch, S. 2019, November. 13th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale" (2019), Hamburg, Germany, November 27, 2019
Host monitoring of quorum sensing during Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection Moura-Alves, P.; Puyskens, A.; Stinn, A.; Klemm, M.; Guhlich-Bornhof, U.; Dorhoi, A.; Furkert, J.; Kreuchwig, A.; Protze, J.; Lozza, L.; Pei, G.; Saikali, P.; Perdomo, C.; Mollenkopf, H. J.; Hurwitz, R.; Kirschhoefer, F.; Brenner-Weiss, G.; Weiner, J., 3rd; Oschkinat, H.; Kolbe, M.; et al. 2019. Science, 366 (6472, SI), Article no: eaaw1629. doi:10.1126/science.aaw1629
Unconventional Hund Metal in MnSi [Submitted] Chen, X.; Krivenko, I.; Stone, M. B.; Kolesnikov, A. I.; Wolf, T.; Reznik, D.; Bedell, K. S.; Lechermann, F.; Wilson, S. D. 2019. Nature physics
Reservoir Stress Path for Underground Gas Storage Niederhuber, T.; Müller, B.; Rudolph, T.; Schilling, F.; Schmitt, D. R. 2019, December. Fall Meeting (AGU 100 2019), San Francisco, CA, USA, December 9–13, 2019
Studies on Fe corrosion in brine systems Vozárová, N.; Finck, N.; Schild, D.; Geckeis, H.; Schelegel, M. 2019. Actinide Brine Chemistry in a Salt-Based Repository (ABC-Salt VI 2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 25–26, 2019