Electronic structure and bonding properties of U6+ by high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and computations Ramanantoanina, H.; Neil, T.; Palina, N.; Schacherl, B.; Prüßmann, T.; Hauschild, D.; Steiniger, R.; Heske, C.; Weinhardt, L.; Haverkort, M.; Vitova, T. 2022, October 18. 5th/9th ATAS-AnXAS 2022 - International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy and Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources (2022), Grenoble, France, October 17–21, 2022
Radionuclide Research at the KIT Light Source Schacherl, B. 2022, October 20. 5th/9th ATAS-AnXAS 2022 - International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy and Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources (2022), Grenoble, France, October 17–21, 2022
Extreme multi-valence states in mixed actinide oxides U1-yMyO2±x Martin, P.; Fouquet-Métivier, P.; Medyk, L.; Epifano, E.; Lebreton, F.; Hunault, M. O. J. Y.; Solari, P. L.; Manara, D.; Scheinost, A. C.; Hennig, C.; Prieur, D.; Vitova, T.; Dardenne, K.; Prüßmann, T.; Rothe, J. 2022, October 18. 5th/9th ATAS-AnXAS 2022 - International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy and Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources (2022), Grenoble, France, October 17–21, 2022
Actinide bonding properties – stability relations probed by high resolution X-ray spectroscopy Vitova, T.; Schacherl, B.; Tagliavinic, M.; Popa, K.; Walter, O.; Maron, L.; Vollmer, C.; Palina, N.; Prüßmann, T.; Beck, A.; Neill, T.; Kaufmann, H.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Bagus, P.; Mazzanti, M.; Haverkort, L. M. 2022, October 18. 5th/9th ATAS-AnXAS 2022 - International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy and Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Facilities for Radioactive Materials at Synchrotron Light Sources (2022), Grenoble, France, October 17–21, 2022
Strategies and performance of the CMS silicon tracker alignment during LHC Run 2 CMS Collaboration; Ardila-Perez, L. E.; Balzer, M.; Barvich, T.; Bechtel, J.; Blank, T.; Brommer, S.; Burkart, M.; Butz E.; Caselle, M.; Caspart, R.; Chwalek, T.; Boer, W. de; Dierlamm, A.; Droll, A.; Morabit, K. E.; Faltermann, N.; Giffels, M.; Gosewisch, J.; Gottmann, A.; et al. 2022. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1037, Art.-Nr.: 166795. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2022.166795
A portrait of the Higgs boson by the CMS experiment ten years after the discovery CMS Collaboration; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J. W.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.; Damanakis, K.; Dragicevic, M.; Valle, A. E. Del; Hussain, P. S.; Jeitler, M.; Krammer, N.; Lechner, L.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Paulitsch, P.; Pitters, F. M.; Schieck, J.; Schöfbeck, R.; Schwarz, D.; et al. 2022. Nature, 607 (7917), 60–68. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04892-x
Carbon Nanotube Emitter Coupled in Hybrid Photonic Crystal Cavity Ovvyan, A. P.; Pyatkov, F.; Li, M.-K.; Gehring, H.; Beutel, F.; Kumar, S.; Krupke, R.; Pernice, W. H. P. 2022. S. Zouhdi (Ed.), The12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. Torremolinos, 19th-22nd July 2022, Hrsg.: S., Zouhdi, 1171 – 1172, META Conference
Magnetic spiral phases as skyrmion tracks, spin pumps, and helitronics Masell, J. 2022. S. Zouhdi (Ed.), The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2022), Torremolinos, 19th-22nd July , 2022, Hrsg.: S., Zouhdi, 398 – 399, META Conference
Self-Assembled Huygens’ Metasurfaces and Their Integration into Photovoltaic Devices Piechulla, P. M.; Slivina, E.; Bätzner, D.; Fernandez-Corbaton, I.; Dhawan, P.; Wehrspohn, R. B.; Sprafke, A. N.; Rockstuhl, C. 2022. S. Zouhdi (Ed.), The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Torremolinos, 19th-22nd July 2022, Hrsg.: S., Zouhdi, 504 – 505, META Conference
The total helicity of electromagnetic fields and matter Fernandez-Corbaton, I. 2022. S. Zouhdi (Ed.), The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Torremolinos (META 2022), 19th - 22nd July 2022, Hrsg.: S., Zouhdi, 375 – 376, META Conference
Detailed Annotations of Chest X-Rays via CT Projection for Report Understanding Seibold, C.; Reiß, S.; Sarfraz, S.; Fink, M. A.; Mayer, V.; Sellner, J.; Kim, M. S.; Maier-Hein, K. H.; Kleesiek, J.; Stiefelhagen, R. 2022. 33rd British Machine Vision Conference Proceedings, BMVC 2022, British Machine Vision Association, BMVA