Measurement of the branching fraction of Λ + c→pω decay at Belle Belle Collaboration; Li, S. X.; Li, L. K.; Shen, C. P.; Adachi, I.; Aihara, H.; Al Said, S.; Asner, D. M.; Aushev, T.; Behera, P.; Belous, K.; Bennett, J.; Bessner, M.; Bhardwaj, V.; Bhuyan, B.; Bilka, T.; Biswal, J.; Bobrov, A.; Bodrov, D.; Borah, J.; et al. 2021. Physical review / D, 104 (7), Art.-Nr.: 072008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.104.072008
Machine Learning Activities at KIT for Accelerators Santamaria Garcia, A.; Boltz, T.; Bründermann, E.; Härer, B.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Sax, C.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S. 2021, February 3. 7th Annual MT Meeting (Part 1) (2021), Online, February 1–3, 2021
KALYPSO–Anultra-fast and versatile detector for wide range spectral measurements Patil, M. M.; Caselle, M.; Bründermann, E.; Dritschler, T.; Ebersoldt, A.; Funkner, S.; Kopmann, A.; Nasse, M.; Niehues, G.; Steffen, B.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.; Weber, M. 2021, February 3. 7th Annual MT Meeting (Part 1) (2021), Online, February 1–3, 2021
ARD-ST3 -Recent Highlights and Outlook Bründermann, E.; Schlarb, H.; Goslawski, P.; Evtushenko, P.; Forck, P. 2021, February 2. 7th Annual MT Meeting (Part 1) (2021), Online, February 1–3, 2021
KfB – digitalisation priorities Bründermann, E. 2021, January 19. Action Plan ErUM-Data Community Meeting (2021), Online, January 18–19, 2021
Analysis of research needs in nuclear decommissioning based on stakeholders point of views Chaudhry, M. J.; Müller, S.; Bohnstedt, A.; Gentes, S.; Georges, C.; Aldave De Las Heras, L.; Neri, E. G.; Banford, A.; Van Den Dungen, K. 2021. 15. Internationales Symposium Konditionierung radioaktiver Betriebs- und Stilllegungsabfälle (KONTEC 2021), Dresden, Germany, August 25–27, 2021
Assessment of nuclear decommissioning technologies using gap analysis Chaudhry, M. J.; Müller, S.; Bohnstedt, A.; Gentes, S.; Georges, C.; Aldave De Las Heras, L.; Neri, E. G.; Banford, A.; Van Den Dungen, K. 2021. International Conference on Decommissioning Challenges: Industrial Reality, Lessons learned and Prospects (DEM 2021), Avignon, France, September 13–15, 2021
Development of a novel tool for the automation of the contamination measurement Wernke, A.; Gentes, S. 2021. Interdisziplinäres Forschungssymposium für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung = Interdisciplinary research symposium On the safety of nuclear disposal practices (safeND 2021), Berlin, Germany, November 10–12, 2021
DDB-EDM to FaBiO: The Case of the German Digital Library Sack, H.; Tietz, T.; Dessı̀ D.; Oppenländer, J.; Tan, M. A. 2021. J. S. Oshani Seneviratne Lorena Etcheverry, Catia Pesquita (Ed.), Proceedings of the ISWC 2021 Posters, Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to Industrial Practice co-located with 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021) Hrsg.: Oshani Seneviratne, Juan Sequeda, Lorena Etcheverry, Catia Pesquita, RWTH Aachen
Modelling Archival Hierarchies in Practice: Key Aspects and Lessons Learned Sack, H.; Dessı̀ D.; Vafaie, M.; Bruns, O.; Pilz, N. 2021. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational History (HistoInformatics 2021) co-located with ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL 2021) Hrsg.: Yasunobu Sumikawa, Antoine Doucet, Eva Pfanzelter, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Gaël Dias, Ian Milligan, Adam Jatowt, Ryohei Ikejiri, RWTH Aachen
Technical design of the phase I Mu3e experiment Arndt, K.; Augustin, H.; Baesso, P.; Berger, N.; Berg, F.; Betancourt, C.; Bortoletto, D.; Bravar, A.; Briggl, K.; Bruch, D. vom; Buonaura, A.; Cadoux, F.; Chavez Barajas, C.; Chen, H.; Clark, K.; Cooke, P.; Corrodi, S.; Damyanova, A.; Demets, Y.; Dittmeier, S.; et al. 2021. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / A, 1014, Art. Nr.: 165679. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2021.165679
Urban Resilience Thinking. Dealing with Epistemic Uncertainty in Smart City Development Ufer, U.; Ottenburger, S. S. 2021. Proceedings of the REAL CORP 2021 - 26th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development, and Information Society, Wien, A, 07.-10.09.2021. Ed.: M. Schrenk, 1007–1013, Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning (CORP)
Ultra-fast line-camera KALYPSO for fs-laser based electron beam diagnostics Patil, M. M.; Caselle, M.; Niehues, G.; Bründermann, E.; Ebersoldt, A.; Funkner, S.; Kopmann, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Reißig, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Dritschler, T.; Chilingaryan, S. A.; Weber, M.; Müller, A.-S. 2021, September 30. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021
Latest developments in the split ring resonator experiment at FLUTE Nabinger, M.; Nasse, M.; Schmelzer, T.; Smale, N.; Schäfer, J.; Härer, B.; Niehues, G.; Funkner, S.; Bründermann, E.; Ruprecht, R.; Müller, A.-S.; Ischebeck, R.; Dehler, M.; Moser, M.; Schlott, V.; Ollmann, Z.; Hayati, M.; Feurer, T. 2021, October 1. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021
Towards Automatic Tuning and Control of Accelerators Xu, C.; Nasse, M. J.; Nabinger, M.; Santamaria Garcia, A.; Sax, C.; Bründermann, E.; Müller, A.-S. 2021, September 30. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021
Impedance studies of a corrugated pipe for KARA Maier, S.; Brosi, M.; Mochihashi, A.; Nasse, M. J.; Schwarz, M.; Müller, A.-S. 2021, September 30. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021
Experimental tests in KARA booster in favor of cSTART. Skip to end of metadata Khechen, D.; Blomley, E.; Bründermann, E.; Hoteit, H.; Mochihashi, A.; Niehues, G.; Ruprecht, R.; Schuh, M.; Steinmann, J.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S. 2021, October 1. 9th MT ARD ST3 meeting (2021), Online, September 29–October 1, 2021
Deductive Verification of Floating-Point Java Programs in KeY Abbasi, R.; Schiffl, J.; Darulova, E.; Ulbrich, M.; Ahrendt, W. 2021. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems : 27th International Conference, TACAS 2021, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2021, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, March 27 – April 1, 2021, Proceedings, Part II. Ed.: J. F. Groote, 242–261, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72013-1_13
White Paper on the Clean Energy Transition Gammal, A. el; Gladkykh, G.; Baumann, M.; Belsnes, M.; Vries, L. de; Ferraro, M.; Malerba, L.; Støa, P.; Tomasgaard, A.; Vingerhoets, P.; Zilli, R.; Fernández Vanoni, M. L. 2021. European Energy Research Alliance
Machine Learning Applications for Particle Accelerators Santamaria Garcia, A.; Bründermann, E.; Boltz, T.; Bruchon, N.; Xu, C.; Müller, A.-S. 2021, September 8. HeKKSaGOn (German-Japanese University Alliance) Data Science Workshop (2021), Online, September 7–8, 2021
Was ist normal? Experimentieren mit der Normalität Albiez, M.; Beecroft, R.; Fricke, A. 2021. 9. Großer Konvent der Schader-Stiftung "Normalität als Experiment" (2021), Darmstadt, Germany, October 29, 2021