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InCoPE-App: A Digital Solution to Train Individuals with Dementia. Usability Review based on Expert User Experiences Barisch-Fritz, B.; Bezold, J.; Barisch, M.; Scharpf, A.; Geissler, T.; Trautwein, S.; Krell-Rösch, J.; Woll, A. 2021. Barisch-Fritz, B., Bezold, J., Barisch, M., Scharpf, A., Geissler, T., Trautwein, S., Krell-Rösch, J., Woll, A. (2021). InCoPE-App: A Digital Solution to Train Individuals with Dementia. Usability Review based on Expert User Experiences. Congress Procededings of the World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport 2021 & International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport 2021. Vienna, Austria
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