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Buoyant convection in geophysical flows Plate, E. J.; Fedorovich, E.; Viegas, D.; Wyngaard, J. (Eds.) 1998. Dordrecht 1998. (NATO ASI series. Ser. C, Vol. 513.)
Numerical computation of turbulent flow in a meandering channel Van Thinh, N.; Eisenhauer, N.; Nestmann, F.; Lang, C. 1998. In: Proceedings. International Conference on European River Development, ICERD, Budapest, Hungary 1998. S. 201-208 und in: Abstracts. 13th U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Univ. of Florida 1998. S. MA3
Conditionally averaged turbulent structure in a stratified flow wind tunnel Michioku, K.; Plate, E. J.; Rau, M.; Kaiser, R.; Thaeter, J. 1998. In: Klimaanalyse für die Stadtplanung. 2nd Japanese-German Meeting "Toward Reconstruction in Kobe", Kobe 1997. S. 222-229. (Report of Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University. Special report no. 1, July 1998.)
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Eine temporale Logik der Prozesse. PhD dissertation Fuchss, T. 1998. Aachen 1998. (Berichte aus der Informatik.) Fak. f. Informatik, Diss. v. 23.6.1998., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
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