The IWSLT 2019 Evaluation Campaign Niehues, J.; Cattoni, R.; Stüker, S.; Negri, M.; Turchi, M.; Salesky, E.; Sanabria, R.; Barrault, L.; Specia, L.; Federico, M. 2019. Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2019). doi:10.5281/zenodo.3525578
The IWSLT 2019 KIT Speech Translation System Pham, N.-Q.; Nguyen, T.-S.; Ha, T.-L.; Hussain, J.; Schneider, F.; Niehues, J.; Stüker, S.; Waibel, A. 2019. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2019), Hong Kong, November 2-3. Ed.: J. Niehues. doi:10.5281/zenodo.3525564
Bibliometric-Enhanced arXiv: A Data Set for Paper-Based and Citation-Based Tasks Saier, T.; Färber, M. 2019. 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval, BIR 2019 : Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR) co-located with the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019) Cologne, Germany, April 14th, 2019. Ed.: G. Cabanac, 14–26, RWTH Aachen
Present Status of KARA RF System Mochihashi, A. 2019. 23rd European Synchrotron Light Source RF Workshop (ESLS-RF 2019 2019), London, United Kingdom, October 24–25, 2019
Status of the CompactLight design study D’auria, G.; Gethmann, J.; Bernhard, A. 2019. FEL 19 : 39th International Free-Electron Laser Conference : Hamburg, Germany, 26-30 August 2019, Universität Hamburg, Main building : proceedings / European XFEL, DESY ; JACoW . Ed.: I. Andrian, 738–741, JACoW Publishing. doi:10.18429/JACoW-FEL2019-THP078
Diagnostics for the micro-bunching instability at KARA Kehrer, B.; Müller, A.-S.; Bründermann, E.; Steinmann, J.; Schuh, M.; Martin, M.; Patil, M. M.; Nasse, M.; Brosi, M.; Funkner, S. 2019, October. MT ARD ST3 Annual meeting (2019), Darmstadt, Germany, October 16–18, 2019
FLUTE and KARA at KIT Schuh, M. 2019, October. MT ARD ST3 Annual meeting (2019), Darmstadt, Germany, October 16–18, 2019
Systemativc studies of the microbunching and weak instability at short bunch lengths Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A. I.; Rota, L.; Brosi, M.; Blomley, E.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Caselle, M.; Gethmann, J.; Kehrer, B.; Kuske, P.; Papash, A.; Rota, L.; et al. 2019, September. ICFA mini-Workshop on "Mitigation of Coherent Beam Instabilities in particle accelerators" (MCBI 2019), Zermatt, Switzerland, September 23–27, 2019
Radiation Protection Interlock Systems at the KIT Synchrotron Hagelstein, M.; Bründermann, E.; Gies, A.; Kubat, R.; Mexner, W.; Müller, A.-S.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Wesolowski, P.; Zwernemann, O. 2019. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Radiation Safety at Synchrotron Radiation Sources, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden. 22-24 May 2019
KIT accelerator facility status report Schuh, M. 2019, November 28. 27th European Synchrotron Light Source (ESLS 2019 2019), Barcelona, Spain, November 27–29, 2019
Synchronous Studies of the Longitudinal Micro-Bunching Instability at KARA Brosi, M.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Funkner, S.; Kehrer, B.; Niehues, G.; Nasse, M. J.; Schreiber, P.; Steinmann, J. L.; Müller, A.-S. 2019, October. MT ARD ST3 Annual meeting (2019), Darmstadt, Germany, October 16–18, 2019
Radiation Safety at FLUTE with Special Emphasis on Activation Issues Wesolowski, P.; Böhm, A.; Bründermann, E.; Hagelstein, M.; Malygin, A.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A.-S.; Nasse, M. J.; Ruprecht, R.; Smale, N.; Schmelzer, T.; Schuh, M.; Zwernemann, O. 2019. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Radiation Safety at Synchrotron Radiation Sources, MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden, 22-24 May 2019 (Draft Proceedings v1.0.3), 106–110