Small efficient microchannel systems for mobile and decentralised hydrogen production Pfeifer, P.; Haas-Santo, K.; Görke, O.; Thormann, J.; Schubert, K. 2006. Geo-Sibiria : 2nd Internat.Specialized Exhibition and Scientific Congress on Geodesy, Mapping, Geology, Geophysics, Cadaster, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 24-28, 2006 Proc.Vol.4 Novosibirsk : Sibirskaja Gosudarstvennaja Geodezicheskaja Akademija, 2006
Benchmark experiments to validate the nuclear data of tungsten Seidel, K.; Eichin, R.; Fischer, U.; Forrest, R. A.; Freiesleben, H.; Leichtle, D.; Negoita, C.; Unholzer, S. 2006. 7th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-7), Tokyo, J, May 22-27, 2005
Neutronics design and supporting experimental activities in the EU Batistoni, P.; Fischer, U.; Angelone, M.; Bem, P.; Kodeli, I.; Pereslavtsev, P.; Petrizzi, L.; Pillon, M.; Seidel, K.; Simakov, S. P.; Villari, R. 2006. 7th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-7), Tokyo, J, May 22-27, 2005
Interband pairing interaction in magnesium diboride probed by tunneling spectroscopy Schneider, R.; Geerk, J.; Zaitsev, A. G.; Heid, R.; Bohnen, K. P.; Löhneysen, H. von 2006. Vincenzini, P. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 5th Internat.Conf.’Science and Engineering of Novel Superconductors’ of the Forum on New Materials, Part of CIMTEC 2006; the 11th Internat.Ceramics Congress and 4th Forum on New Materials, Acireale, I, June 4-9, 2006 Uetikon-Zuerich : Trans Tech Publ., 2006 CD-ROM (Advances in Science and Technology ; 47)
Temperaturmessung in der Kryotechnik mit Faser-Bragg-Gittern Süßer, M.; RajiniKumar, R. 2006. Temperatur 2006 : Verfahren und Geräte in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik, Berlin, 16.-17.Mai 2006 Berlin : Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 2006
Microstructure devices for applications in thermal and chemical process engineering Brandner, J. J.; Anurjew, E.; Henning, T.; Schygulla, U.; Schubert, K. 2006. Geo-Sibiria : 2nd Internat.Specialized Exhibition and Scientific Congress on Geodesy, Mapping, Geology, Geophysics, Cadaster, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 24-28, 2006 Proc.Vol.4 Novosibirsk : Sibirskaja Gosudarstvennaja Geodezicheskaja Akademija, 2006
Micromechanical structuring of ceramic materials Gietzelt, T.; Eichhorn, L.; Schubert, K. 2006. Ceramic Cluster Workshop des Network of Excellence in Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M), Murnau, 22.-23.März 2006
Small efficient microchannel systems for mobile and decentralised hydrogen production Pfeifer, P.; Haas-Santo, K.; Görke, O.; Thormann, J.; Schubert, K. 2006. Geo-Sibiria : 2nd Internat.Specialized Exhibition and Scientific Congress on Geodesy, Mapping, Geology, Geophysics, Cadaster, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 24-28, 2006 Proc.Vol.4 Novosibirsk : Sibirskaja Gosudarstvennaja Geodezicheskaja Akademija, 2006, 292–301
Temperaturmessung in der Kryotechnik mit Faser-Bragg-Gittern Süßer, M.; RajiniKumar, R. 2006. Temperatur 2006 : Verfahren und Geräte in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik, Berlin, 16.-17.Mai 2006 Berlin : Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 2006, 11–17
Microstructure devices for applications in thermal and chemical process engineering Brandner, J. J.; Anurjew, E.; Henning, T.; Schygulla, U.; Schubert, K. 2006. Geo-Sibiria : 2nd Internat.Specialized Exhibition and Scientific Congress on Geodesy, Mapping, Geology, Geophysics, Cadaster, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 24-28, 2006 Proc.Vol.4 Novosibirsk : Sibirskaja Gosudarstvennaja Geodezicheskaja Akademija, 2006, 274–92
Breeding blanket design and systems integration for a helium-cooled lithium lead fusion power plant Li Puma, A.; Berton, J. L.; Branas, B.; Bühler, L.; Doncel, J.; Fischer, U.; Farabolini, W.; Giancali, L.; Maisonnier, D.; Pereslavtsev, P.; Raboin, S.; Salavy, J. F.; Sardain, P.; Szczepanski, J.; Ward, D. 2006. 7th Internat.Symp.on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-7), Tokyo, J, May 22-27, 2005
SIMMER model of a low-enriched uranium non-power reactor Wilhelm, D.; Biaut, G.; Tobita, Y. 2006. Technical Meeting on Severe Accident and Accident Management for Nuclear Power Plants, Tokyo, J, March 14-16, 2006 Proc.on CD-ROM
Expanding the operating space of ICRF on JET with a view to ITER JET EFDA Contributors; Lamalle, P. U.; Mantsinen, M. J.; Noterdaeme, J. M.; Alper, B.; Beaumont, P.; Bertalot, L.; Blackmann, T.; Bobkov, V. V.; Bonheure, G.; Brzozowski, J.; Castaldo, C.; Conroy, S.; Baar, M. de; La Luna, E. de; Vries, P. de; Durodie, F.; Ericsson, G.; Eriksson, L. G.; Gowers, C.; et al. 2006. Nuclear fusion, 46, 391–400. doi:10.1088/0029-5515/46/2/021
An 84 GHz, 500 kW, CW gyrotron Kartikeyan, M. V.; Borie, E.; Piosczyk, B.; Thumm, M. K. 2006. Wiesbeck, W. [Hrsg.] German Microwave Conf. (GeMIC 2006), Karlsruhe, March 28-30, 2006 Proc.on CD-ROM